Amateur Glamour Model
I arrived, at the restaurant, at the agreed time, wearing my western boots, tight jeans, and a Lycra t-shirt, with a sports bag, full of t-shirts, blouses, and bra's.
Tullio met me, and greeted me with a kiss, on the lips.
We went upstairs, where there were 6 guys and Ian, standing around, drinking coffee, chatting and fiddling with their cameras. As I was introduced, I heard two guys talking about my breasts, "Fucking Hell! Have you seen the size of them? I hope she gets them out," the shorter one said, his friend replied, "Tullio hasn't let us down, yet!" They both laughed.
As Tullio returned downstairs, Ian took me to a small changing room, which had a table, chair and large mirror. "This should give you some privacy, when you want to change outfits," he told me, as he produced a bottle of wine and a glass.
"What should I wear?" I asked him, "You look fine, so why not start like that. Just come out, when you're ready." He replied.
I gulped down two large mouthfuls of wine, and made my way, onto the stage.
Ian placed a gold coloured chair, next to me, and announced, "As you know, this is Victoria's, first time, and she's nervous, so what ever poses you want, ask me, instead of, just, shouting at her."
Over the next half-hour, I went through a number of poses, straddling the chair and bending over it. It was easier than I had expected, and I quickly relaxed, even suggesting some poses, myself.
Ian handed me my glass, and asked if I would mind changing my top, I nodded agreement, as I again, gulped at the wine.
In the changing room, I had just taken off my t-shirt, and was loosening my bra, when I heard the clicking of a camera, startled, I turned around, the door was still open, continuing to take shots, of me, in my bra, the guy said, "OOPS! Sorry, I should have asked, but I couldn't resist a couple of `voyeur' shots," the others were watching, smiling. I smiled back, "It's okay, but you should have asked."
I wore a white, silk shirt for the next session. A, larger, `throne' type had replaced the original, chair. The poses were similar, until someone asked me to unbutton my shirt, I looked at Ian, who grinned and shrugged his shoulders. Slowly, I did as they had asked, leaving one, fastened at my bust. I could tell from their faces, that this was what they wanted, my cleavage look huge, and I felt my nipples poking through the lace of my white bra.
My poses nearly all consisted of me bending over, swinging my pendulous breasts, which I found very stimulating. On impulse, I opened the last button, giving them a better view.
As I left the stage, to change, Ian again, approached me, "How do you feel about going topless? The guys would really appreciate it," I smiled and raised my eyebrows, he gave a `thumbs up', to his friends.
In my room, I removed my shirt and bra, and looked at myself in the mirror, my breasts were swollen, larger than ever now. It was now or never, I teased my brown, nipples, took another long gulp of wine, and the bottle was empty, now. I slipped on a transparent chiffon blouse, which was see through, again, only fastening, one button, and left my bra, on the table.
As I walked across the room, the men fell silent as they stared at my bouncing breasts.
When I took my place on the stage, the guys were nudging each other, and looked very excited. I moved around, bending over, and squatting; my tits never actually coming into view. With my back, to them, I undid the button and took off my top. I was trembling with excitement, but the wine had made me very relaxed, and I was now losing all of my inhibitions. When I turned round, with my arms in the air, the camera clicks sounded like machine-gun fire!
I posed for about 15 minutes, getting more and more excited, by the second, " Drop your jeans, and show us your knickers," someone shouted. Immediately, I undid the top button and pulled the zip down, exposing my red G-string, I couldn't stop grinning, as I turned around, and slid the jeans down over my bum, flashing my cheeks, then pulling them up, just as quickly. I felt so naughty, my breasts wobbling, as I ran from the stage.
Ian joined me in my room, "thanks for a great night, the guys want to know if you'll come back next week?" I didn't need asking twice, frantically, nodding my head. When I had dressed, only Ian was left, "Tullio, would like you to join us for supper," he said as we walked downstairs.
The restaurant was busy, but we were led to the same secluded table, where I sat between the two men. Tullio, called the same waiter, as before, and ordered food and wine for us.
"Tell me, did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, as he put his arm around my shoulder, he felt warm and was wearing very expensive cologne.
"Yes, it was wonderful, so exciting, Ian has asked me back, next week."
"I'm sure he has, but, you didn't do anything that you didn't want to, did you?" Tullio looked at Ian, for confirmation.
With a big smile, Ian replied, "Well, you won the bet! We did see her tits! With a flash of arse, too!" Both men laughed out loud, as I blushed, bright red.
The, young waiter arrived with our wine, "Victoria's good health!" Tullio toasted me.
"Bet, what bet?" I asked.
Hugging me firmly, and kissing my forehead, Tullio whispered, "We always have a small wager, on how long it takes a new model, to go topless, and, my dear, I will look forward to seeing the evidence!" His big hand squeezing my breast.
When we had finished our meal, Tullio called the young waiter over to our table, and handed him, his car keys, muttering something in Italian, the boy smiled and nodded, "His name is Sandro, and I've told him, no Hanky-Panky! We are busy, so he must come straight back!" As I squeezed past him, Tullio grabbed my arse, and laughed as I drunkenly sat on his knee, wriggling on his groin. As his English was very poor, conversation was at a minimum, as Sandro drove me home in the large Mercedes. When we arrived at my home, I was now feeling very, very horny. I needed sex, as soon as possible. Frustrated, I got into bed. My pussy was on fire, so I had to take out my dildo, and fuck myself to sleep
The next three Fridays followed the same pattern, with another four men turning up making the group ten strong, each week, as they where, now, guaranteed to see my enormous breasts. I used the wages, to buy new underwear and stockings, which I wore in the scenarios that they would create for me. The skimpier the underwear, or costume, the more photos they would take. Their favourite positions were, me leaning forward, over a chair, drooping my breasts, licking my own breasts or with my legs open, trying to get a flash of my pussy. I would, also, wear some of the outfits, from the wardrobes; `wench', `police woman' (with truncheon!), and everybody's favourite - `naughty schoolgirl'. I would, nearly, always end up wearing stockings and suspenders!
Tullio began to attend, with his camcorder, getting up very close to my tits and between my legs, I didn't like to ask what he did with the tape, but it was fun thinking about it!
When we finished, Ian and I would join Tullio for supper, as I would have no one to go home to, and look at the pictures from the previous week. Seeing the pictures of myself showing my body, especially my tits, to a bunch of strangers was becoming more of a turn on each week. I had taken to hiding the pictures and lingerie in a small suitcase in my wardrobe.
Each week Sandro would take me home, and my trusty dildo would be used to great effect.
My husband, Sam, was also, feeling the benefit, as I would jump on him the moment he returned from work, in the morning! He thought that I had been missing him! Bless!
Although, I was still refusing to take my pants off, I knew that it would only be a matter of time, before I would give in.
That night coincided with Sam finding my stash of photos.
Daddy teaches his slutty little girl a lesson... |
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