Being naughty for daddy 2
Note : This story is completely fictional!
It was a few weeks after I had treated daddy by letting him fuck my best friend Lilly that I decided to help Lilly with her problem.
You see Lilly and I have been best friends since high school, I guess you can call us too peas in a pod, the two of us think a lot alike on so many things, and there is one thing that Lilly and I are in one hundred pre cent agreements on, we both love our daddies.
It was right after I returned home from college that daddy and I started having sex. Mom had cut my father off in the bedroom years ago, and she had taking a female lover. My dad tried to cope with my mother’s betrayal as best he could, but he knew that he had not only been replaced in her bed, but he had been replaced in her hart as well.
Dad was able to fine love again when I moved back home. I have always been very close to both of my parents, but there was always something very special between my daddy and I, we both knew that nothing or no one could ever break the bond on pure love that was between us.
The night that dad was treated to Lilly’s sweet young body I learned of the frustration that Lilly had been living with. She told how she had envied my relationship with my dad every since the day that I told her that my father had taking me as his lover.
She told us just how she had always been in love with her father and that no matter what she did to try to get him into her bed that nothing had worked. As I watched daddy turn my best friend into a little slut whore, it dawned on me that all Lilly’s father needed was a little inspiration, if he could see what he was missing, that when I ran and got my video camera, and started filming.
Daddy and Lilly was nothing short of fantastic that night, and I had the tape to prove it. I called Lilly back over to the house a few days later, when I showed her the tape of her and daddy making love; she was thrilled to have the memory of that night caught on tape, but she was also sad with the knowledge that it was not her own beloved father that had made love to her that night.
I told Lilly not to be sad, that I wanted to help get her father into her pussy. I told her that I wanted to invite her father over for dinner, and somehow he would see the tape, and realizes that she was no longer his little girl, but a beautiful young woman, that was willing to give her father her body, and all the love that came with it. Lilly loved my idea.
I knew daddy would be more then willing to help out, he never could understand
why any man in his right mind would turn down a rare beauty like Lilly, no
matter if she was his daughter.
I had invited Joe Tuner over for drinks and dinner a few days later. Daddy told
me that he had known a Joe Tuner when he was in college, but was not sure if
this was the same person. I had made our house a home again for daddy and me. By
now my mom had moved in with her girlfriend, and was no longer apart of our
lives. I was sleeping with daddy full time now.
Lilly and Joe were due to arrive at anytime. As I waited for our guest to arrive
I started thinking about the first time that I met Joe Tuner.
The fact that Lilly wanted her dad as a lover came as no big shock to me; the first time I laid eyes on the man I wanted to fuck him. Joe Tuner is a tall very handsome black man, with deep set dark eyes, and salt and pepper hair. He has smooth light brown skin, with a killer smile. He stands about six foot- five or six, and has a well tone body. From the looks of him I would guess that he has an eight to nine inch pleasure tool to work with. As much as I wanted this night to be about Lilly and her father connecting, still there was apart of me that wanted to feel Joe Tuner’s big tool inside me too.
The doorbell ringing snapped me out of my haze, as I ran to answer the door. But, first taking a quick look in the hallway mirror to see if everything was were it should be. Daddy was right, I looked so hot, and yes I was ready to fuck. I opened the door and there stood Lilly and her gorgeous dad.
“Lilly, Mr. Tuner, please come in. “I said as I watched Lilly and her father walked by. As Mr. Tuner turned to face me I could not help noticing the big bugle that was in his pants.
“Would you like a drink, Mr. Turner? I asked as I took a deep breath, and tried
to compose myself.
“Yes, I think I’ll a scotch and soda please sweetheart, oh and please call me JT.” He said in a very deep sexy manly voice.
“Well I’ll be a son of a bitch, Joe Tomas Turner, how are you man?” I heard daddy yell.
“Harper, Leland Harper, my god is it really you?” JT said as a look of shock over took his face
It was indeed a surprise to Lilly and I to know that our father knew each other. As we sat around over drinks our fathers told us about their wild college’s days. They had attended North Western University, and lived only a few doors down from each other. JT and daddy recalled their parting days and all the good pussy that use to come their way.
I did notices that when the subject turned to sex that JT seemed a bit on edge. I could see now why Lily had so much trouble communicating her sexual needs to her dad. I decided that the men needed some time alone to talk, so I asked Lilly if she would come help me with dinner.
“Do you see what I mean, my dad is nothing like yours, and he is so uptight when it comes to sex, just like I did not already know that he was getting laid every night when he was back in collage.” Lilly said as I checked on our dinner.
