An Unforgettable Night At The Gym
We had just met at the party of a mutual friend. She was introduced as Margot. She was very attractive and sexy but she started things off by saying, "you look kind of wimpy." I'm not a big muscular guy, but I'm relatively fit and I get occasional compliments on how I look. I'm pretty confident in my physical abilities. I was on the wrestling team in high school and won nearly all of my matches. Sure, that was fifteen years ago but I'm still in pretty good shape.
"You don't work out much, do you?"She asked. "In fact, do you exercise at all?""You look pretty out of shape but I bet you think you look great." Then she says, "I bet that even I could take you. I bet if we wrestled, I'd win."I didn't know how to respond at first. I thought she must be crazy to suggest that she could even stand a chance. "Really...and the stakes for this bet?,"I asked. She said, "sexual domination.""If I win, I get to do anything I want to you. If you win, you get to do anything you want to me."Then she said, "this isn't about S & M. I won't hurt you. I just want to defeat you, restrain you, strip you naked so I can get a good look at your wimpy body, and then humiliate you sexually. I love humiliating boys like you. But don't worry, I won't hurt you.”
What the hell was she suggesting...that she might actually be able to beat me in a wrestling match? This offer was too good to be true. I had always fantasized about wrestling a hot chick, tying her up and having my way with her. She certainly filled the bill in the looks department, and while she appeared physically fit, I knew she wouldn't stand a chance against me. It was obvious to me, she wanted me to do to her exactly what she claimed she would do to me - to be dominated and humiliated I accepted her challenge.
She told me she belongs to a gym with a boxing ring. She would reserve the ring for a private session. She said she'd call me with the address of the gym and tell me what time I should meet her there. I must admit, I found it slightly discomforting that she belonged to a gym with a boxing ring. I wondered, who is this woman?
I went home, and for the next few days I couldn't stop thinking about what was to come. Two and a half weeks went by and I began thinking she wouldn't call until, on the 17th day, the phone rang and it was Margot. She said, "I've reserved the gym for one week from today at 8:45pm sharp."She told me the address of the gym and that the normal closing time is 8:00, so everyone will have left. Knock three times so I'll know it's you...unless you're afraid. You can still back out. It's not too late""Right”, I said. "I'll be there.”
I was surprised at myself for accepting her challenge. She looked so hot and acted so sexy. I asked a couple of friends who were at the party about her, but no one knew anything about her.
I couldn't stop fantasizing about this crazy, wrestling match. I couldn't wait to see her naked, helpless, and under my control. All the different ways I would manipulate her - what will she wear? Should I bring rope?
Finally, the day arrived. I made sure I was there at exactly 8:45p.m. I brought straps - the kind of straps with the soft velcro ends that can be secured around the wrist or ankle, and the other end can be secured to an anchor point.
I walked to the side door of the gym and knocked three times like she told me. I heard the deadbolt turn and when she opened the door I was taken by the amazing outfit she was wearing. She was wearing black silk shorts that slit up the sides to the waist. I could see they were attached by velcro at the waist so they would come off easily. I had seen shorts like this before in catalogs and had often thought they'd be perfect if someone were tied up because they'd come off easily without interference from the ropes. She had a tiny black string bikini top. Her breasts were medium sized but full. She was stunning. It was obvious she was excited too as her nipples were aroused and firm. My heart began to pound as my anticipation grew. I walked in and she locked the door behind me.
She held out a pair of black silk shorts just like the ones she was wearing and said, "you're wearing these - that way it'll be fair. I said, "I already have something on I think you'll like."She said, "No, you'll wear these."She pointed to the men's locker room and said, "you can change in there.
When I came back, she was waiting for me in the ring. She had turned off most of the lights except for a couple along the end walls well away from the ring. It was quite a soft, sexy atmosphere. She looked magnificent. The tiny bikini top barely covered her nipples. Her shorts, slit to the waist, exposed her upper thighs and ass slightly as she walked around the ring. It was so exciting, Already, I could feel myself getting excited. I really didn't want to get hard yet because these shorts were so loose and revealing, I was afraid I'd pop out. I guess I was feeling a little insecure about that. I just didn't want give her the opportunity to make fun of me.
