Banging Danielle
Hank hadn’t realized that Jerome had noticed him watching that couple that night at the club.
“Hank. I saw that redhead in the club before and her husband is always there to watching her from a distance. He waits until a guy hits on her than follows them back home so he can watch.”
Jerome kept watching Hank’s facial expression and saw he was pushing the right buttons
“Hank. This is a great opportunity to spice up your sex life with your wife!”
Hank was listening.
“You could implement an interracial movie to help stimulate both of your sex lives. If you’re excited by seeing white women with black men, than a video will definitely turn you on and you can use the same source to see if Danielle is aroused when she watches the video.”
Jerome had Hank’s full attention.
“You should make comments about the move. You know, point out the size of the black man to her and maybe comment about the woman. Maybe you could find a way to relate your wife to the woman in the video. Be blunt! Ask her how she’d like having something that large inside her. See if it arouses her.”
Hank seemed to be satisfied with Jerome’s idea.
Hank left the office in total agreement with Jerome that morning. Jerome waited until after lunch and gave Danielle a call and said that she should implement his idea about the video that night.
Jerome went a step further and asked Danielle to meet him for lunch on Tuesday so she could brief him on what happened Monday night. Dam, if she didn’t accept his invitation!
Danielle had everything in place that evening. She was standing in the bathroom squirting her perfume between her breasts and adjusted the black teddy along her shoulders. She switched off the bathroom light and walked into the bedroom where Hank was waiting in bed for her.
“Honey. You look wonderful in that little outfit!”
Danielle walked along the bed and leaned over and kissed Hank as her tits spilled out of the tiny little black teddy.
“Wait for me while I put a video into the player.”
Danielle put on the player and television and got back into bed with her husband and kissed him. She snuggled up next to him as the picture came into view.
Hank’s arm was wrapped around Danielle’s shoulder and she had her hand resting on his thigh near his cock. A blonde was on the screen who resembled Danielle. Amazingly. Even her long blonde hair came down to her waist like Danielle’s. Her eyes were the exact same color as well and her measurements were about equal with Danielle’s.
The blonde was talking to her husband in a bedroom about meeting a black guy. The door opened and a tall handsome black man walked into their room. The black guy was wearing pants and a tee shirt and raised his arms to take off the tee shirt revealing his muscular chest.
Danielle noticed that he resembled Jerome even his face was similar. The guy took off his pants to reveal a huge thick black cock to the blonde wife on the bed. Danielle’s attention was driven to the size of his cock.
“Danielle. Look at the size of that dick! He’ll rip that poor little blonde wife in half with that thing.”
Danielle felt Hank’s dick getting stiff as she watched the video. They watched as the husband got out of bed and sat in a chair to watch the couple have sex.
“Honey. I think her husband likes to watch.”
Hank didn’t respond but his breathing got heavier as he watched the couple on the screen. Hank’s dick was throbbing as he watched the blonde take the huge black cock into her mouth. It was thick and Hank wondered if Jerome was that huge.
Danielle began stroking Hank’s cock. She hadn’t felt him get this stiff in months. They watched as the huge black man mounted the blonde and slowly drove his huge thick black cock inside her tiny white pussy.
Hank’s dick was rock solid hard and wet at the head. He was extremely excited as he watched that little blonde getting herself banged on the video. The camera panned toward the husband who was jerking off as he watched his wife get screwed.
Danielle kissed Hank on the lips. “Honey. I want you to fuck me now. I want to feel you inside me.”
Hank quickly got on his knees and positioned himself between Danielle’s legs and drove himself inside her wet pussy in one long push. Danielle quickly wrapped her legs around her husband’s ass feeling his stiff cock inside her for the first time in months.
“That’s it. Hank. fuck me hard. I want to feel you deep inside me.”
“God. You’re so wet. Watching that big black cock must have excited you?”
“Yes. It turned me on! Please fuck me hard.”
Danielle was wondering if Jerome was as large as the man in the video. Her pussy was so wet. She could feel herself ready to cum.
“Oh. God. Hank. Fuck me. Uh. God . . . I’m there! ...Shit.”