I could see how upsetting this was for Lilly, the need to love her father, and to have sex with him was great. She told me that she had not been fucked since that night with daddy and me, and that was nearly a month ago.
I felt so sorry for my good friend, her tear stained face looked as beautiful as I took her in my arms. Now I would be lying if I said that I have never imagined being with Lilly. From the first day we met I have dreamed of Lilly’s sweet tight body on top of mines, and how we would do things to each other, things that if it were anyone other then the sweet girl that I was holding in my arms would go unsaid.
However, there I was standing in my kitchen with Lilly in my arms. Suddenly
Lilly looked up at me, our eyes locked in a passionate embrace. Our eyes seem to
have the words that our mouths could never speak. Our lips met in our first
kiss, at that moment there was no one else in the world that mattered to me more
then Lilly, including daddy.
There was no way I could stop myself, nor did I want to. Pushing her back onto the kitchen table and hiking up the black wrap around skirt that Lilly was wearing, as I tore away the dark blue thong she was wearing.
I nearly lost my mind as Lilly wrapped her long beautiful legs around my neck, forcing me face down into the sweetest piece of pussy that God ever put on this earth.
It was the first time that I ate another woman’s pussy, but I knew that it would not be the last. At that moment I think I understood my mother, and some of the decisions that she had made. I knew that I would never leave daddy’s bed, but there was something powerful and very real about being with another woman, and in those few precious moments the only thing I wanted was to love Lilly.
I endlessly played with her clit and sucked up her sweet juice. Lilly had discarded her blouse and was lost in playing with her tits. The taste and smell of her skin had become the thing I crave; the evening had suddenly changed from getting Lilly in bed with her father, to getting her into my bed.
‘Ohhhhhh, that feels so good.” I heard Lilly moan, as I shoved two fingers between her tight wet pussy lips.
Lilly started moan and buck under me as I started to fuck her. God her pussy was so tight, as beautiful as she was, Lilly had very limit experience when it came to sex. Other then her high school boyfriend, daddy had been the only man she had been with.
“Let’s go up to your bedroom.” I heard her breathlessly say, as I shoved deeper inside her tight wet pussy, while biting down on her sweet little clit.
“What about your dad?’ I asked between licks.
“I don’t care about that right now; I just want to be with you Chris.”
I was not going to fight her on this. I pulled her up from off the table, and we ran up the back stairs to my old bedroom. Ones behind close doors, it was Lilly’s turn to let lose.
It was Lilly who took control when she tore off the rest of my cloths, and pushed me onto my bed. I was surprise by the sudden change in Lilly; I have always known that she had a wild streak in her, and it seemed like I had given her permission just to let go
Lilly’s naked body slid between my open legs, Lilly laid her body on top of mine. The sexual electricity between us was nearly unbearable as Lilly and I found pleasure in each other. Lilly began to explore my body, her soft tiny hands caressed every inch of my skin, as she gently kissed her way down my body. Spreading my legs and opening my pussy lips, Lilly went to work on my pussy. Se licked and sucked my hole nearly dry. Then she treated me to the best finger fuck ever. Our pussies dripping wet with desire, we made love for close to an hour, when we heard a knock at the door.
“Chris honey, are you in there?” I heard daddy say though the door.
“Yes dad we are in here, we’ll be right out.” I yelled back.
In silence we gathered our cloths and got dressed. We could not take our eyes
off each other; we reached for the door knob at the same time, thereby touching
each others hand. Lilly and I shared one more kiss before joining our fathers.
When Lilly and I walked into the living room it was clear that our fathers had had a good talk. Lilly and I were on edge hoping that what had gone on between us could stay between us. I could not take my eyes off Lilly, nor could I stop thinking her sweet tasting pussy, or the feel of her soft smooth tan skin.
“Well babe what were the two of you doing up there?” daddy asked.
I had the feeling that daddy already knew the answer. “Well daddy, you see Lilly and I were, well we were….fucking?’ I heard JT say.
The statement shocked and got Lilly and I off guard, daddy and
TJ looked at each other as if they knew the truth. It was all Lilly and I could
do to keep it together.
“I saw the video Lilly, you were magnificent my darling girl.” JT said as he took a long slow ship on his drink.
From the look in his eyes I could tell that there had been a change in JT’s feelings. “I have to tell you baby when I first saw you and Leland making love I was really angry, the thought of any man getting into my little girl’s pussy just burns me up.”
“Yes your father wanted to take my head off when he realized what he was watching.”
“Daddy are you alright?”
“Oh yes Chris I’m find babe, I guess I should not be too surprise that you didn’t hear us, you two seemed to have been engaged in other matters.” daddy said.
