All for 1 and 2 for Kimberly.

(Part 1 from 2)

I didn't even bother knocking on my sisters door anymore. Considering the recent developments between us, I doubt modesty was still an issue.

"Stephanie?" I called out as I walked around the queen sized bed that she used to punish me and bring me to the greatest squirting orgasm of my life just two days ago.

She had me and Sara, my best friend and part-time Bi-sexual lover, right where she wanted us. Cuffed and naked. Our bare asses at her devious mercy. She spanked me with her thick, hard plastic hair brush until Sara confessed to being in her room.

Next she proceeded to suck my pussy and nibble my thighs while Sarah took my sister with one of her own vibrators. Then she made us both squat over her hands while she finger banged us. She expertly played with my G-spot, forcing me to have my first ever female ejaculation. Just the memory alone makes my upper thighs warm.

Anyway, getting back on track, I found sis, in her walk in closet sorting out an outfit for her date later tonight.

"Carly! I'm glad your here." She beamed at me while holding up a pair of slinky dresses. Her favorite lucky black one and a new light green one that i'm pretty sure is see through enough to get her arrested. Knowing her as well as I do however, I'm pretty sure her goal is to end up wearing cuffs anyway.

I indicate that she should go with the black one. Not surprisingly she put them both back and started squeezing into a painted on pair of jeans and a spaghetti strap top with an exposed mid-riff.

"I may have gotten myself in a bit over my head about something."

She sighs at me with her usual flair and scowls at me with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

"Who is she?"

"What do you mean; who is she?" I try to look as innocent as possible while locking my fingers together. As I nervously twiddle my thumbs in steady circles.

"I know it's not some problem with Sara. You pretty much have nature girl wrapped around both of your pinkie fingers. Or it's the other way around, i'm still not sure of which."

I swallow slowly and launch into my story. A sordid tale of cheer leader tryouts, a girls locker room confrontation with Julia (a.k.a. Jade) gone awry and the sob story of a certain young and eager auburn haired girl in her brand new pom-pom costume getting cut during said tryouts.

"I really want to help her, Stephanie..." "Well of course you do." My sister abruptly interrupted. It's no secret how much you hate the institution of cheer leading."

"Okay. That's a given." I confess. "But this is different. She just wants to carry on her family tradition..."

"... and meet boys." Stephanie interrupted again. "Well yes; That point did come up with her." I blush.

"So what exactly are you expecting me to help with?" She asked in a sincerely curious tone.

"Advice of course. I don't want to try and intimidate Jade, I was lucky things turned out so well the first time. It's just that... this is so un-fair! If Kim wants to throw her life away shaking her 'ass-ettes' in some stupid sports event, then she should be allowed to."

"Life isn't always fair kiddo. Tonight I wan't to have a nice expensive dinner, see a great new movie and make love on a fur rug next to a roaring fire." She sighs and continues.

"What's likely to happen is; appetizers at the place I work, a rented DVD and then get rug burn while he fuks me into oblivion for a good solid 45 minutes. If i'm really lucky there will be porn and wine involved."

"So then why are you even going?"

"Mmm... Because he knows Jazz. REALLY knows... Jazz..." She responded dreamily.

She looked back at me and shrugged.

"Life is not always fair but there is ALWAYS strength in numbers." She looked me in the eyes and gave me a rather lusty version of a sisterly kiss.

As she picked up her purse and headed out, I sat on her bed to think for a few moments. After a few head scratching minutes passed I pulled my cell phone out of my bra and dialed Sara.

"Call Kim and meet me at our hide-out in an hour. I think I have figured out how to get Jade to keep Kim on the squad."

Our hide-out is actually an old abandoned loft barn, in an over grown farm, behind my house. The two of us spend plenty of time there. It is also where we first started exploring each other and playing our less than innocent games.

Kimberly and Sara arrived at about 3-ish. I immediately noticed that Kim is a farmers daughter by day, as she appeared wearing denim coveralls with a peach tank top underneath. Sara was in one of her usual hemp dresses. Her hair was actually tied back with strips of leather cord. I kid you not.

If I didn't already know who she was, I would have thought Kim was someone else. Compared to her doll face cheer outfit, she looked more like a tom-boy than even I usually get accused of.