I looked around the Gym. The ring was three ropes high and was small, about 15 feet across and raised about 6 inches of the floor. I didn't see any work out equipment. I figured there was probably another room for that. Obviously this was "the fighting room." The place reminded me of an old warehouse that had been fixed up. There were three block walls, the longest of which had a mural of two fighters in a boxing ring and the two end walls were painted a kind of dark steely blue. The wall opposite the mural had an elegant navy blue curtain covering it from end to end.
"What are you waiting for?", she said. Are you having second thoughts?"She startled me. I was trying to absorb everything as I was looking around and thinking about what was going to happen. I had never been in a real boxing ring before but I didn't want her to know that so I pulled the center rope up like I knew what I was doing and climbed into the ring.
I hadn't even stood up straight when she ran to attack me. Fortunately, I was quick enough to grab her wrists to keep her at bay. She then slammed her wrists together, pinching my thumbs in between. I let go immediately and gasped with pain. Before I could complain, she quickly got behind me, wrapped her arms around my neck and climbed onto my back. These quick moves were unexpected and caught me completely off balance. I went down immediately. She kept her arms wrapped around my neck, choking me a little, but mostly hanging on for all she was worth. As soon as she had the chance, she wrapped each one of her legs around each one of mine with her feet together between my legs. She was stronger than I had expected and no matter how I tried, I wasn't able to get loose. I managed to roll over onto my stomach but she held on, still clinging to my back and not giving an inch. I struggled and struggled, trying to get her off my back but to no avail. I could feel myself getting out of breath and tiring a little. Finally, I was able to get back to my feet. I thought, If I could just get to a corner, I might be able to slam her into the corner post and either exert enough pressure against her or knock the wind out of her to make her relinquish her grip. She was desperately trying to bring me down again but I managed to get her back against the turnbuckle and began pressing against her as hard as I could hoping she'd let go. She didn't.
I looked down and there were the straps I brought, already tied to the ropes, one on each side of the corner on the top rope and one on each side of the corner on the bottom rope. She must've secured the straps while I was changing. Was she right when she said she would win? Could I have so underestimated her?
I lost my concentration for a second and I felt one of her arms tighten up around my neck. Her hand locked onto her other arm that was now grabbing the top of my head. She exerted extreme pressure on my throat. She was choking off the blood flow to my head. I wanted to tell her I'd had enough but I couldn't talk, I couldn't swallow and I couldn't breathe. I could feel myself losing consciousness.
Next thing I knew, I was sitting in the corner of the ring, my wrists secured with my straps to the top rope and Margot was securing the last free limb to the bottom rope.
It was over almost as quickly as it began. I had suffered a humiliating defeat to a girl no less. What could she have in her plans. She knew from the beginning that she would win and she knew how she would win. She had everything perfectly planned from the start. My god! How could I have been so stupid, thinking only with my cock...again?
Here I am, with a woman I know absolutely nothing about or what she might be capable of. She is a black widow and now she has ensnared her helpless male in her trap to do with as she pleases. As I sat in the corner of the ring, with my hands tied over my head and my legs tied spread eagle, barely covered and unable to do anything about my situation, I was becoming apprehensive and afraid.
"Relax,"she said, "I won't hurt you. I just love humiliating boys like you."Then she laughed.
"You weren't much of a threat to me,"she said. "I had you right from the start.
Besides, you were so sure you would win. You thought, just because you're a big,
strong man, you could handle a girl like me. Well, it's time for me to collect.
