Allison - a wonderfull Wife

(Part 1 from 1)

So how did things happen ?.

.Hmmmm, Well there I was at an event some 175 miles away from home when I receive a text message from Ali my wife. I open the text and read the following “ Hi love hope your having a good time, I went to town today shopping and you know that chap I told you about that keeps stopping to chat to me when out walking, well he complemented me on my new top! You know the one that you asked me to get that you liked so much. Looks like it has had the right effect but on someone else though. Have fun and I will text you later xxx “

Have you ever had that feeling inside you that churns you up, that’s the feeling I had after reading the text, the feeling was shock, being out of control but above all else one of real excitement!
Ali had always been somewhat on the shy side and never been confident. She is 5ft 5ins tall with dark straight hair that falls down just below shoulder length, she is as most women these days think much slimmer than she thinks ( a size 10 waist with 36c breasts. I have been trying for ages to get her to dress with that sexy but not slutty look and finally managed to do that, it seems she now likes that attention she is now having from the opposite sex.

As many of you reading this will understand that most cuckold wannabes normally have a short penis and I defiantly fall within that group with not quite able to measure up to the 4 inches erect mark. Now Ali has never ever moaned about my short comings but we both are aware that I have never satisfied her and in 24 years of marriage never made her climax. Ali and I were virgins when we met and very early into wedlock we purchased a lady finger vibrator and it was her who purchased it, I believe she chose it as after seeing my cock she thought that’s what size they were. After using the vibe she was able to attain a climax but after some use she seemed to get bored with using it and on some occasions would even push the whole thing right inside her and hold her lips closed over it.

We were talking one night and the question of size was brought up by her. Steve she said, “ I was reading the paper the other day , the Dear doctor section and a woman was asking about the average size of the male penis. She said that her boyfriends cock was 5 and a half inches erect and was this normal. The reply the woman received was between 5 and 6 and a half inches was average, however there are both smaller and larger out there to be found..

She lent over on her side of the bed and opened her drawer and took out a measuring tape. She then proceeded to kiss my neck and shoulders and I finally felt her hand on my thigh slowly inching it’s way up and into the waistband of my boxer shorts. She was not looking at me at all but directly at the bulge I was now making. She then slid my boxers down and chucked them to one side. Ali looked at me and asked if I was as hard as I could manage to which I nodded my head in response. Ali then unrolled the tape measure and laid it along my stiff cock. She took several measurements of its length and finally said to me “ yep your really on the small side darling, infact the most I could make it was almost 4 inches but not quite”

Ali started up her laptop and did a Google search for a site and called me over with her finger. I looked at the site and it was one that gave the average measurements for males in age order. She started to laugh and pointed to the graph at where my size was indicated...

Part 2 to follow

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This story first appeared in the lesbian class because of the grand grand finale, but fetish types will love this story too. It is all about a cock lost during the Idenetity War, but still available for stuffing - so to speak - into mouths, cunts, and asses.