Angelica: Wedding Night

(Part 1 from 1)

I drummed my fingers on my desk. Then I giggled. It sounds strange to giggle as a semi-muscular man, but I couldn't help it. I had a scratch that. I had a fiancee. That was one reason why I was giggling.

But then again the nature of my girlfriend...fiancee (still a bit hard to believe, I know) is another reason why I'm so giddy. Being in the same room with her has the way to thin the air...and quicken the blood, cause the heart to beat faster, breath to catch and eyes to glue to the area below the neck but above the bellybutton.

I'm rambling. Sorry.

It's just all so strange and incredible. Something you'd think would come out of a degenerate-twelve-year-old's imagination. But, because this has actually happened to me...I'll have to start at the beginning to make any sense of it. But, on closer examination, the beginning from my point of view makes a lot less sense...

So I will go to before the beginning, to the beginning of HER side of the story. And that will, hopefully, clear things up...

It all started...on Cloud Five.

Cloud Two, as the other angelic beings called it, was a rather dumpy place. Its 'fluff' was squished, making it appear like a pancake and it was settled right between two major trans-Atlantic flight paths, meaning airplanes roared by once every few hours, much to the annoyance of the elderly couple who had 'retired' there. And so they sold it, wanting to move back to the land of the living. Reincarnation was the most popular way of doing that, although if you spent some extra money you could get there as a ghost or a shade.

So this couple sold their cloud on the open market, and then bought tickets to the Reincarnation lobby. A year later they were born as Gloria Dobson and Issac Kliner, and lived normal, boring lives. Then, ironically, they died and were cycled back to the same cloud they had been living on in their past afterlife. But in the intervening time a angle lived on the Cloud. Her name was Angelica, quite uncreative of her parents actually.

Now Angelica, by her own description, was not exactly angle. For one thing she liked Cloud Two because it was small and shabby, the exact reasons that other angels and departed humans didn't like it. She liked it because she could lie on her back and watch Saturday morning cartoons, sit-coms and soap opera's without having to move too much. She liked it because the passing trans-Atlantic flights kept visitors away and she liked it because it was close enough for her to drop penny's off the side and have them not burn up in the earths atmosphere before embedding themselves in concrete somewhere.

Naturally she never aimed for people, and being an angle...she never missed. So Angelica was enjoying her time there, watching re-runs of the Simpson's and Nip-Tuck, and occasionally delving into Battlestar Galactica (She had a thing for Baltar, see). Then a plane suffered a freak accident. A man, addicted to marijuana, had tired going to the bathroom while high from smoking a reefer. He missed the bathroom door and opened the door to the outside instead.

He plummeted out the window and onto Angelica's lap.

Angelica, who had been watching the latest episode of Lost with great interest, was annoyed to find Locke cut off in midsentence, had grabbed him and exposed him to all her glory, glowing like a torch.

The man had been blinded. Angelica had felt sorry for him, deciding to cure him. She had then discussed his mistakes, why drugs were bad. “I'll take these for you” Angelica said, taking the reefers he had stowed in his pocket. Then she had dropped him outside a rehab facility in Hawaii. He never touched drink, drug or even women in anything other then compassion. He became a Priest and moved onto Angelica's cloud a few years later when an safe, dropped from a bungled bank robbery, fell on his head.

Quite an unlucky fellow, actually.

He now began to live on Angelica's cloud because...a day after she set him down in Hawaii, she was kicked out of heaven.

For she held the reefer with a bemused wonder. She wondered, after a fashion, if it would be fun. After all Lost was wearing on her, with its constant procrastinating in getting to the GOD DAMNED POINT. She she had lit the reefer with her thumb and smoked it. Then she smoked the five others and spent a week in a happy daze. She was handed a pink slip for Sinning on the job and was sent down to Earth on Probation. She had a year and a half to prove that she could live a normal life without sinning.

Then she met me. And...well...

I got lucky. Very lucky, actually.

So Angelica had laid in my arms and started to realize that she had just had premarital sex. A sin, annoyingly enough.