I won and I'm going to humiliate you. I'm going to treat you like my little sex
toy. I like this - seeing you helpless and nervous. You have no idea what's
coming next. You look perfect, just like at the party. I knew you wouldn't stand
a chance and now I get my reward for victory, seeing you tied up and at my
She looked magnificent against that navy curtain as she strutted back and forth in front of me. She caressed herself slowly, rubbing her breasts, then her crotch, then back to her breasts. She was obviously excited over her victory. She began taunting me. "I told you I could beat you,"she said. "I won just like I said I would and now I'm going to make you pay the humiliating price."She knew how much she turned me on. I was getting over my fear, as the fear began to change into lust unlike anything I'd ever experienced.
She knelt before me, still slowly rubbing herself. I could tell she was getting turned on. I could smell her. I wanted to resist but I couldn't help becoming hard. Part of me didn't want her to see how excited I was getting, but another part of me was so overwhelmed with lust that I didn't care. She was getting so turned on at the sight of me completely helpless and under her control. I took some comfort seeing how much she was enjoying this.
She reached over and lightly ran her hand up the inside of my thigh. I flinched with anticipation. She stopped just short of my balls and slowly slid her hand back down my leg and I felt a pause of disappointment. She continued to do this to tease me. She smiled and said, "you're enjoying this, aren't you?"I wanted to tell her, "no"but I sighed and said, "yes."She looked at my cock and said, "I can see how much you're enjoying this"and she continued with her gentle touch on my thigh. I became extremely hard, anticipating that first sexual contact that I knew would take my breath away. I think I was harder than I've ever been before, almost to the point of being in pain. I couldn't believe how she was turning me on.
I began to squirm a little, actually trying to maneuver myself into her hands when they were close and feeling a tremendous sense of frustration that she wasn't touching me where I so needed it. Finally, she lightly and slowly slid her hand over my silk shorts, feeling my balls and up my cock. I gasped and then moaned with excitement. Again, she smiled. She said, "I want you turned on more than you've ever been, completely turned on and helpless."I said, "I'm there."She said, "'re not there. You ain't seen nothin' yet."I couldn't imagine, if I hadn't seen anything yet, what the hell was next?
She began stroking my cock, still covered by the silk shorts. Her other hand was lightly fondling my balls and my ass also still covered. I was beginning to squirm. I thought I couldn't take much more without cumming, but then she stopped and we both watched my cock throb under my shorts. She smiled slightly. It was obvious she was relishing her control over me.
I thought I heard something. It sounded like a single bang on the side door but I didn't give it much thought because she didn't react to it as she continued to stroke me. But after a few seconds she said, ”well, it's time."My first thought was that she'd stroke me to the finish, but she let go of me, got up, climbed out of the ring and walked over to the side door where I had come in. She unlocked the door, and there were two more girls. My heart began to race with embarrassment and fear. She let them in and locked the door behind them. This was horrifying. Here I was, in completely unfamiliar surroundings, tied to the corner of a boxing ring in a place I'd never been before, wearing flimsy silk shorts that barely covered the biggest erection I'd ever had with a woman I knew nothing about, and in walk two more women. The fear crept back in, though I was still incredibly aroused.
She introduced them as Cory and Fina. I insisted to Margot, "this wasn't part of the bet."She said, "oh yes it is. The bet was simply this; sexual domination. The winner gets to do anything they want to the loser and you my friend, are the loser.”
Both girls were very pretty. They stripped off their outer clothing to reveal very different, but beautiful and nearly naked bodies. Cory was quite slim, small breasted, wearing a tiny bikini top and a thong. Fina was fuller bodied with larger breasts, wearing short, baggy tap pants and a very thin, loose fitting tank top. Fina's breasts swayed back and forth as she moved, and I could see her nipples through the thin, knit tank top. It was so exciting to anticipate the sight of her tits falling out of the oversized arm holes but somehow, they stayed in. The two girls came into the ring to admire Margot's catch. Margot said, "my friends like humiliating boys too. I won, and I'm going to share you with them.”
