Apartment Slavery

(Part 2 from 2)

“No Mz. I won’t.” How could she tell I was lying?” She dropped to her knees in the tub, holding my cock with one hand; then stroking it with the other like you would a cat. She actually seemed to be examining my genitals, lifting and squeezing my balls. She began frigging me slowly at first; watching as it hardened and then pushed back my foreskin. I moaned and then gasped as she kissed and licked my knob and then swallowed the entire shaft. Her eyes were closed now as she just held it there while fondling my balls. I don’t know how she could breathe; then suddenly she pulled back and began frigging my shaft faster while holding my knob in her mouth circling it with her tongue. I groaned loudly and exploded in her mouth as she continued to fondle my balls and suck hard on my knob while noisily gulping down my load.

“Ah good…” she licked her lips and kissed my knob, then sucked hard while stroking the shaft; “that was you first blowjob, right” I nodded watching her as he licked her lips and wiped her teeth with her tongue while making several contented swallowing motion. “That was one of your fringe benefits, George. You like being a slave now”
“I…I, well I guess so; I didn’t really believe that people actually did…these things.” She rose again and I began to soap her back slowly rubbing the soap on and then spreading it down over her generous ass cheeks.
“Your wife was the only woman you ever had sex with of course.” I nodded while soaping her neck, shoulders and arms before tackling those perfect and surprisingly firm breasts.

“Missionary style I supposed and not very often?”
“Well yes I mean no,” I was in another world while my hands groped her shapely flesh; “less after the children were born and then nearly nothing after so many years.”
“She thought sex was disgusting right, and you jerked off in the bathroom.” I nodded, for some strange reason not feeling embarrassed at all, making that intimate confession; it was no use lying to this woman.
“How often?”
“Once maybe twice a day,” I was baring my soul to this woman as if we were talking about the weather.
“Are you sure it wasn’t more?” she stared straight into my eyes.
“Well…well maybe three or four times on a weekend or if she was away visiting relatives.”
“Not five or six,” she stared again.
“Could be, I’ve done that I guess; alright one time when I got crazy horny, eight times in a day.”
“Hm, good sperm production; got a computer for porn?”
“I don’t know anything about computers.”
“So what do you do, buy playboy?”
“No Mz. I use my imagination. You can do it to any woman you want that way.” I finished even her anus and vagina after some prodding. Then while she got down to rinse I spread a towel on the floor and she ordered me to support her as she stepped out. That was a slaves duty she said; I was almost sorry to take that glistening shine of her beautiful curves as I began to dry her.
“What do you think about my body George?”
“Wow… you are a goddess Mz. A brick shit house, as we use to say.”
“You like washing me this body?”
“I…I yes you’ve got an unbelievable shape.”
“So I suppose you wonder why I’m not married at twenty-eight.”
“Nope… I mean not because you are not beautiful. “
“Ah…you mean my bitchy personality. You are right there, but it’s
also because of my four foot eleven. What are you five- ten?”
“And a half.”

“Everybody wants to fuck me or getting blow jobs but that’s where it ends; they want to marry long legged skinny models not chubby midgets”
“You’re not chubby; you’re a shapely hourglass goddess, and you’re supposed to say little people now, I have a cousin who is and she says four foot ten is the cut off.”
“Well just the same I get called midget a lot, mostly behind my back. There, I’m dry now, lead me to the bedroom. Like this.” She put my right hand on her right arm and my left on her left shoulder. You will refer to me as mistress or madam from now on as long as we are alone,
“Yes mistress,” we reached the bedroom where she stopped in front of the bed.
“Do I have to tell you to pull back the covers?”

“Sorry mistress,” I pulled them back and fluffed the pillow and then stood back. She gave me an angry stare and I held her shoulders leaning her down and then lifted her legs up as she stretched out. I took a deep breath drinking in her naked form before tucking her in.
“Disrobe slave.”
“Yes mistress,” I removed my robe and hung it on a chair waiting.

“Remove my covers,” I eagerly obeyed, “take my legs and swing me around so my cunt is near the edge. Now lift my legs and spread them wide. You have never seen a live cunt up close, have you George?” I shook my head. “Get on your knees and have a good look. I got down and stared at that most sacred female temple while gasping for air. She pointed to the various parts naming them, spreading the inner lips with her fingers exposing that magic entrance. “Have a closer look,” I moved in and was going to tell her that I couldn’t focus that close without my reading glasses. Then suddenly her thighs locked around my head and her heels mashed my face into her warm moist cunt.

I licked gingerly as she moved my head and her pelvis to where she wanted my tongue. I was surprised there were no unpleasant fishy smell, as some of my buddies had joked about over the years; just a tangy but not unpleasant taste. Her gasps and groans soon taught me where her most sensitive spots were, as her lower body performed unbelievable gyrations and those soft fleshy thighs opened and closed spasmodically on my head. Finally she gasped loudly several times and then pushed my head away.

“I’m done; get up!” I tucked her in and put on my robe. “That was a performance bonus; you’ve earned it tonight. I leave for work at eight.