The glee in my eyes and my shy smile gave us away. JT and Lilly was standing by the bar, and they were having the talk that Lilly had long for, for years.
“Father I’m So sorry you’re so mad at me and Mr. Harper, but just so you’ll know
when I was making love to Mr. Harper, I was thinking of
you the whole time. I love you so much father, the only thing I want is to
please you.”
“Yes, I know baby, but you’re my daughter and up until the night I always thought something was wrong with me, but Harper has turned me around and has set me straight on a few thing.”
“Father, what do you mean?” Lilly asked as JT took his daughter’s small hand in his and led her over to the sofa.
“Well sweetheart, up until tonight I always thought it was wrong to have certain thoughts and feelings about you. I have had thoughts about being with you Lilly, making love to you.” JT said softly.
“Oh father why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because sugar I didn’t want to scare you. You were so young when I first
started thinking about you in that way.”
“How old was I?” Lilly asked.
“You were no more then sixteen, maybe 18 years old. I used to come into your room and watch you sleep, and the only thing I wanted to do to was to crawl into your bed and make love to my little girl. Baby you’re so beautiful, I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t know how to stop wanting you.” JT said as one single tear rolled down his face.
“But father I am almost twenty-one, and you have had to have known how much I wanted you, so why didn’t you come to me and tell me what you were feeling?”
“I know honey, but its like I said, I didn’t want to scare you off, I didn’t want you to think of me as some kind of monster, who just wanted to get in your pussy.”
“Oh father, I could never think of you like that, I love you too much to ever think of you except as the best daddy in the world.” Lilly said as she whipped the tear from his face.
Pulling her in close JT began to explore the lovely daughter that he has wanted for so long. Daddy made us drinks‘, and we curled up on the love seat to enjoy the show that JT and Lilly was about to put on for us.
Slowly JT starts to undress his Lilly. Without hesitation he removed the black skirt and blouse she was wearing. You could almost see the breath leave his body, as he got his first look at his lovely daughter’s naked body.
“My God you’re so beautiful.” he said as he watched Lilly remove her bra and panties.
“Are you sure you want to do this, it’s not too late to change your mind?” JT said as he softly stroked her chin.
“No father, I don’t want to change my mind, I know you want me, just as I have wanted you all these years. Please father make love to me.”
Standing there looking so young and beautiful how could he refuses her. “Please help me get undress.” JT said as he lightly kissed her forehead.
The touch of her small delicate hands as she unbuttoned his shirt told him that she would be like no other lover that he has ever known. Thanks to Leland all questions about what he was about to do was gone. Leland was right when he said that it was JT’s duty to love his daughter in everyway, and that it was his right as Lilly’s father to take her to his bed and teach how to be a good wife.
His fingertips caressed her soft tan skin. Looking into her beautiful dark eyes,
they told him how much she loved and wanted him. Scooping up her up in his arms,
her body felt so tight as he lowered her onto the sofa. Watching as JT’s pants
hit the floor, the sight of his long beautiful black curvy cock send cold chills
down my span. There is nothing better then a well hung black man.
Lying on top of her as their naked bodies came together, father and daughter
shared their first kiss, and at this point there was no going back. His
fingertips cascades down her long trim body, Lilly’s moans of passion filled the
room as JT reached down, and spreads her legs open. Kissing his way down her
body until he found what he was looking for.
His daughter’s pussy, the pussy that he had dreamed about, and had craved for years for, was now right there in front of him, just waiting to be taking.
“Are you ready sweetheart?”
“Yes father, I’m ready,” Lilly said as she took a deep breath.
Kissing her forehead lightly JT found the opening of her young tight hole. With one hard push forward JT broke through the gates to paradise. Once inside her there was no holding back, the erotic love that he had felt for her all those years seemed to have spring forth, like a cool well of water on a hot summers day.
Lilly screams and squeals of delight eco thought the house. Fucking Lilly was about more then sex for JT, it was the pure expression of a father’s love for a daughter. JT entered her with full force, their bodies becoming one with every stroke.
Wrapping her legs around her father’s wrist Lilly seem to hang on for dear life, as JT pounds her pussy into submission. Lilly savored the feeling of JT’s dick as it coursed in and out of her pussy.
“Do you want me to stop?” a breathless JT would ask.
“Oh no father, please don’t stop, don’t ever stop.” she screamed.
Daddy and I watched as JT took his sweet young daughter as his lover. It was cleat that both JT and Lilly were very happy with the way things had turned out.
Wife meets husband at his job for a little dessert and screw in the first aid room... |
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