Hank could feel Danielle’s pussy grasping his cock. She was tight the way he liked it and very skilled with using her pussy muscles.
“That’s it. Pretend I’m that black man inside you right now. Do you want me to cum inside you?”
“Oh. God. Yes. You’re so hard. I want you to shoot it! I want you to cum inside me.”
Hank hadn’t been this stiff in a long time and wanted to shoot his cum into Danielle.
“That was a big cock, wasn’t it, baby?”
“Oh God. Yes. It was so huge.”
“Imagine it inside you at this moment. A big black potent cock.”
Hank could feel Danielle’s pussy tightening up again and knew he had to cum now. He could feel it inside his balls.
Hank kept pounding into Danielle’s pussy as hard as he could, causing her moan with each thrust until he finally hollered out.
“I’m going to cum!”
Danielle tightened her legs around her husband as she felt the first blast of cum entering her pussy. It caused her to have an orgasm at the same time. Hank’s body flexed a few more times than he turned over and laid down next to Danielle as he caught his breath.
Danielle and Hank’s questions had been answered thanks to Jerome neither of them new that Jerome was setting them up with their help. In Danielle’s mind, she knew that Jerome had been right about Hank.
Hank was laying their totally exhausted thinking about how much Danielle got aroused by watching the black guy on the screen. Hank was wondering if Jerome was built as largely as that man.
Jerome was anxiously waiting in his office the next morning hoping to get all the details from Hank. Hank walked in right on time.
“How is it going, Hank? How did everything work out last night?”
Hank sat down with a depressed expression on his face.
“Well. I think you were right about Danielle.”
“Hey. Did you two have wild hot sex last night?”
“Yeah. It was really hot!”
“Hey. That’s good! Why are you looking so depressed this morning? I think I got you both very stimulated.”
Jerome could still see Hank wasn’t feeling any better.
“Hank. I think this is a good thing for both of you. You got really aroused watching the video and your wife was hot in bed with you last night. Danielle must have got herself aroused watching the video and you have a fetish to watch white women with black men. I think you both should be happy.”
“I’m just worried about my wife.”
“Hank. You have nothing to worry about. You at least know now that your wife has a fantasy about black men. If Danielle likes what you like than that can’t be all wrong.”
“What if Danielle decides to go down to that club again and pick up a black guy?”
Jerome’s mind was thinking far ahead of Hank’s mind.
“Hank. I have an idea. Promise me you won’t punch me in the face when I mention this to you.”
“What is it?”
“Promise me right now that you won’t get mad at me for suggesting this.”
“Yeah. OK. I won’t get mad, now tell me what’s on your mind.”
“OK. Here’s the deal. Let’s just say that we have to presume that Danielle is interested in a black guy. What if she were to have an affair with somebody you knew rather than a complete stranger. Somebody that would treat her well and tell you everything that was going on and maybe even watch.”
“Jerome. Are you thinking of what I think your thinking, than you’re absolutely insane?”
“Hank. You got to listen to me. Think about it. What if she decides to roam than its going to be a jerk we don’t even know. Maybe a guy that is carrying a disease or something or what if he tries to hurt your wife?”
“Jerome. This is insane to even speak about it.”
“Hank. Tell me the truth. You really do have a fantasy to see your wife bang a black guy but you would never ask her to do such a thing so you relieve yourself by standing in that club and watch other wives and husband’s have all the fun.”
“Tell me what you have on your mind to make this all happen.”
Jerome couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He had Hank snagged so deep he swallowed the hook.
“OK. Let me talk to Danielle and see if I can make a date with her. I can’t promise you anything without your help and encouragement.”
“What? Encouragement? What exactly are you talking about?”
“Hank. You’re going to have to give me a little help. You know. Tell her to go out dancing and have fun! Things like that.”
Hank sat in deep thought about this whole crazy idea of Jerome’s. Maybe he shouldn’t have been as open about his feelings to Jerome but maybe he could help and wanted to at least see what Jerome could do.
“Hank. I’ll call you this evening as soon as I get something together.”
Jerome took a long lunch to meet with Danielle that afternoon. They met at a little seafood restaurant a couple blocks from Jerome’s office.
