An Autobiography by Jenny : Chapter 1
Being exhausted, he slumped back and started to nod off. What could I do? I pondered. The first thing I should do was to get his trainer trousers back on in case someone came into the laundry, something until now I hadn't given one single thought to. Happily I managed to get his trousers on, albeit with a struggle to get him to lift his bum cheeks to slip them under him. Then I thought about the washing which had finished its cycle long ago. Having put both our washing loads into separate driers I sat back beside my sleeping friend and again took hold of his hand. Looking at him and thinking about what he had given me, I felt I was being drawn to him in a strong emotional way. This made me even more worried about how he was going to react to me when he came fully to his senses and realizing what had happened between us. I could only wait.
I sat beside him listening to the gentle hum of the tumble driers, unable to read my book in spite of its erotic content. My mind was buzzing too much with the reality of these last minutes to be interested in fiction. It was about thirty minutes later that both driers ceased their cycles. Without disturbing my sleeping friend I slipped away from his side checking the dryness of my clothes I transferred them to my bin-bag before checking his load and transferring his shirts to his laundry bag and tying the tabs. "That's very kind of you", came the voice from the bottom of the room. "Oh my god, you frightened me" as I spun around to see the old guy watching me. "I thought you were still snoozing". "It was the rustle of the bin-bag, but no problem, I can't stay here all day". He struggled to his feet and wandered over to me. Before I could say a word he took hold of my hand and said "Jenny I want to thank you so much for being so good to me". I tried to say something but he waved his hand and continued "Really Jenny you were wonderful to this old man and I don't know what I can do to thank you enough". This time I did interject. "No, I must thank you. You just don't know happy you have made me. I've been looking for someone like you for a long, long time and here I find you in my own block of apartments". I could see he was puzzled by what I was saying. "Look, come and sit down for a few more minutes and I'll try and explain". It was half an hour later by the time I'd explained about my particular needs, about my preference for old men and about the love of real sperm with that special taste.
He seemed fascinated about the stories of the old men I'd had during my past and how this had dried up the last few years until now and how I was afraid about his reaction to what I had done today. "Listen," he said again taking hold of my hand, "Listen, you have done me great thing today. I was down in the depths and have been there for some while now. I'd given up a long time ago of ever meeting another woman least of all feeling good about sex again. I'll let you into a secret”, then bending forward as if to prevent anyone over-hearing he continued in a whisper, ”I've even given up wanking because I couldn't get any reaction. You are a wonderful person and thank you so much". He smiled at me. "Does this mean we can do this again sometime?" I asked him, now feeling shy at asking. "I'd love that!" then he continued "Give me a ring this evening and we can talk a little, eh?" I was delighted at his suggestion. "What's your number?” I asked. He gave me the number but it was too long for me to remember and he saw wasn't catching it all. "Tell you what, ask the lobby to put through to my apartment then we exchange our numbers then, ok". "Great" I said as we gathered our washing and made our way to our respective flats. Oh what joy!
On my way up the stairs to Simon’s apartment I pondered on what surprise he had
in store for me. He had often presented me with a little gift but on these
occasions he never warned me of it but just produced it at an opportune moment.
So what could it be this time? Standing outside his door I put my ear to it and
was sure I could hear other voices as well as Simon’s coming from inside. “But
Simon is always very secretive about our liaisons” I said to myself almost out
loud. Then I thought I’d misunderstood the coffee invite on this occasion and it
was intended to be a social invite only. I must admit I was very disappointed at
the thought of not getting my ration of nectar.
