All for 1 and 2 for Kimberly.

(Part 2 from 2)

Predictable, guy laughter could be heard form the top of the stairs. A pair of cheer leaders embracing each other... right on time. I looked over at Sara and she just smiled at me nodding. She mock bowed to me falling to her knee's. I knew her brothers well enough after all.

I whispered to her that her brothers still hadn't learned how to be men and come to where the action is on their own.

"Well why don't you just go up there, grab them by the pubes and drag them down here then?" She asked rolling her eyes and taking a drag on a tube.

"Oh no!" I declared out loud. "Not this time. If anyone wants to join this party they have to make an effort and arrive in costume just like we all did. NO EXCEPTIONS!"

Immediately a scrambling of scuffled footfalls erupted through the living room and faded back upstairs.

"Do your brothers actually have costumes just laying around?" Kimberly asked as Jade wrapped her arms around her to return the hug.

"My brothers are both comic book and Sci-Fi nuts." Sara answered.

"The odds of them having costumes are fairly good, although I must warn you. The goods are VERY odd."

We all grabbed a tube and took a couple of hits while listening to the music.

"So what are you're brothers like exactly?" Kim asked Sara as Jade and I looked her over.

I did not think it possible, but she looked even more delicious than the night I first found her sobbing in the locker room. She had on the same mini-skirt and hair ribbons in her curled hair.

Knee socks and sweater fitting her like a second layer of skin all in the school colors. Right down to the ruffled panties. Naturally the good news from Jade, making her smile ear to ear helped to. She was positively GLOWING.

"Well; my brothers are harmless enough I guess. Perverted, dirty minded and thanks to Carly here, they have gotten worse..."

They both looked at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes and surrendered with some heavily buzzed inhibitions.

"Okay, okay. Just so everybody knows. I lost my virginity to both of them and Sara helped."

Jade looked appalled in a manner that I hoped wasn't sincere. Then she joined Kimberly in staring at Sara.

"I did not help... Okay I helped Kevin take her, but..." She buried

her face in her hands and started laughing un-uncontrollably.

I made a ridiculously fake serious face and looked down my nose at both of them.

"It's complicated!" I concluded. We all laughed again for awhile longer.

The first one down the stairs was Kevin... I think. Or at least it was a skeleton that was about the same build and height as him. I got up and dimmed the lights to help with the effect. The bones glowed an nice eerie greenish orange and a ski-mask hood covered his face everywhere but the end of his nose and mouth.

"Excellent!" I declared as the four of us applauded his effort and we instructed him to pace around a few times so we could all get a good look.

Next came their friend who was pulling off a pirate costume that made my mouth water. He had on baggy sailor shorts that fit pleasantly tight around his crotch. A pair of wooden prop pistols in a wide leather belt just below his exposed torso. Only a thin loose hanging vest covered his muscled chest and on top of his head was a broad rimmed hat which he removed as he bowed to us courteously.

More applause and whistles from us girls as he made his turns in front of us before finding a seat.

Lastly was Stephen who obviously was paying attention when I flashed them in the living room earlier. He arrived in one of his fathers suits with an old style camera he must have found in the attic.

All of us girls stood up and posed for him as he pretended to take our pictures. There is no way there could have still been any film in that ancient antique.

Finally we all laughed and settled down to snack and toke some more. So far as I knew, the brothers were not high when I had my way with them a few days ago. They seemed more than comfortable with it now.

I knew it was only a matter of time before the pot got me frisky so I decided to break the ice some.

"How about a game?" I asked everyone.

"Spin the bottle" Sara volunteered. licking her lips and looking at Kim lustfully. Either She missed her saying she was straight or took that as a personal challenge.

"Ugh! no." Jade said. "Something more along our age group. Somewhere between truth and dare and beer pong." The Pirate reached into a leather pouch on his belt and removed two full decks of cards.

"Strip poker? Anyone?"

Jade looked clearly impressed.

"Well, you do come well prepared, for a scoundrel. Just what is your name anyway?"

"Captain Peter! Scourge of the seven seas and I aim to pillage those panties!" He stated looking directly at her slender upper thighs and underwear. Her legs were slightly spread on the couch giving him a good vantage point of her secret treasure box.

"Don't count your booty until it's plundered mister!"

Sara looked down at her costume and frowned.

"I'm SO going to lose." I grinned at her and winked.

"Don't worry about that. Cheer leaders together, pin up girls together and the guys all together on three separate teams."

Everyone nodded in agreement, so Stephen shuffled the decks together and started by dealing out 3 sets of 5 cards. The first hand went to the cheerleaders so I removed my garter and the Pirate lost his hat.

Round two went to Sara and I so the next items to go where Stephens suit jacket and Jades sweater top. She had on no bra underneath. Her perky 'C' cups stood out firmly as she smiled at the guys. Her nipples started to harden to points as we all had a good look.

Round three went to the cheerleaders again since the guys couldn't really focus on their cards and all we had was a pair of sevens. Sara removed her g-string panties before I could decide what to take off. The skeleton took off his gloves.

The fourth hand went to the men. So I stood up and asked Stephen to help me with my girdle. He wasted no time in stepping behind me and relieving me from the oppressively restraining under garment.

Kimberly also stood up and asked Kevin to help her with her skirt. He expertly took hold of the pleats and un-zipped it for her, noticeably cupping her bottom as it fell to the ground.