Sara walked right up to me and sat in my lap wrapping her legs around my back. Nuzzling my neck she smiled up at me. No this is not what we usually do in this barn. Apparently things had continued to evolve.

Kim raised an eyebrow at us and spoke up.

"Just so we all start off on the same page, I'm not into girls. Been there, tried that and came out of it 100% straight."

"More for me then!" Sara sang to me. Rolling my eyes, I pushed Sara away from me and tried to get serious. On second thought, what the heck. I grabbed Sara on either side of her head and gave her a long, wet tongue kiss while tugging roughly at her hair.

Collapsing out of my lap, she ended up a couple of feet to my left on her back staring up at the loft.

"...And on that note we bring this Coven meeting to order." I declare.

"First things first. We need to 'convince' Jade to keep Kim on the Cheer squad"

"Just how do we plan to do that exactly?" Sara asked while folding her hands behind her head and looking upwards at the partially missing sections of roof.

"Stephanie is currently dating her brother." I replied. Sara sat up looking completely shocked.

"What the fuck...? Are you serious?

"Completely. I just found out myself awhile ago. It took me awhile to piece together the clues."

I dialed-up the high school directory on my phone and in moments Jade answered. A strange feeling suddenly came over me. This is much too close to black mail for my taste. I can't do this; If I did, I would be using my sister and that is just not my way.

"Hello? What is it? Who is this?" Came the irritated voice on the other end.

I took in a big gulp of air and blurted out the best improvisation I could.

"Julia? This is Carly. Look; I have been thinking a lot about our encounter in the gym. I think it took a lot of guts to do what you did and say all those things. I think we got off on the wrong foot and I want to have a chance to show you that there are really no hard feelings."

After a bit of a pause on the other end she finally said...

"Well; it wasn't all that terrible I guess." She made kissing sounds into the phone. "What exactly did you have in mind geek'ette? and I go by Jade, last I heard."

"In the spirit of fostering better relations between us, I'm going to let the geek'ette thing slide. But you only get one of those. Anyway a costume party is happening tonight and Sara and I really wan't you to be there."

After another pause, she finally replied.

"Oh goody... A lesbian costume party... Umm thanks, really, but maybe next time..."

"No no no." I protest. "There will be guys there too. Games and food all included. If you behave yourself, maybe even a little something smoking chronic."

This time she returns with enthusiasm.

"I'm in! What time?"

"As soon as we have everything ready we will text you directions... and Jade. There will be another cheerleader there, so come in your uniform! I think it will really make an impact if you both team up."

"Whatever..." she answers as she mumbles something about guys and costume fetishes before the hang-up tone sounds.

"Uh Carly? Do we actually know any guys to bring to a party?" Sara asks while laying back down and looking suggestively at Kim.

"Yes; you're related to them." I answer shortly.

"Hey don't you look at me like that. You told me to come up with a plan to keep them discreet and this is it. So... deal with it!" I told her quickly.

"Okay then. Lets split up and get the ball rolling! Coven meeting closed."

About 5 hours later, just about everything was set up in Sara's basement den. Snacks were laid out and music was queued up on the stereo. Frankly, I had NO IDEA where I was going with all of this, but if my luck held out, at the very least I could get Jade to know Kim a bit better and then maybe she might even cut her a break.

"What about Steve and Kevin?" Sara finally asked me as she started loading her parents multi-tube hookah with part of her stash. I looked at her like she suddenly grew alien antennae out of her head.

"There are going to be two gorgeous Cheerleaders in uniform down here, plus a pair of pin-up girls in full 1950's style lingerie who they have previously lost their cherries too. Good luck trying to keep them away."

As my luck further held out, the boys ended up having a friend of theirs drop in. The three of them slammed away at some band simulation video game up in the living room as Jade's text back confirmed she was almost there.

Following my careful instructions, Kim waited in the upstairs bathroom with Sara until after Jade arrived. The doorbell rang and I answered it like I owned the place. Wearing a thick bathrobe over my 'costume' I smiled at Jade and motioned her inside.

True to her word she did not disappoint. She had her full cheer uniform on complete with knee socks and tassels. In any other moment I might have wretched, but this was all for a good cause. I really must keep reminding myself of that.

Jade looked me over in turn and smirked.

"Hugh Hefner?" She quipped.