I rapped on the door with my knuckles. “Ah Jenny, there you are”. Simon swung the door open beckoning me in with a flowing hand. Following behind me into the living room he whispered in my ear “I have some friends who I’d love you to meet.” Then he took me by the arm and guided me towards two seated men who both turned at our entrance and immediately stood up. “Terry and David, this is my lovely friend from the third floor”. As I was introduced to Terry I noticed that he was a graying handsome guy about fifty years old and about five feet ten in height. When he shook my hand I could feel the strength in his arms and could see he was the athletic type. Giving me a very welcoming smile he kissed my cheek. “This is my son David” as he glanced towards his son who had all the same features of his father except for his blonde hair. He too was very fit looking and had a very disarming smile. “Hi, you look really lovely” he said as he shook my hand and giving me a slightly lingering kiss on the cheek. I felt a tingle below, one that warned of sexual desire.”Come and sit down Jenny”. Simon ushered me to an arm-chair adjacent to where Terry and David where now sitting down. Immediately I was aware of my nakedness beneath my dress and kept my knees clamped together as a precaution not knowing the situation. “Coffee? Jenny! Or would you like something a little stronger, maybe wine?” “Oh! Err! Maybe I should have some wine to salute your friends”. “A wonderful idea” replied Simon as he opened the drinks cabinet behind him.”White or red?” “White, please Simon”. After he handed me my glass he offered the two men a top-up of their beer before sitting down in the armchair opposite to me. “Well! This all very cozy isn’t it?” said Simon as he raised his glass and we all joined in raising our drinks and saying “Cheers!”
Simon then told me the story of how Terry had started working for him from school and how he had little education and how he had gone to evening classes to learn company accountancy and how he was now head of the organizations accountancy department. All slightly boring foe me but all the while I was wondering why Simon had wanted to meet his two friends. I noticed certain aspects of his body language which was very engaging. Then Simon went on to describe how David had also joined the company from school and now ran one of the most successful of the shoe shops in the train of shops, and how he acted as trouble-shooter for the whole of the company.”Of course this all takes a lot of pressure off my shoulders now that I’m getting too old for all the responsibility any more.” “Yeah!” remarked Terry “More time to enjoy better things eh?” “That’s right!” said Simon, glancing a look in my direction which I could see that Terry and David picked up on as they both gave half a glance towards me. I at this point had a curious thought “Had Simon told them about us or was this just a figment of my imagination?” The conversation rolled around various subjects and a few more drinks were poured and all of us became more and more relaxed. At one point I noticed that Terry and David’s eyes glancing at my legs then I realized that my knees had slipped slightly apart as I relaxed. A funny feeling ran through my veins. I pretended not to have noticed their glances and remained seated as before. More and more I caught them both with their eyes momentarily fixed between knees. I allowed this to continue without changing my position. “I’ll get some more nibbles” declared Simon as he moved in the kitchen. After a few moments I rose saying “If you’ll excuse me I’ll just go and give Simon a hand” and disappeared to help Simon. “Simon” I said grabbing his elbow “Do Terry and David and know about us?” I whispered so the others couldn’t hear me. He just nodded with a great big grin on his face. “They guessed some weeks ago that there was something in my life that had changed me from what I was becoming”.
The coming closer to my ear he continued “They are like family to me and it came out one day when I on a real high having just been with you”. “You mean you told them everything about us?” “Well not everything” He whispered back “But I’m sure they’ve read between the lines. They have been really keen to meet you for a few weeks now and keep asking when you could come round”. Wow! I thought to myself. “What should I do, Simon?” “Well it’s up to you Jenny” and glancing back towards the living room further whispered “Would you like to have a bit of fun with them?” “You’d let me?” I questioned him. “Listen Jenny, you’ve told me a lot about your experiences and I know you love sex and I’m not your keeper am I?” “Ok! I might do something but it depends how I feel when I get back in there” I said nodding towards the living-room. “Jenny, just do your own thing. Whatever way you want to play things it’s ok by me. Don’t pressure yourself into anything ok?” I nodded then we both returned to the others with our plates of nibbles and sat down again. It took me a good while to consider what to do.
