Barb's big cock and what it can do to you #2

(Part 1 from 3)

The car drove for a very long time before it finally stopped. When the truck was opened she realized it was dark and she had no idea where she was. He grabbed her and turned her around! 

Mary started fighting until the man put a gun to her chest and told her he would kill her where she stood! She stopped fighting! She was pushed inside the cabin almost immediately but she knew she was in the woods and there was an old cabin! Most likely this was the same cabin Mary was taken too! She remembered it was out in no where! 

She could scream all she wanted but unless she was very, very lucky no one was going to hear her. She was becoming very scared as she felt hands on her breast while the other man tied her hands behind her and a hood over her head! When she got inside she could hear another voice other than Lee and Samuel’s. She realized it was more than the two men in the room were! It sounded like another men! That’s when she got really scared thinking it was one of Lee & Samuel’s other friend! She started to shake when the new man held a gun to the middle of her chest said: “You’re the bitch who got my friends put in jail! We’re going to pay you back for that bitch! 

But, we I want to see how you old white bitches can fuck!” He got right in her face and grabbed her by the throat and told her: “First, we’re going to all fuck you until we can’t fuck you no more! Then we’re going to fix your white ass so you won’t bother none of the other brothers!” He started squeezing her breasts as he talked to her. He had both of her breasts in his hands and told his friends: “Hey my brothers, fell these tities! They feel damn good for an old bitch! Better than those little young white girls we’re use too! How old are you baby?” Barbara told them she was 35. They laughed and squeezed and played with her breasts some more. 

Then one said: “I want to see what they look like w/o these fucking clothes on!” With that he grabbed Barb’s blouse with one hand right between her breasts and ripped it off of her. Parts of her blouse hung on her arms but her breasts were uncovered! She screamed and they laughed. They squeezed her breasts going over her bra. Finally, her bra was ripped off of her too and hands squeezed and pinched her naked breast hard! They pulled on the ends of her nipples hurting her. Her nipples were pulled until they hurt badly and she heard then say: “Mumm umm bitch! You have some nice tits! She cried out as they mauled her breast! Finally one of the guys said: “You know for an old bitch you ain’t ½ bad baby! We are going to enjoy you!” 

He was running his hands all over her body! She shook with discuss as she felt her body being grabbed and their hot bad breath on her neck and face. She yelled at them: “Get the fuck off of me you son of a bitch!” Barb pushed Lee with her shoulder trying to get his hands off of her body! He hit her in the stomach hard and then as she was doubling over in pain, the other man who she didn’t know, slapped her face so hard her head twisted and she fell down on her knees. 

He told her: “Stay down there bitch! If you get up I’ll knock you dumb ass back down. You better understand this baby you got no say here at all. You do what we tell you when we tell you or you’ll regret it! Understand?” She didn’t say anything. He grabbed her chin and lifted it up as he asked: “Do you fucking understand me bitch?”

 She yelled: “Yes I understand!” She stayed where she was, on her hands and knees. She eventually sat back on her legs. She could feel then walking around her laughing as they touched her head shoulders and breasts. She was in good shape after weeks at the gym and they noticed it. Lee’s brother Samuel said: “You look like you’re in pretty good shape baby! Been worken out for us brothers I’m betting!” They both laughed. Lee said: “OK Let’s get serious! Stand up bitch!” Barbara lifted herself hands behind her back were still tied. They offered no help! She stood proud in front of them. 

She couldn’t see who they were but she knew them! They were the two that hurt her friend Mary and one other guy! If she had a chance she wouldn’t let them do to her what they did to Mary! She would fight back some how! Lee moved in real close and whispered in Barb’s ear: “ You won’t like what I have planned for you tonight but I’m really going to enjoy fucking your tight ass. Have you ever had a cock in your ass babe? Well, before this night is over you are going to beg me to kill you!” 