Margot knelt in front of me again and began lightly stroking me while fondling my balls. The other girls watched. I quickly became uncontrollably aroused again and I was about to cum but then she stopped. The other girls were getting turned on by watching me under Margot's control. It was as though, the more turned on I got, the more turned on they got, which of course, got me even more turned on. Fina said, "quit fucking around Margot, let's see his cock. I want to see him naked, helpless, and excited about it. This cocky guy thought he would dominate you. I want to see him struggle."Fina and Cory so wanted to see me naked. Even though I feared the control they had, that's exactly what I wanted too.
Cory got out of the ring, came up behind me, grabbed the back of my shorts on each side and pulled, giving me a wedgie and making the front of my shorts tight on my balls and my erect cock. She then came back into the ring laughing.
Margot began stroking me slowly again. She said, "I think you're hard enough - ok, it's time."She slowly pulled one of the velcro sides apart, not allowing anything to be exposed yet, but I could feel that my shorts were now loose except for the wedgie still up my ass. Then she pulled the other side apart. I was barely covered. I felt so vulnerable now with only a thin strip of silk obscuring their view.
Cory left the ring again. She walked over to the end of the curtain and began pulling a rope. Slowly, the curtain opened revealing a small audience of about 20 women, seated at tables, having drinks and watching the show. I had just assumed that the curtain covered another block wall. I had no idea there was a seating area there.
As it turned out, they had been watching everything on a big screen TV from the moment I walked in the door. As the curtain opened, they broke their silence with applause and cheers. Margot then told me this was a women only club and they held a weekly male humiliation event. These women had paid for this show and that's exactly what they were about to get from three women and one trapped and helpless male. It was so frightening and humiliating, yet I had never been so aroused.
With the curtain now open and the excitement intensifying, the women in the audience migrated to the edge of the ring. I was powerless. They could do anything they wanted. She continued to stroke while she slowly and gently reached under my shorts and ever so lightly started fondling my balls. I was crazed with fear and lust. Being the focus of a humiliating sex show was beyond anything I'd ever experienced. Then Margot very slowly pulled back the lower part of my shorts to show off my balls and my ass. The women surrounding the ring were calling for more. My balls were now tight as a drum and the girls were smiling with appreciation. They wanted to see my cock but Margot said, "all in good time. We'll just keep him on the brink for a while.”
With that, Fina came up behind Margot, knelt down behind her, reached around and began feeling Margot's tits. I had the perfect view of this new show going on right in front of me and I stared in amazement.
Fina continued and Margot became increasingly excited. Fina, very slowly pulled the cups of Margot's top aside so her tits were exposed. They were fucking perfect. I didn't know how much more I could stand without cumming. Then Fina reached inside Margot's shorts from behind and began stroking her clit. Margot was getting incredibly hot and yet she never stopped stroking me. Then Cory came right up in front of Margot, pulled her thong aside and thrust her pussy into Margot's face. What a view! Margot went after Cory's pussy like she hadn't eaten in a week. Fina pulled the velcro apart on one side of Margot's shorts and slowly dragged her shorts back so I could see her pussy. Then Fina continued to stroke Margot's clit. Margot had become so excited, she had to cum. She tensed up right there in front of me and nearly collapsed, moaning as she came. I nearly came too, but Margot's orgasm was so intense that she stopped stroking me. She doubled over as she shuttered from the aftershocks.
Margot then looked up at me, smiled and said, "You didn't think I'd let you cum yet, did you?"Then she went back to licking Cory's pussy. Fina stood up, and began fondling Cory's tits the same way she fondled Margot's, eventually pulling Cory's bikini top to the sides of her tits just as she had done to Margot. Cory grabbed each loose arm hole of Fina's top and pulled them together in the middle of her chest, exposing her tits through those oversized arm holes. With her other hand, she reached into a pocket on Fina's tap pants and pulled out a pocket rocket vibrator. She slowly slid it up the leg of Fina's baggy tap pants and began penetrating her. Margot was still eating Cory's pussy and by now, she had started to stroke me again. Never had I seen a show like this, let alone been part of one. I desperately needed to cum. Cory gave in to Margot's tongue. She was moaning and nearly dropped to her knees as she came hard. At the sight of Cory cumming, Fina came almost simultaneously.
