Amanda’s Life-Saving Blowjobs : PART 2
“She’s pretty cute now,” Mr. Tanner piped in.
“Hmm hmmmm!” Amanda thanked him emphatically. What a NICE thing to say!
Everyone wanted several pictures of Amanda with Father Sanders, and she was proud to pose with the priest who’d once baptized her. Then the good reverend finished and his old dog took his place, and the cameras all came out again. Everyone wanted pictures of Amanda with Max, and the teen was proud to oblige. She’d always wanted a dog of her own, but Mom had always worried about the business of walks and stuff. ‘Maybe Mom would let her get a dog now!’ she thought to herself.
Father Sanders held Max’ front paws up to help keep the animal hoisted up onto his hind legs. Amanda had gotten down on her hands and knees to reach him, and now Max was following his instincts and pumping away. This was good because, in her current position, it was easiest for the teen just to open wide and let Max do all the work. Also, in this position, as she had been with Mr. Vitaliani on the floor, Manny’s little bum was almost higher than her head and the seat of her pants the tightest ever.
“Oh, Amanda!” her Mom cried out. “Your bum is SO cute right now!”
“Hgggghhhh… hggghhhh… hggghhhh… hggghhhh…” Amanda said, her nose being bumped repeatedly by Max’s black belly. It was fun for everyone.
Max truly was funny to watch... he was so intense, pumping so hard and fast he sometimes lost his balance and stumbled, making everyone laugh. But he quickly recovered and resumed his work.
“Poor Max is SO excited!” Mrs. Sanders announced joyfully, to more chuckles. It was so heart-warming to see this old dog having his day again.
For an old dog, Max was tireless, years of pent up instincts suddenly unleashed. Everyone laughed at how long he kept going. For about 15 minutes straight, he kept thrusting his hips voraciously, almost without stop. With her mom kneeling right next to her and holding her head, all Amanda could do was tilt her head one way or the other to turn her eyes side to side. This she found she had to do, lest seeing the same big black object coming in and out within inches of her face give her a headache. At times, Max slowed down a little bit. But then he started up again, just as vigorously as before. And again everyone laughed.
“Hgggghhhh… hggghhhh… hggghhhh… hggghhhh…” Amanda said.
“C’mon, Max,” Bill Williams said. “Let the rest of us guys have a turn!” But the old neighbour who’d known the Scotts for 18 years was smiling broadly. It was only just 8 o’clock and it was Friday night no less. Amanda had at least the whole evening to catch up with everyone else.
With the pretty teen so bent over, all the men were especially enjoying Manny’s sweet little ass, and she soon felt more than one hand fondling it almost continuously. Everyone continued to praise her cute little panty-line, and Mom told everyone how Manny had just gone out to buy several pairs of satin panties a couple of days earlier.
“Sexy satin!” Mr. Tanner chuckled, and soon the others joined in.
“What colour panties are you wearing, Sweetie?” her mom asked her soon afterwards.
“Hmm… hmm… hmm… hmm,” Amanda answered, between Max’s thrusts.
Her mom looked up at where everyone else was sitting and shrugged. Then she looked back towards her daughter and asked: “Are they pink?”
“Hmm… hmm,” Amanda answered, trying to shake her head, but not being able to. Mom immediately recognized the communication problem and quickly thought up a solution. It wouldn’t be fair to have Manny interrupt what she was doing.
“Hold up one finger for ‘No’ and two for ‘Yes’,” Amanda was instructed. Then Mom asked again: “Pink?”
Amanda had to think about it, not because the answer was hard, but because it was hard to concentrate on anything with Max’s big black belly jerking to and fro, never more than 3 inches from her face, and because not puking was as big a concern as it had been all that day (and she had gagged A LOT). But finally she held up one finger on her right hand, which otherwise remained on the floor, like the left, to support her weight.
“Red?” Mrs. Tanner asked next.
“Hmm… hmm,” again Amanda tried to answer verbally, coordinating each ‘hmm’ with one of Max’s forward thrusts. But then she relented and held up one finger again.
Then everyone joined in: “Black?” “Blue?” “Purple?” “Green?” “Pink?” “We’ve already said pink.” “Yellow?” “Peach?” “Yellow?” “Yellow with purple and great polka dots?”
Then there was a pause, when everyone just stared at Amanda continuing to have her throat playfully pulverized. It was Father Sanders, in fact, who came up with the obvious but thus far neglected “White?”
“Hmmmmmm!” Amanda excitedly held up two fingers, but then made a second rotating gesture with her hand to mean ‘not quite’.
“Hmm… hmm… hmm… hmmm,” she repeated, emphatically.
There was silence and then nervous chuckling. And then Mom smiled. “Not quite white? Cream coloured? Not just white? White with something else?”
Amanda finally held up two fingers.
And that’s when Mrs. Campbell piped in with the suggestion to make it all a fun guessing game.
“Let’s all take turns guessing what design Manny has on her panties.”
“That’s a great idea!” Mrs. Scott, always one for fun party games, chimed. But let me play hostess again for a few minutes before we start.”