Danielle was waiting for Jerome when he arrived. She was dressed in a casual cotton summer dress but it looked as sexy as can be with red high heels. They sat down and ordered shrimp salad’s.
“Jerome. I think you were right about my husband.”
“Did he become extremely aroused watching that video?”
“Yes. He actually was able to get an erection for the first time in months and I should, thank you for it but what I’m I going to do?”
“Danielle. Let me think of something that may help.”
The waitress brought their lunch as Jerome put his plan into motion.
“Danielle. There is no doubt that you have a problem. It’s sort of sick having a husband who desires that his wife have an affair with another man.”
“I don’t know what I’m I going to do, Jerome. I don’t want to go out and find anyone. I love my husband very much.”
“I have an idea.”
Danielle was listening.
“I think your husband maybe one of those men that might have to be shocked.”
“I don’t understand”
“What if he were to follow you to a club this weekend and watch you in action with another man. In his case, Hank’s interest seems to be in seeing you with a black man.”
“Jerome. Tell me how I’m I going to accomplish this. I don’t want to see another man.”
“Listen. You and your friend, Macy could meet me and my roommate at the sam club this Friday and maybe you could tell your husband where your going that night and let him come out and watch us together.”
“Jerome. I can’t let Hank see you with me, what will he think?”
“That’s my point!”
“What do you mean?”
“I would seem to think that if your husband cares and loves you than he will put an end to it immediately and maybe you two can go back to having normal sex again. What do you think?”
“What if my husband doesn’t follow me to the club?”
“I think he will. Your just going to have to spell it out for him so he does.”
Danielle finished eating and finally agreed with Jerome’s idea. She mentioned that she would check to see if Macy could get away that evening. Jerome would make sure he called Lamont to make sure he got Macy to go back to their apartment that night. Jerome felt so proud of himself that he was able to pull this off this far and couldn’t wait until Friday night.
“Hey. Hank. This is Jerome.”
“Jerome. Tell me what you have planned.”
“I have everything planned for Friday night at the club. Danielle will be giving you hints about where she is going and all you have to do is play along.”
“You don’t want me to tell her I’m coming there?”
“All you have to do is play dumb but act like you’re interested in knowing where she’ll be ate in case you need to get a hold of her. Don’t forget to give her encouragement like I mentioned. I’ll see you at work in the morning.”
Hank couldn’t believe how fast Friday came. His stomach ached from being nervous all week and today was even worse. He looked at his watch and saw the time. Danielle would be leaving for the club with Macy in less than an hour.
Hank had confronted Jerome during the week and promised Hank that he wouldn’t try to bed Danielle. He said he would only test her to see how far she was willing to go with him. Hank was still upset. He knew that Jerome would problebly touch Danielle or even worse, they would kiss.
A few minutes later, Danielle walked out into the front room, she was wearing her new black dress which fit her as tight as a rubber glove. Hank could see every outline of her body. It was cut short, revealing her long shapely legs and cut low enough in the front to reveal a lot of cleavage.
Hank smelled the scent of Danielle’s perfume which got him hard instantly. She walked toward Hank and spun around so he could get a good look and his approval.
“Honey. What do you think of my new dress?”
“God. You’re beautiful. I feel so lucky.”
“Honey. Macy asked me to walk over a few minutes early. Do you have the address of the club I’ll be at if you need to get a hold of me?”
“Yeah. Sure Baby. I’ll call your cell phone if I have an emergency or something.”
Danielle gave Hank a little peck on the lips not wanting to smug her lipstick. Hank decided to give Jerome a call.
“Hey. This is Hank.”
“Hank. Did Danielle leave the house yet?”
“Yeah. Danielle left a couple of minutes ago. She should be at the club on time. Where should I hang out once I get there?”
“Maybe you should just hang out in the same area as you did before. Just look around for me when you get there but keep your distance.”
Hank waited until he saw Macy’s car back out of the driveway. Macy’s husband wasn’t even home yet. The house was dark. Hank looked at his watch and decided he’d leave right now. He arrived at the club and pulled into the parking lot and saw Macy’s car parked back in a corner. They had gone into the club already.
