An few days at the Home of my friend Empress Julia

(Part 1 from 1)

I have been my friend Julia's favorite slave for several years. Julia is the Empress and rules this desert castle. She is descended from a tribe in Africa where the very tall women rule and any men are their slaves. They procreate only with very tall, very black men who are kept chained as slaves and used only for the women's sexual pleasures, and to sit all day carving special likenesses of a penis.

The group that she rules were caught in Africa by other tribes and sold to the Spanish who brought them to New Spain for their sexual pleasures. Some tall black men were also brought along as slaves. One evening her Spanish master fell drunk and Julia obtained the key and freed all the slaves. They escaped and went into the desert and found a water source and forced the black men to build her a castle. She chained all the men in a dungeon and brought them out only on her specific order. She formed a warrior clan with her women and began to raid any settlement within a few days travel.

As they obtained horses from the Spanish they increased the range which they might raid. Some white women, like me were captured and brought back as special entertainment. Most could not stand the rigors put upon them by her and died and were burned in a special furnace and their ashes placed in clay urns as special offerings to her gods. When one of the men could no longer perform to her satisfaction he would be brought out and forced to perform oral sex on all the others and at the same time provide his anal cavity for pleasure to the men and boys. If he survived he would be placed in a special cell where the women could watch as he pleasured the other males.

Some of the men would intentionally fail to satisfy her in order to get this special treatment. If she thought this to be true, whether it was or not, she would have them spread-eagled, upright between two heavy posts and then make the women whip them. Some of the men were masochists and loved to be whipped and then forced to perform and receive oral and anal sex. Some of the whips were wide belts and others very slim. In cases of extreme displeasure to the Empress the whip would be an ancient creation called the Cat of Nine Tails. The end of it was attached to nine small narrow whips, and the tips could be either leather or bits of wire or sometimes a small metal ball with sharp spikes.

A trip to the whipping posts always ended with the man being scarred and sometimes he might die and be burned and his ashes placed in an urn as a special offering to her gods. Some of the masochistic men wore their scars as badges of honor and often proclaimed that they were the Empresses favorite. These remarks were tolerated so long as they did not cause trouble among her male slaves. If this happened the man would be brought before her to be judged. Depending on how severe she thought the offense to be the punishment could range anywhere from another whipping to being forced to take a horse or mule penis in their rectum or even a full castration involving not only the balls but also the penis and then being left hanging to bleed out while his blood was caught in a bucket to be used in ceremonial services.

In her chambers is an oval shaped stone about two or so feet tall and hollowed out in the center. Sometimes she would tell me to bring five young men, of my selection in and have sex with them. I had to give each of them a special potion that would keep them erect and also allow them to ejaculate multiple times. I had to stand in the center and two would get in with me and the other three stand on the stone. When I had them all to erection one would enter me in my vagina, another in my rectum and a third in my mouth. The other two I must masturbate with my hands and make them shoot their ejaculate on my face and body. As they each finished they would rotate and begin again until all five had ejaculated in each position.

After this she and her five countesses would take turns taking my place in the Oval. If one of the young men began to falter it was my duty to replace him instantly, so I always brought at least ten when I brought them up.

At other times she would have me lay next to her in bed and make love to her with my mouth and hands and any number of the special carved penis. She would have me get her very close with one of the penis and then pull it out and suck on it and then stick my tongue into her vagina and make her scream with joy. With her ejaculate all over my face I would kiss her and we would explore each others mouth with our tongues.

I soon found that I wanted to be with her or her countesses but not the males. I told her and she said, "You are my favorite concubine. I will allow you to not have sex with the men, but when I have one ejaculate into me, you must always use your tongue to remove his ejaculate and then kiss me with it in your mouth. Also you will be responsible for bringing other female concubines to serve at my pleasure."

One day she called me and said, "Yesterday we made a raid into Spanish territory. We caught thirty one males, all soldiers, a priest and four nuns, whatever those are. Tonight we shall begin a fourteen day festival to celebrate and also to assess which ones will be suitable to keep as concubines. Also we must find out if they have any more Watusi male slaves. We have only twenty left and it is near the breeding time for those who will carry on our group. I am making it your responsibility to prepare them and also find out if they have Watusi males."
I said, "Yes, mistress."

I decided to have her and her countesses sit on a throne and bring each one before them and explain what their choices were while they looked on. I also explained what a nun was and she said, "In that case they are useless. We shall simply place them in the furnace and their ashes in an urn."