After the aftershocks, they all turned toward me. Cory said, "c'mon Margot, quit fucking around! We all want to see his cock."Cory and Fina knelt down on each side of Margot. They each grabbed one of my legs and pulled me away from the corner post. This caused me to be in more of a horizontal position with my arms straight up in the air. It also forced my legs higher in the air and spread wider apart. Margot was still stroking my cock through my shorts and my balls and ass were still exposed. She lightly ran her finger up and down my asshole. Margot said, "ok, now it's time. Let's get a look at that cock."She kept stroking, but so lightly now that my shorts were gradually slipping out of her hand until they finally dropped down far enough to expose my cock in front of all the women. There I was naked, completely helpless, tied with my legs high in the air and wide apart and my shorts wedged up my ass and I was hard as a rock for all to see.
Fina reached over to lightly fondle my balls and she slowly pulled the shorts out of my ass. Then she got up and walked over to the edge of the ring and returned with a bottle of lube. While Margot continued stroking, Fina started squirting lube all over my cock and balls and Margot's hand. There was lube everywhere. Cory held up the pocket rocket and said, "I wonder if he'd like this shoved up his lubed ass."I said "no!"With that, she turned it on and held it right on my asshole. She didn't shove it in, but she applied pressure making me afraid she would push it in at any moment. Margot began stroking me a little faster while Fina fondled my balls with an incredible teasingly light touch. It was obvious the women around the ring were enjoying the show as they were watching with intent and calling out things like, "slow and deliberate,"and, "don't let him cum yet.”. Three of them had opened their blouses to reveal their tits for me and were masturbating to add to this already wild and crazy scene.
My cock was harder than ever. My balls were tighter than ever. I could stand it no more. I had to cum. Just then, Margot stopped and I let out a sighing moan in frustration. She said, "you really want to cum don't you.""Oh yeah,"I said. Cory untied my right hand and Margot said, "If you want to cum, you'll have to do it yourself while all of us watch. Now grab your cock and stroke it for us."I did as I was told. I had to cum. All three girls had their hands on my balls and running up the insides of my thighs and Cory was still holding the pocket rocket tight against my asshole. I only stroked a few times. It became so intense - naked women pleasing themselves and each other while watching me helplessly masturbating for them. I could hold back no longer. I shot the biggest load high in the air. I strained loudly as I came. It was the mother of all orgasms, bringing me beyond the height of pleasure where it actually hurt. Cory yanked my loose hand behind my back and Margot started stroking my sensitive cock. I was squirming as she continued to stroke. I thought the throbbing of my cock and my body would never end as I did my best to endure the sensation that both tickled and hurt at the same time. It was unbelievable torture, forcing me to bounce around helplessly while trying to free myself from her cruel hand. Margot finally changed her rhythm, gradually stroking slower as Fina continued with her light touch on my balls. I twitched uncontrollably until my orgasm was finally over. Even then, they continued to make sure they had milked out every last tremor. I was nothing more than a worthless heap of naked flesh. I was lying there, with three limbs still tied to the ropes, naked, helpless and spent. I had been sexually exploited, forced into humiliating bondage and tormented to the point where I had to masturbate in front of all these women. It was the most embarrassing experience of my life, but it was the most sexually exciting as well. I will never be the same.
The women went back to their tables and Margot untied me. Fina brought over a pail of warm water and told me to clean up my mess. Still naked and utterly humiliated, I washed the corner of the ring and watched Margot, Cory, and Fina get dressed. The women in the crowd were chuckling and making fun of me. I was so spent and embarrassed, I had nothing to say. When I was finished cleaning the ring, they let me go and get dressed. When I came back into the gym, Fina and Cory were gone. Margot handed the straps to me and told me it was time to leave and she held the door open for me. I gave one last look around the "gym"before I walked out the door. It was over. It was the wildest sex - a once in a lifetime event. I had never experienced anything like this before, but I'll remember and relive it time and time again until the day I die.
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