Hank walked past a group of black men standing around near the door and as he got inside his eyes had to adjust to the darkness before he could walk around. The place was already crowded and the music was playing and people were already dancing out on the floor.
Hank figured there must have been more than four hundred people in the club. It was a huge place and full of black men prowling around looking for a pickup. Hank saw the same redhead standing at the bar with her husband. Hank wondered why she wasn’t alone.
Hank ordered a drink and casually walked back and forth along the dance floor looking for Danielle and Macy and the guys.
“There he is. I see Hank on the other side of the dance floor.”
“See. I told you your husband would come here to watch you.”
“What do we do now?”
“Relax. Pretend he’s not here.”
Macy was involved in a conversation with Lamont and didn’t know anything about what Jerome and Danielle were doing.
“Danielle. Let’s go out and dance and maybe he’ll notice us.”
Hank kept pacing the floor several more times until he saw Jerome and Danielle on the dance floor. The song had a fast beat along with the next two and finally the DJ put something much slower on.
“He’s watching us now. I can see him starring this way.”
“Danielle. Try not to look his way and hold me tight.”
Danielle followed Jerome’s feet and kept dancing as she felt Jerome’s hands move down lower until his fingers were touching her ass.
Jerome gently began to move them further down Danielle’s ass until the palms of
his hands were fully on her cheeks.
“Danielle. Enjoy yourself and relax. I want your husband to get a good look at what I’m doing.”
Jerome began squeezing Danielle’s ass while they swayed to the music. Jerome began getting an erection and could feel his cock bulging out from his pants. He skillfully pulled Danielle’s ass toward his crotch until he knew her hips would touch the bulge. Danielle didn’t resist his moves and continued rotating her hips against Jerome.
Hank kept watching Danielle and Jerome dance. He couldn’t keep his eyes off Jerome’s hands that were busy on his wife’s ass at the moment. Finally. They were walking back to the table. Hank felt relieved.
Hank kept watching the table. A few minutes later Jerome was putting his hand on Danielle’s thigh. Danielle politely moved his hand away. That’s my girl! I knew she wouldn’t let Jerome go too far.
Hank had to pee really badly. He glanced out at the booth one more time and saw that everything looked normal and walked to the men’s room.
“Jerome. I don’t see my husband anywhere.”
“He’s out there somewhere. Maybe he moved around behind us or something.”
Jerome leaned over and kissed Danielle on the lips but she backed away.
“Danielle. Relax. Your husband’s problebly watching us at this very minute so relax and enjoy the moment.”
Jerome repeated with another kiss only this time Danielle didn’t back away. She began returning his kiss and slowly parted her lips to allow his tongue to enter her mouth. Danielle finally broke the kiss.
“Jerome. I can’t do this to my husband.”
“Danielle. Relax. This is what he wants to see, you have to trust me if you want it to do any good and follow along with me.”
Jerome ordered more drinks for everyone. He gently placed his hand back on Danielle’s thigh again only this time he didn’t meet any resistance. His fingers brushed her soft skin above her knee and he was dying to go further up her thigh and feel the soft flesh.
“Honey. It looks as if your friend is enjoying herself tonight.”
Macy and Lamont were locked in a heated embrace, their lips locked together and
tongues mingling.
“They might as well go to Lamont’s apartment if they keep going this way.”
Jerome had slowly moved his fingers along Danielle’s inner thigh now and up a few inches. Jerome was shocked when Danielle spread her thighs slightly giving him access to touch her pussy next.
Danielle turned her head slowly toward Jerome and allowed him to kiss her again only this time it was much more passionate as Jerome worked his fingers closer toward her pussy mound. Danielle had spread her legs slightly more, allowing Jerome to touch her there.
She knew she shouldn’t be doing this but Jerome had her aroused. Danielle’s mind drifted back to the video she watched with Hank that night and wondered if he were as large as that man in the video.
Jerome kept kissing her as she felt his fingers working there way past the thin material of her thong. Danielle broke the kiss again as she glanced out around the club trying to find her husband as Jerome reached her pussy lips and gently poked his finger into her slit causing her to squirm in her seat.
Danielle Finally saw her husband again. “Look. Jerome. There’s my husband. He’s watching us.”