“Excuse me while I go to the ladies” I suddenly said catching all three
watching my knees as I struggled out of the low armchair. As I passed behind the
settee and the dining table I noticed that the table was clear of everything and
the two nearest chairs had been moved to the side wall. This was always done
when I was ‘invited for coffee’ because I would perch my bum on the table when
Simon licked my pussy before fucking me. Then I would lower myself onto my knees
on the floor for him to cum in my mouth. A form of ritual we had built up over
recent weeks. Normally the table would be set with a vase of silk flowers and
photographs of his family. But all were gone and this to me was a clear
indication that Simon was anticipating something happening. I smiled to myself
as passed by and passed him a knowing glance. Not needing the loo, I just sat
there thinking how to approach the situation. The best thing I decided was to be
bold and do what I do for Simon to get him aroused.
I entered the living-room with a little stealth and without Terry and David knowing, although Simon could see me out of the corner of his eye while chatting, I lifted my dress and raised myself onto the table. With my dress up to my waist I leaned back on my elbows and opened my legs fully to expose my very damp pussy. Simon I could see kept glancing across at me without giving anything away to Terry and David. When he knew I was ready Simon stood up and said to the two guys who were oblivious to what I was doing said “Guys, if you turn round you’ll see a very beautiful sight”
Both stood with eyes wide open and mouths agape as they both transfixed themselves at the sight of my open pussy which I now was holding open with both hands.”My God!” they both uttered almost in unison as they moved around towards the table. “Isn’t it a beauty?” said Simon also with fixed eyes. Terry who came to the table first went down on one knee to get a closer look still with staring eyes and open mouth. It took him a while before he blinked as if coming out of a dream. “Smell it” I said to him. He looked to Simon as if wanting his blessing. “Yeah! Go on smell her and give her a big lick” Simon said encouragingly. With a little hesitation he moved his head forward and made an audible sound as he sniffed in the aroma pouring form my very excited cunt. Then when his tongue touched my inner flesh I just had to let go of my lips and sink back onto my elbows to absorb the feel of his searching tongue. I knew I was groaning out loud.
When I looked at Simon through my now glazed eyes I could see him blowing me kisses and smiling. Terry being more courageous was now pulling my lips wide open as he probed and licked the length of my soaking slit. At one point I felt his tongue touch my anus which made me groan even more. “Dad let me have a go now eh?” Terry was obviously reluctant but I murmured “There’s a lot more to come yet”. Within seconds of him letting go, David was between my lips continuing where his father had left off. Father and son together! It was an unbelievable situation. Never before had I had a father and son together. David was every bit as good at lapping me and his tongue brought all sorts of sensations.
Terry who had been watching his son devour my cunt was retrieving his cock from his fly and was about to stroke it. Not wanting him to get hard before I could suck it I gently pushed David away from between my legs and at the same time I slid off the table and onto my knees. “I need to suck you hard, Terry” I said taking hold of his soft shaft. The head was quite bulbous even at this stage and his cock must have been about five inches as it hung out of his trousers. Another ‘virgin cock’ I thought to myself and the son’s too. First I licked around the big bulb, no foreskin, before slipping it into my mouth and rubbing my tongue around its smooth skin. It didn’t take long for the swelling to start and as the shaft lengthened and thickened so did the knob which started to fill my mouth and stretching my jaws. Searching for his ball sack I managed to release it from his trousers and shorts which now slipped down to his knees. Cupping the sack in my hand I gently jiggled the balls which increased the size of his knob still lodged in my mouth.
“You must fuck me now” I said looking up at him. His face was all flushed. Pulling his cock out of my mouth I climbed back onto the table pulling my dress well up I perched my arse on the edge and pulling his cock towards my open pussy I said “Fuck me gently and you must not cum inside me, do you understand?” He nodded and just stared at me totally mesmerized. “You must cum in my mouth, do hear?” he just kept nodding. “Do you hear me? You must cum in my mouth not in my cunt.”. “Yesss!” was all he could mutter as I fed his raging organ to my pussy lips. “Slip it into me”. I whispered, but he didn’t need any encouragement as he eased forward filling me right to the hilt in one smooth movement. Oh the feeling of a new cock. That feeling of ‘Virgin cock’ always sends shivers through me. Urgently I slipped my dress off my shoulders exposing my breasts. “Touch my tits. Caress them for me”. He needed no encouragement as he cupped them in both hands kneading them gently. Then he played with my nipples which now sticking out like rose buds about to burst open. I was on my way to paradise. Our eyes held contact as we both climbed the staircase to ecstasy. Our hips gyrated together.