'Please, Mistress. Allow me to talk with them and ascertain the depth of their faith. Then you may make a decision."

The soldiers were all in their late teens or early twenties. One was a corporal, with a sergeant, a lieutenant, and a major. I asked the major about the black slaves and he said they had fifty or sixty but he did know if they were Watusi. I asked the priest if he had sex with the soldiers and he said he did when he could get them away from the officers and the noncoms. I spoke to the nuns who were very frightened. I told them what their options were and they asked if they might be kept away from men, but they liked the look of the women who had captured them. I had them all stripped and bathed and then a simple rope belt and breech clout put on each one.

All were left bare above the waist One of the soldiers said something about the nuns' breasts and I used my whip on him for a few lashes and said to the rest, "You will remain silent unless I speak to you. You will answer questions truthfully or say that you don't know. You will all be brought before our tribunal court and answer questions. I am the slave of the Empress. If she asks a question I shall translate. If she does not like your answer you will be punished. It is my duty to decide which of you or none of you might be suitable for her concubines. I already know that you are all homosexuals.

That may or may not please her, depending on how her day is going. If you do become her concubines you will, at the very least become bisexual, subject to her every whim. At times you will be led out to work in the fields. Any attempt to escape or other infraction will get you punished severely, up to and including castration and death."

An idea was forming in my mind and I spoke to the Empress.

"Please, Mistress, hear what I have to say. If the black slaves were brought out to a neutral place where you could speak with them you could ascertain from their language and the questions you ask whether or not they were Watusi. In order to do this I must offer some sort of inducement to the Colonel in charge over there."

I had the major brought forward along with a young private. I made the major stand before the tribunal and take off his breech clout. I put a leather collar on him with a leash. I gave him a small taste of the aphrodisiac, and began to rub my sexy body against him and kiss his ears and soon he had an erection. I told him, "Masturbate!"

As he began to get close to a climax I handed him a cup and said, "Catch it in this cup."
He did as he was told and then I showed it to the Empress. "A small amount, Mistress. We should trade him for the black slaves to be brought out. If they are Watusi we can trade some more of these who are worthless to your needs."
She agreed and I sent the young soldier off to deliver our message.

He was gone for five days and just as day was ending he came back with forty tall slaves and ten other soldiers. Our people immediately captured the soldiers and Mistress questioned the slaves. She found that fourteen of them were indeed Watusi from a tribe she knew well. Accordingly we sent the major, the messenger soldier and the corporal back to their fort with the other twenty six slaves and we kept the ten of the escort. I had them all disrobed and bathed and dressed in their breech clouts. They did not seem disturbed.

The next morning was the start of the festival. All of the males except for the pure Watusi were brought out and formed into a circle standing naked with only their collars on. A small chain was attached to each collar and fastened to a large post in the middle of the huge room. All the women were brought out and each handed over a large double ended dildo. The nuns had decided they would rather take men than the furnace. I went around placing a female in between males until I ran out of females.

"Now! Everyone put your penis in the rectum in front of you and begin!

When I had the circle complete and everyone penetrated I made them begin a shuffle dance that would take them in front of the Empress and her Countesses. Each one had his or her hands on the persons hips in front and began a systematic stroking and soon the whole bunch was stroking together. From time to time, Mistress would indicate one to me and I would release him or her from the chain and with a leash would convey them to the Empress, who would cause them to perform sexual acts either with her or one of her countesses, or all of them.
I had the thirty four pure Watusi brought up and chained between posts so that their penis and rectum and mouth were available to all who wished.

I started with the priest and brought him over to the circle of poles where they were chained. The Watusi were chained so that their hands were free. I handed the leash to the first one and told him, "Get on your knees and begin with this one. You will perform oral sex on him and all the rest. Here is a stool you will carry along with you. As each one finishes in your mouth you will stand on the stool and kiss him and let his tongue explore your mouth, and yours his. Begin. If I have to come back to get you started it will be with my whip."

I brought the queer sergeant over and told him, "As the priest is sucking on him you will penetrate him in his rectum. As the priest moves ahead so shall you."

I now went over to the Empress and said, "Oh Dear Julia! I can no longer bear to simply watch! I must taste you and feel you! Help me! Please! We lay on the bed together.

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This night follows on from the one sent in by my husband (An innocent night out) and that should be read before this for it to make sense...