So I had solved the problem, quite inventively, by proposing to her on the spot. Not exactly wise...and I'm not sure if it works, seeing as how we had already had sex...but what the hell?

And that, with the long winded explanation over, is that.

I sit at the table, wearing my tuxedo. I'm getting married in a few minuets. “Yo! DaviiiiD” My best man said, leaning in, “Come on...the Groom is waiting”

I walked into the church. Angelica was glowing softly, trying to keep the light under her skin. It was hard in a church, but it was soft enough that no one really noticed. She moved to me, with a almost floating grace. Then I blanched, realizing that she was floating slightly.

“Angelica” I whispered in her ear, “Try to touch the ground”

Angelica nodded, glad the dress covered the fact that her feet weren't touching the floor, and she drifted down.

We walked down the hall. We said the words. We kissed. As I kissed Angelica, she started to raise, as if going up on her tippy toes. I grabbed her around the waist and forced her down, making sure her feet stayed attached to the least somewhat.

Afterwards we drove to my apartment. “Sorry I don't have a castle, which Is what you deserve” I said, opening the door to the car and helping Angelica out. She smiled, still glowing softly. “And...try to tune the lights down...until we get inside”

I opened the door and Angelica walked in. She let her wedding dress fall and her wings snap out. “Ahhhh” she sighed, “Thats better”

Tension, or...other emotions made Angelica's paranormal features harder to keep under wraps. If she was calm, then the wings were invisible, her glow gone and her hovering. But the electrical attraction that I always felt when we were in the same room...that I don't think was going to go away ever.

I strode into the room. Angelica still wore a bra, but it was getting a bit dislodged by the wings. I walked behind her and hugged her around the waist, pressing my face into her hair, smelling her. I could smell the arousal in the air, I could practically feel the wetness between her legs without even needing to look there. My right hand moved up, cupping the left cup of the bra in my hands, feeling the nipple through the fabric.

Electicity danced up my fingers, Angelica's soft moans music to my ears. My god, I wanted her so bad it hurt. My left hand reached its destination, rubbing the area between her legs. The moans become loud, then quiet as Angelica bit down on her lower lip. Her wings were rustling slightly, on either side of my body.

“Oh...David” she gasped as my finger slipped between her legs, “Oh god....I've waited too long”.

Not that I wanted to wait. We had taken the shortest amount of time to get married, but Angelica had told me to not have sex while we waited. No sense jerking the powers that be's chains. Angelica turned around, letting my finger slip from her slit. She kissed him tongue pushing into my mouth. I moved forward, pressing her to the wall. Her wings flapped forward, surrounding me. It hurt her slightly, but she was too overcome with her pleaser.

I reached down, unzipping the pants of my crotch and letting my rock hard cock leap into the air. I was no longer nervous. I thrust forward, Angelica's hands digging into my back, her wings flapping slightly. “Yes” Angelica said, “Just like that”

We fell into a steady rhythm, a squelching noise from each time I thrust. Her wings began to beat a pattern against my back, feathers brushing along my shirt. A glow began to diffuse through the air, coming from my newlywed.

“I'm...I'm cuming!” Angelica gasped, looking over her shoulder.

I kissed her neck, the driven wild by her moans and her mere presence.

Then I came, my balls contracting. semen flowed into her, Angelica's glowing getting even brighter. We both stood, her wings folding around me. I sniffed, breathing in her sent, surrounded by her wings, her body. Angelica was the only woman I knew that could hold me like this. “I lov-” I started.

Then a woman, wearing a toga and holding a clipboard, appeared behind me. “Angelica” She said, looking at the board, “I'm here for the what the hell are you doing!”

Angelica gasped, not in pleasure this time and pushed me away. I pushed my cock back into my pants, embarrassed beyond belief. Angelica grabbed a pillow and forced it over her chest, covering her crotch with her hand.

“What are you doing?” The woman asked, staring.

“” Angelica offered helpfully.

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Story of what happens when a couple starts to explore their relationship. This is their first mff experience. No need to read part 1, to understand this story.