Then as he pulled out to the head I could see the shaft coated in my cunt juice. “Terry, slip back in me. Put it right up until our hairs touch and hold still. I want to feel you possessing me completely.” I lay back and put my legs around his waist to hold him firmly and closed my eyes. “Mmmm!” I could hear him murmuring all the while we were still and locked in sex. He couldn’t hold still for too long as he started to slowly gyrate his cock around my channel. Then I sensed a swelling in his shaft. “Don’t move” I ordered rising back onto my elbows. “You’re going to cum?” He nodded in resignation. “Hold on”. I grabbed his waist with both hands and eased his penis out at the same time as I slipped off the table and sank to my knees in front of him. I could see his knob was extremely swollen and the shaft was extra hard. No sooner had I got his knob into my mouth than it was spilling its sperm all over my tongue, filling my mouth with his hot liquid. There was no huge spurt just a lava flow as it erupted into every cavity of my mouth. I clamped my lips behind the ridge of the cap and waited for the flow to subside. Then only when the head started to shrink did I allow myself to swill his cream around my mouth to get the full sense of taste before swallowing everything he gave me. Looking up at him I could see the passion on his face as he went through his orgasm. It was then that I glanced at his son, David, who looked absolutely transfixed.
Was this the first time he had seen his father’s cock or was it the first time he’d seen him fuck or was he stunned for his mother’s sake watching his father fuck another woman? I couldn’t tell.
Acting quickly I grabbed the front of his trousers and rummaged for his fly. This seemed to shake him out of his semi trance and helped me pull the zipper down, all the while watching me with his father’s cock still in my mouth. Feeling around inside I pulled aside the leg of his underwear and taking hold of his semi-hard flesh I pulled it through the opening of his trousers to full view. Unlike his fathers, his was uncut and the head was half uncovered by the foreskin which I slipped back to see the full beauty of his cock-head. His erection to full strength was almost immediate after only a few strokes with my hand. His focus was still on his fathers prick in my mouth and he still wore that stunned look on his face. As I gently moved my hand up and down his full erection, I let his father’s cock, now soft, slip out of my mouth which I opened wide to show them both that all the cum had been swallowed. However Terry was too exhausted to notice too much as he fell back looking for support of the settee behind him where he could only hold on with his hands with his limp cock hanging down against his drooping ball sack.
Not to waist any time I shuffled across in front of David and placed my mouth over his knob-end and sucked hard. Having taking his eyes away from his father’s deflated cock and realizing that I was now sucking his, he reacted by cupping my head in his hands and holding my head down and pushing his stiff meat all the way to the back of my throat. I resisted slightly so as not to gag when the head hit base. “Mmmm, yesss.” was all he kept murmuring as I sucked and licked him. Standing up whilst still holding his cock in my hand I whispered in his ear “Now it’s your turn to fuck me, and I need you to fuck me like you’ve never fuck any one before.” Pulling him by the cock, I hitched myself onto the table again spreading my legs at the same time and guided his length to my sopping opening. “Come you fucker, fuck this aching cunt of mine” I demanded as I fed into me. With one mighty thrust he hit my cervix which jolted me with a slight pain, but I didn’t let on. I just wanted him to fuck my mind as well as my thumping hole. Instinctively he grabbed my tits and massaged them quite roughly until he saw me wincing. “Sorry” he whispered as took hold of my nipples which he rolled between his fingers much more tenderly.
Frankie must endure a humiliating punishment for breaking her submission... |
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