Barb shuttered but not from what he said as much as it was how he said it! He was the worst just like Mary told her. The third man finally spoke and said: “ I’m Marvin and I want you to tell me if you want me to untie you baby? She told him: “Yes!” Samuel laughed and said: “Not just yet Marv I want to see all of her first. Now you hold real still baby and maybe we’ll untied you so you can fuck us better! But it don’t really matter you will be fucked!” Barb stood there not saying anything and not moving she waited to see what they were going to do. Lee lifted her arms up behind her higher until she was bending over again. Samuel pulled the button on her skirt undoing it. 

He then slowly unzipped her zipper so she could hear it going down the side of her hip. She didn’t resist as she felt the skirt fall to the floor down by her feet. She was now standing there in a ½ slip and the boys were laughing and saying: “Would you look at her Marvin and Lee. She does work out. Her stomach is flat as hell and her ass is nice and round. And, would you look at her nice legs!!” Lee laughed and told him: “She is going to be a real good fuck front and back!” Barb wanted to distract them whenever she could and so she said; "You MEN are so brave untie me and take this fucking blindfold off of me. Sam laughed and told her: “In due time princess, in due time. 

But first I want to see what’s under this here slip!” Marvin held her hands up this time bending her over again. Lee’s brother pulled the slip down her legs and over her shapely hips and ass. When he got it under her ass he just let it fall on top of the skirt. Barb was standing there with the hood over her head and her hands tied behind her in only her small white bikini panties. “Woo woo woo”, Lee said: “She is real good looking ain’t she Sam?” Sam told him: “Yea Lee she sure is! I’m going to really enjoy fucking this one! You want some of my cock baby! You like black cock? I’m betting you love black! With a body like that you were built for black cock! You know you might just have to be kept here and have some of the other brothers enjoy you! What’s you think Marv?” Marv laughed and said: “Well lets you and me and Lee get first crack at this bitch. 

When we get tired we’ll my uncle and my cousin and see if they want some of this prize pussy! Hell we might have to go but some food to keep her energy up for all of us!” They all laughed and began to rub her ass and pussy! Barb couldn’t help it she shuttered as she felt her body being grabbed and pulled and stroked. She especially remembered one of them putting their big hand down her panties and began to rub her slit and then her clit! Lee laughed when she squeezed her thighs together trying to get his hand off of her clit! She shuttered again. He said: “Why I believe I found her secret hiding place! Let’s see it!” he pulled the leg of her bikini panties away from her leg until it ripped! He let it fall down on top of the other clothes. Barb was now completely nude except for her knee socks and small heels and the hood. Marv took off her hood for the first time since she was shoved into the cabin. He was thinking: “Goddamn!! This white bitch is beautiful!!” 

She was blinking her eyes getting use to the light! Lee moved in and licked her face with his tongue as he cupped her full natural breasts in his big hands. He smiled at her grief and said: “You look good! A real fine baby! A real refine lady I’m betting from a real nice family! I bet your old man will pay us to get you back! I bet he would die if he knew 3 brothers were going to fuck his old lady with their big black dicks!” Barbara didn’t answer him, she just stood there trying to forget what their hands were doing to her. Lee was squeezing her breasts and Lee held her still while Marv lips moved to her nipples and started sucking them. 

When his teeth bit one hard, Barb cried out in pain! Lee said to her: “Now!! We can do this the nice and easy way and we all will be happy! He bent in and gently sucked on her nipples too as his hand wondered down her body until his fingers came into contact with her pussy again. She felt him probing her slit and locating her hole. He rubbed it and played with it until he got her pussy lips open and then he slowly and very gently slid his finger all the way up into her as she stood there. She moaned in discuss and tried to back up. When she did Sam was there with his cock out already! She felt it hit her ass and she stopped moving backwards. 

He told her: “Keep backing up bitch and you’ll get this cock in your ass before you’re ready for it.” Lee laughed with her hardening nipple in his mouth! He said: “You see if you cooperate it will be gentle and soft just like I bet you like it that way! But if you fight us, and I hope you do, it will be hard and nasty! Just like this!” He grabbed Barb’s tit so hard she almost bent over with pain. 