Wake me at seven. I will put on my makeup while you make and serve my breakfast with whatever you have. You will then dress me.
“Mistress, are we going to have regular sex too?”
“We’re not in a so called…relationship” she made the quotation signs with her fingers. “There’ll never be anything personal or remotely intimate between us; you’re my slave and I’ll order you to perform what ever type of sex act suits me at that moment. You’ll make no suggestions; ask no questions but obey and perform without reservation, is that clearly understood?”
“Yes Mistress, I’m very sorry.”
“Good, you’re dismissed, until seven AM.”
“Yes Mistress, goodnight.”

“There’s no need for pleasantries; I said dismissed, so you just bow and get you ass out of here!” She waved me off; I did just that and headed for my apartment, with a spring in my steps feeling not at all humiliated. I would have prostrated and kissed her feet if she’d asked.
I woke her at seven on the dot, whispering mistress and then carefully touched her shoulder. I got a grumpy, “I heard, what’s for breakfast!”

“Eggs any way you want toast, jam, coffee, cereal.” I already had her robe on my arm and held it as she got up and stretched arms above her head, then after rubbing those beautiful knockers let me fit the robe on her. I took a deep breath drinking in her curvy flesh before reluctantly covering up her luscious body, closing the robe over those beautiful proud breasts before tying the belt. She never made eye contact while being dressed.

“I’ll have Toast and coffee this morning,” she then pointed in the closed at what she wanted to wear. “You will learn to choose my apparel after a week or so; that’s something else I don’t want to think about. My underwear should be a buzz for a pervert.” I thought maybe that
statement was tongue in cheek but with her who knew? She then headed for the bathroom, while I certainly got a buzz, fingering those sexy under things. I already had the coffee on so I did her bed, assuming that was my responsibility now and then laid out her clothing neatly on the covers, especially the undies.

In the kitchen I placed two slices in the toaster without turning it on. “George,” she called, I entered the bathroom, “bring my undies in here you can fit them on me while I’m doing my hair. I brought the items she wanted and got on my knees starting with her panties. That done, I
removed her robe and tackled the more difficult task of fitting her breasts into their cups; I was getting a boner while fitting each in, shaking them a little to make them comfortable. I hasped the back and pulled the straps here and there to make sure everything was comfy. She
heaved and twisted her chest; “that was satisfactory George, you’ll get better.”
“Thank you mistress I’m relieved you are satisfied.”
“Well not quite, where’s my pantyhose?” I headed for the bedroom and found a pair.” It took quite a while to fit those tricky items on her sculptured legs and ass; after which I dressed her in the robe again.

I’ll have my toast now; you can finish dressing me later.
She worked on the laptop while eating and printed out several page. “There are three pages of instructions for you to read after I leave. Get my purse!” I handed it to her and she picked out a Bank Card.

“The pin is written on that little piece of paper, memorise and destroy it. You will use it for shopping; I have printed out a list of what I like to eat. You will keep it separate from your own purchases; we will not eat together…slave!”
“You really trust me with your bank account?”
“I wouldn’t fuck’n well give it to you, if I didn’t George. Now go wash that boner you had all morning with cold water; you’ve earned a bonus point but I want you back here soft. I hurried back trying my best to keep it soft and stood next to her while she typed away. “Drop your pants and in the future your morning and evening after eight PM garb will be a robe and nothing else.” I obeyed in a quick hurry as she reached for my balls while still watching the screen, typing with one hand. She fondled my bag for a while and then grasped my cock frigging it to a hard rod. As my moans became gasps she turned the laptop off and closing the lid. She then swallow my knob while frigging the shaft and fondling my balls, resulting in a nearly instant eruption. I groaned with satisfaction as she greedily swallowed and sucked on my knob devouring every drop; then licking her lips she tongued and sucked her teeth as before. “That should hold you for a while, by the way, as my slave…jerking off is forbidden. Bring my clothes to the bathroom while I brush my teeth and finish my makeup.”

I dressed her and went back to find the shoes she wanted to wear. She was disconnecting the printer and packing the laptop in its case while I was on my knees fitting her shoes, telling me that in the future that was my job a well.

“You’ll have my supper ready at six-fifteen sharp…slave. Make sure you read the three pages of instructions during the day.” She then left without saying a word.

I cleaned up and brought the pages to my own apartment. My place had a small ten by ten room with windows on three sides, the top part of a tower in these old houses. There were just room for my lazy-boy, a bookshelf and a floor lamp. I settled in to study my orders. The first
page was a list of food she liked and how it should be prepared. I was to buy whatever groceries necessary and then just choose a meal from the list myself. The second was a schedule of estimated laundry days and instruction as to the different materials; some to be hand washed and some air dried; how often the bedding should be changed; how often the floors should be washed, the bathroom cleaned etc. The list went on and on, this woman was an organizational freak.

The third page was a surprise: I was to go to the library and borrow two books on the art of the sensual massage; she had included the tittles and authors. I was to study the books and apply what I learned.

Closing my eyes I tried to get my head around a surreal situation; I was now also to be a masseuse in addition to my servant and sex-slave status to a beautiful young woman.

My cock began to rise just thinking about those fringe benefits, she was using me like a lap dog doing tricks for a bone. Then her command not to masturbate flashed in to my mind; she would read me like a book. I was being used in return for sex but who benefited the most? I was getting laid, sort of and with a woman less than half my age, a brick shit house at that.

I opened my eyes and scanned the park across the road; people walking their dogs; children playing; the roar of an unseen truck shifting gears. My erection subsided and I got out of that comfortable chair to get busy earning my benefits and bonus points.

To be continued...

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