It was clear from everyone that the arousal level was approaching the breaking point. I grabbed the cards and dealt out the fifth hand. I could not believe it. 4 queens. I set the cards down on the table and Stephen grinned at me without even looking at his teams cards. He undid the belt and let his pants fall to the floor.

Jade removed her dark red panties from under her skirt and stumbled over toward Peter. Then everything started happening at once. She tongue kissed him deeply and he cupped her sex under her skirt. He must have penetrated her with his fingers, because she quickly started to shudder.

Sara started to finger her own pussy as she watched them and Kevin found his way over to Kim. I was dumbfounded for a few moments, completely lost in a pot haze as time slowed all around me. In another few minutes I was going to be standing in the middle of a weed and junk food induced orgy.

Stephen removed his shirt and further stripped down to his boxers. I quickly jumped over to him.

"Not so fast with those." I commanded him. I pushed him backwards onto the couch and positioned my head between his legs. Reaching inside the cloth gap in front I took hold of his half hard cock and stroked it.

"I want to watch!" I begged him and he slowed down, letting me play at my own pace. I placed my first cock inside my mouth and sucked in. It had a strange taste. A combination of pre-cum, musky sweat and a hint of urine. It was intoxicating and I wanted more. I tried to swallow him in further but I was numb from the pot and excitement.

I came up for air and looked over my shoulder at Kim. Kevin had her bent over the arm of the couch and was rubbing his own hard cock against her ruffle panty clad ass. He was REALLY getting off on it as he moaned and got stiffer with each stroke.

"Take me! Please!" She moaned as he spun her over onto her back. She pulled her panties aside revealing her pussy and wet red pubic mound.

"Has it been done before?" he asked.

"YES! I'm not a virgin. Now please fuck me!" She begged.

She had virtually every ones attention as Kevin pulled her legs up over the arm of the chair and entered her. She practically tore her sweater top off revealing a pure white bra that almost seemed nude next to her alabaster Irish skin.

"Yes! Ooh Yes!!!" She moaned in ecstasy as Kevin thoroughly pumped her.

Meanwhile Jade was sitting on Peter's face with her legs spread out to the sides. Far past what looked to be humanly possible. He had a firm grip on her thighs and was holding her suspended over him. Balanced as she was, she was fully engrossed in the pussy licking she was getting.

Sarah was about to bring herself to an orgasm from the look on her face and the mischievous side of me took over yet again. I crawled over and rested my head on her upper thigh and sank my teeth in. She cried out and I turned to suck on her clitoris just as Stephanie had taught me.

Sarah cursed at me as her thighs tightened. I successfully frustrated her orgasm. Stephen pulled off my panties and entered me from behind while repeatedly spanking my ample ass cheeks. I spasmed with pleasure as I tried to keep sucking and nibbling Sarah.

I quickly reached my orgasm and could feel Stephen was getting close. I pulled forward and grabbed his cock taking it out of my vagina. Looking him squarely in the eyes I instructed him.

"I wan't you and your brother to give it all to Kimberly. This is her day." He nodded and went over to join his brother. Returning my attention to my best friend I inserted two fingers inside of her and made the same motion on her G-spot that my sister had done to me.

Sara recognized right away what I was doing and struggled to resist. But it was no use. The sensations took hold of her and she submitted fully. She squirted her water like cum into my face and cleavage. I licked my lips and sucked it from her outer cuny lips. She shuddered from my added attentions and I let her lick some from my fingers.

Stephen took his brothers place as Kevin slid beneath Kim. She reinserted him back inside her and pressed against him as he held her firmly in place. Stephen tore off her drenched panties fully exposing her nice firm round ass.

Dipping his fingers into the whipped cream he proceeded to spread the sweet cream all around and deep inside her butt.

Kim was in a total dream state as she looked over at Sara.

"I think your brothers are both wanting to screw me at the same time."

"Good luck stopping them." She replied giggling and winked at me.

He entered her and she gasped pretty much the same way I did when Kevin took me. Only she had two hard cocks inside her at the same time. Stephen grabbed her ribboned pigtails using them like handle bar grips on a bike.

She panted and mouthed obscenities as the two men recklessly used her body. Her knee sock legs flailed to either side as she arched her back from Stephen pulling her hair and forcing more of his rod deeper inside her tight ass hole.

Kevin came first as he was erotically crushed at the bottom of the cheer leader sandwich.

Kim squealed in delight as she felt his hot spunk shoot deep inside of her drenched cunt. It sent her wildly over the edge and with two brothers pounding her she lost control. Cursing and laughing she cried out as she began an impressive string of multiple orgasms that only began to subside when Stephen pulled out of her ass. Stroking his hard cock, he shot his load all over her cheeks and onto her back and in her hair.

We all did our best to cool down and get back to a more normal heart rate. Peter and Jade sat together still making out. She was still a virgin and not quite ready to give that up yet so they ended with some 69 that left them both very satisfied.

Sara and I were drenched with her cum so we had both stripped down to almost nude. She was back to straddling my lap and kissing where ever she found a tasty spot. It was at that moment that I fully realized what my sister had meant.

Sara and I were really wrapped around each other in every possible way. We didn't just play with each other. We really were in love. There was no more denying it or pretending to avoid it. She would always be following me around and I would always be there for her. Never far away.

I had told Stephen to go to Kim because I was thinking of her.

I like men and enjoy the feel of good hard cock. But Sara and I are soul mates. From that day forward, I stopped fighting it and didn't care who knew. As it turned out of course. I think just about everyone already did.

To be continued...

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