When he released it his big handprint was still there making her breast red and hurting! He then jammed his two fingers in her cunt and she yelled again in pain. As she tried to move backwards to get away from his hand. Samual grunted when she pushed against him. He grabbed her ass saying: “This bitch has one great ass for a white woman! And she keeps pushing against me, I think she wants my cock in her ass!” He had both hands on her ass squeezing it hard as his cock move under it! Barb felt his shaft up against the underside of her ass. 

She held her breath as she felt his cock close to both holes! He was good size. He held her that way as Marvin and Lee began to undress. Sam held her tits from behind now moving his arms under her arms. He reached around her and she felt his cock throbbing against her ass as he played with her tits and nipples. He had both her nipples sticking out a good ½ inch! They had played with her breasts a long time teasing her and stimulating her body while they tried to scare her brain! Barb stood there and said nothing! The other two men were almost undressed now. 

All they had left was their shorts and tennis shoes! She could see their bulges pushing against their shorts, especially Marvin , the new man! He said: “If I untie you will you take my shorts off and suck my cock baby?” Barb didn’t say anything she just gave him a look! He laughed and slid his short off. His cock was big! He was a little over semi-hard now and she was thinking he must be 8 inches already. It swung in front of her. She couldn’t resist she took a quick look and caught her breath as she saw it getting bigger with his excitement! Lee saw her look at Marv’s cock and he said: “You like my cousin Marv’s cock baby? You like what you see baby!” 

Sam pushed his cock against her harder and said: “And like what you feel baby?” Barb battled to stay in control of her fear but she was really sacred now with all three of the men completely naked. No one knew where she was and maybe no one even knew she was actually missing yet! It had been maybe 3 hours since she was pushed into her truck and driven to the cabin! She often went to the gym and wouldn’t get home until well after 7PM and that was about what time it was now, she was guessing. Finally Lee said: “Let move her over to the table so we can begin!” Barb didn’t understand for a minute until she was dragged under the arms by two of the men to the table. 

Then she was sure it was the table where Mary was fucked so hard on! She was starting to panic now. How was she going to stop this? Lee pushed her on the back of her head and back towards the table, And, after fighting as much as she could Marv and Lee forced her headfirst on to the table. She was taller than Mary was so her feet were still on the floor. She wondered about poor little Mary hanging off the table. Lee lay over her back forcing her stomach and hips into the table. 

Marv held her head down on the table with his hands around her neck in the back! As Marvin held her face and Lee said to her: “I think you’re really going to enjoy this, Barb, is it? Yes, Barb you’re going to love fucking us before the night is over!" She grunted at him. Sam licked her face and then moved to position his cock at her pussy slit from behind! She moaned when she felt his tick hard cock head spread her lips and move in about an inch. Sam held it there so she could fell its thickness and heat against her cunt! 

He said: “Is this the first black cock you have ever had baby?” She didn’t answer him! He slapped her ass hard. She still didn’t answer him, so he continued to slap her ass as hard as he could and Lee slapped her back until finally she cried out: “Yes!! Yes you son of a bitch!” He slapped the back of her head making it slid on the hard table, hurting her. Marvin laughed as he held her down. Lee asked her: “Are you ready bitch? Ready for my brother’s black cock to fuck you?” Barb closed her eyes and gritted her teeth! She knew she was dry between her legs and he was going to hurt when he pushed inside of her pussy! She waited and waited and the SOB didn’t move. He held her just like that, his cock at the door of her sweet white pussy maybe an inch inside it and her head pushed down on the table by his brother. 

Marv looked at Sam and asked: “What wrong Samuel?” Sam smiled and said: “Nothing man. I just have a better idea! One that will give us better fuckin from this bitch!” He laughed and pulled Barb up off the table! He dragged and ½ carried her over to the bed and pushed her down with her hand still tied in the back. Barb bounced a few times and then laid there nude while the three men looked at her. Sam licked his lips and grabbed her left leg. She tried to fight but Marv grabbed the other leg and she was helpless. As they held her legs she realized they were just too strong for her. 

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this is more a fantasy soon to come true. two girls who have dated and fell in love online finally meet but this is more the sex part then the love side to the relationship but there will be a part two enjoy...