Jerome wouldn’t budge as his finger probed around her pussy causing her body to squirm to his touch.
“Please. Jerome. Let’s go out and dance again.”
Danielle pulled his hand away from her crotch as she scooted out of the booth and took his hand and lead Jerome out onto the floor. She just couldn’t help herself any other way. If Jerome continued probing her pussy with his finger than she was afraid things would get out of hand.
The song playing was slow and Jerome looked around for Hank and saw that he was starring at them.
“Your husband is watching us right now. Put your arms around me and dance really close to me.”
Jerome immediately pulled Danielle into his arms and placed his hands on her ass and pushed her tightly into his crotch. Danielle was aroused and drunk enough that her body was beginning to respond to Jerome’s hands on her ass.
“That’s it. Baby. Keep moving your hips and feel it push against your pussy.”
Danielle’s eyes were closed as she felt Jerome’s fingers gently squeezing her cheeks. Jerome moved his head and gave her a long passionate kiss and knew Hank was watching them. He was getting off on having Hank watch him with his wife. It wouldn’t be long now that Danielle’s pussy was going to get a taste of his big cock.
Jerome was sure that she would want more once she got it the first time and he would be more than willing to keep her well satisfied with her needs.
Danielle’s head was spinning from the drinks she had and the combination of having her husband nearby watching was causing her to feel uncomfortable. When the music changed to something faster, Danielle asked Jerome to take her back to the table.
Macy and Lamont were standing next to the table waiting for them. Lamont gave
Jerome a wink that he was taking Macy back to their apartment which was his cue
to leave shortly afterward.
Danielle sat looking around for her husband as Macy and Lamont walked away.
“It looks as if our friends wanted to get somewhere a little more private together. What do you say we get going too in a few minutes?”
“Jerome. Will you drive me home?”
“Yes. Wait here for a second while I go and talk to someone.”
Danielle was drunk and Jerome knew she was still aroused and wanted to get her to his place fast. He found Hank standing near the bar.
“Hank. I’m going to be taking your wife home soon, so wait here and have another drink until I get her home.”
“Oh. Maybe I should hurry and get home before you do.”
“No. Hank. Look over there. It’s the redhead again talking to another black guy. Why don’t you keep an eye on them until they leave and than you can go home? Danielle should be home by that time waiting for you.”
Jerome patted Hank on the shoulder and bought him another drink as he walked back to Danielle and said that he was ready to leave.
Jerome helped Danielle to her feet and walked her quickly out of the club. Jerome drove quickly to his apartment and pulled into the parking lot.
“Jerome. This isn’t anywhere near my house.”
“Come on in for a minute. I want to check on Lamont before we leave.”
Danielle followed Jerome into the building and up the stairs and waited for Jerome to unlock the door. Once they entered, they found the place dark. Jerome took hold of Danielle’s hand and walked her back toward the bedroom where they saw a light coming from one of the rooms.
They could hear sounds coming from the bedroom and Jerome put his fingers to his lips indicating that Danielle should remain quiet. Jerome moved Danielle directly in front of him in the doorway so she could see what was going on.
Macy was straddling Lamont’s legs and Danielle started to back up but Jerome held her tight and whispered in her ear.
“That’s it, Lamont. I love your cock in me. It’s so big.”
Danielle knew they didn’t know they were being watched as she stood motionless in the doorway watching Macy and Lamont screwing in the bed. Danielle could see Lamont’s large black cock gliding in and out of Macy’s wet pussy. The thick black cock was wet from Macy’s pussy.
Jerome was still holding Danielle and felt her body as it began to relax as she watched the couple in the bedroom. Jerome slowly moved his hands up from her waist and held her large braless tits in his hands and pushed her body back against his hard cock.
Jerome whispered into Danielle’s ear. “Isn’t this really nice to watch?”
Daniel nodded her head affirmatively as Jerome squeezed her tits and held her back against his cock. Danielle had never felt so aroused as she pushed her ass back against Jerome’s body. She could feel Jerome’s massive cock at the crack of her ass now.
My aunt showed me her panties, I got hooked and had sex It was her plan Had sex with aunt with panties on... |
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