Mrs. Sanders kindly offered to hold Amanda’s head while Mrs. Scott, aided by Mrs. Tanner, got up to freshen up everyone’s drink and fill a couple of plates with cheese, crackers, and a few other things. Then Mrs. Scott took hold of Amanda’s head again, and everyone else (except Amanda’s dad who manned all the cameras; Amanda and, of course, Max) took their seats. It became almost a reverse game of charades, as everyone first tried to guess what design was on Manny’s panties.
“Stripes?” “Checks?” “Polka dots?” “Fish?” “Who said fish?” “Stars?”
“Cum stains?” Bill Williams said.
“Hmm........ hmmmmmmm!” Amanda scolded him light-heartedly, wiggling her finger to let him know how naughty he’d been, her verbal reprimand interrupted by one of Max’s more vehement thrusts.
It didn’t take long after that for someone to suggest flowers, and Amanda eagerly held up two fingers. Next came time to guess colours and flower sizes and designs, going around the circle in turn.
By now, the open door front door and all the earlier laughter had brought some additional neighbours in from the street, including 6 or 7 college boys who lived in a frat house a block down who had sensed a party glancing to see the big crowd through the living room’s floor to ceiling front window and had wondered if this was the home of someone they knew. They immediately were ushered in to watch and enjoy the fun.
“Come on in. We’re playing a fun little guessing game. Would you boys like some beer?” Mr. Scott asked them. He and Mrs. Scott truly liked young people.
And so it was that the game of guessing the colours and types of flowers on Amanda’s panties became a real party game. It took awhile, but as soon as Max was done, Mrs. Scott ushered one of the frat boys up to immediately take his place.
Amanda was trying to pick hair out of her teeth with her tongue when the new cock appeared. She looked up to say “Oh, hi!” but was instantly muffled by having this new cock shoved down her throat.
“Oh, hmmm!” she said instead.
“Sorry,” the guy said, politely. “May name is Jason.”
“Hmm… hmm,” she answered, as Jason was already face-fucking her.
And then the guessing game started up again. Finally, it was determined that Amanda was wearing white satin bikini panties with medium-sized pink and purple flowers (Amanda wasn’t sure what kind) and both dark and light green leaves.
“That was fun!” Mrs. Campbell said. “Why don’t we do another guessing game?”
And that’s when Amanda’s dad suggested they “turn the tables a little bit and have Amanda guess the colours of the underpants all us men are wearing.”
It took a few minutes to set up the rules, but it was clear that this game would be even more fun than the first. First, Amanda would guess the colour or colours for one man at a time. Second, she’d have to come up with a system for communicating each colour. “But she can’t point at colours and we can’t write anything down... we just have to REMEMBER if 3 fingers represents pink or whatever?” Mom said.
“Are any men wearing pink underwear?” Mr. Scott asked, to everyone’s amusement.
“Third rule, she can’t do the same pattern twice,” Mr. Garrett piped in. “That way it’ll be too easy. Someone will have to keep a record to make sure she doesn’t ask the same three colours in a row beyond the first time.”
“What happens if she does that or points at a colour?”
“She gets penalized.”
And that’s when Mom suggested that, for every guess after her first guess, Amanda owed the man whose underwear colour she was guessing “an extra blowjob at some later date. And every time she’s penalized while guessing, everyone’s ‘prize’ gets doubled. So, if it takes her 5 extra guesses for one of you and 3 for another, and she gets 5 penalties over the evening, she’ll owe those two men 25 and 15 blowjobs; and so on.”
“Our job, gentlemen, is to help Manny take as many penalties as possible,” Father Sanders said, good-humouredly.
“What about me?” asked the college boy being blown.
“You start with ten future blowjobs just for being at the right place at the right time,” Mr. Scott announced firmly.
“And me?” asked Father Sanders.
“You, Father, can get as many blowjobs from her as you want. Now Amanda, teach us your colour scheme.”
To say everyone had fun with this stage of the game would be an understatement. It took Amanda a good 40 minutes to get everyone straight regarding her system. She started by holding up one finger and saying “hmmmm.” And people just guessed: “White?” “Green?” “Blue?” “Black?” And so on.
But with her mouth and throat still being pounded and a roomful of people guessing all at once, it was nigh impossible for her to hear who said what; and Mr. Tanner and Mr. Williams especially had fun trying to confuse things. And then these two clowns tried to confuse everyone further by listing wrong numbers and colours whenever anyone tried to review what had been learned so far.
“Was 4 fingers green or blue?”
“Hmmm,” Manny answered desperately.
“I think that was yellow wasn’t it?” said Bill Williams.
By the time Amanda got through all this and had guessed the colour of three pairs of under-shorts, she’d been penalized 17 times, mostly because she could never keep track of the order of colours she asked about. And the game had barely started! This meant that the frat boy she’d blown first already was owed 170 blowjobs. Meanwhile, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Williams, and a second frat boy were owed 110, 140 and 90 blowjobs, and counting, respectively.
It was a hoot!
When Amanda finished off Jason and Mr. Thomas from two doors down, she found herself face to face with Max again. Now it was her turn to laugh as Max was once again hoisted into place. This time, Amanda and the old dog played together for another 20 minutes or so. Eventually, seemingly out of the blue, Max pulled his paws away from his master and trotted off to the corner to lie down again.
“Do you have to go outside for a pee, Boy?” Mr. Scott asked the dog this time. But Amanda shook her head.
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