"He wears pajamas not bath robes smart-ass, so no."

We made our way past the living room and I guided her to the basement stairs. As she started down, I took a few backwards steps back into the living room and opened my robe fully revealing my garter, lacy corset and girdle. I had my thighs pressed together accentuating the fullness of my mound under my form hugging panties.

"Oh you guys! I called to them as seductively as I could manage. All three of them turned their heads and stared bug eyed at my full figured form.

"That is a very good song your playing, keep it...up" I winked slowly and then mouthed something to Steven that i'm reasonably sure he didn't need to read lips to understand.

I smiled, closed my robe back up and headed down the stairs. Perfect I thought to myself. That should only take a few minutes to sink in with them. I could hear them through the air vent as I entered the den.

"What the heck was THAT all about" Their friend asked.

"Our sister is having a few friends over for a party of some kind." Kevin replied. "I doubt us men are invited though."

"Screw that!" Stephen dropped his controller with a loud thunk. "That was a good enough invitation for me."

I close my eyes and shake my head slowly. Just the way I like em. Young, dumb, and full of ...

Jade interrupted my train of thought.

"So where is everybody?"

"You're a little early. But that's okay because like I said on the phone, I wanted a chance to talk some too."

"I'm here. So talk then."

I take a long drag on one of the hookah tubes which turned into a coughing fit. MUCH more powerful than Sara's bong. Naturally Jade burst out laughing but instead of slashing me with some kind of put down she simply grabbed one of the tubes and said...

"Let me show you how to use this thing book worm." She took a short breath in from the mouth piece while slowly exhaling out her nose. white plumes formed around her neatly combed shoulder length blond hair and she fell into a mild giggle fit.

I smiled trying to save some prideful aura as I followed her lead. It took a couple more clumsy tries but I soon hit a more graceful stride.

I removed my robe and tossed it onto the couch across the room. Doing my best attempt at a few candid pin-up girl poses I turned a few times to give her the full effect.

"That is awesome Carly. Suddenly I actually feel over-dressed." She giggled and playfully tossed popcorn at me.

"Didn't plan for that to happen wearing this. So your not allowed to pick out my costumes for me anymore." We both laughed for awhile at that before I steadied myself to get back on track.

"Speaking of picking..." I started, trying not to let my quickly gaining buzz distract me.

"Do you know a redhead named Kimberly who tried out for your squad a few days ago?"

Jade frowned a bit and her eyes focused a few times as she tried to recall.

"I think so." She finally answered. "She was in her own uniform and looked really good out there. Come to think of it, her mom was a cheer leader at the college back a few decades ago."

"And her grandmother..." I added as Jade raised her eyebrows obviously surprised that I would even know such a thing.

"So then if you liked her try-out, why did you cut her?" I decided to get right at the point. She looked at me like I just stepped out of my mother ship. She scarfed down a couple of deviled eggs and stared at me some more.

"Are you serious? That's not my call. I don't have any real control over who is or isn't on the squad."

My face contorted with profound confusion.

"But; you're the head cheer leader..."

"Yeah." She interrupts. "My job is to stand in front of the other ladies and make sure every ones... pom-poms are shaking in the same direction." The roster is in the hands of the women's athletics director."

I took a bowl of jello and emptied the whole thing into my mouth to keep from screaming. It had never even occurred to me. Jade watched me grinning.

"Now THAT'S a 5 alarm case of the pot munchies."

I stumbled away from the table hoping the couch would catch me seeing as how the world had just shifted largely into the surreal.

"I sure wish we could have her on the squad though." Jade continued.

"We are told to be mean and act stupid with the try-outs, to weed out the dedicated ones from the pretenders. I hate it, but it makes sense I guess. Cheering takes commitment and you can't just wake up one day wanting to do it and then walk away when things get tough."

I straightened up at those words like I was paralyzed.

"You mean all she has to do is prove that she really wants to be a cheer leader and she would have a chance?"

"Of course it wouldn't hurt." Jade shrugged. "If you really want something you keep at it and don't take 'no' without a fight. Hell I was cut three times my Sophomore year." She then gave me a look and asked...

"Why exactly are you so interested in this chic anyway? It all seems pretty far off of your radar." I turned on the radio and something vaguely 90's pop girl band era started playing, signaling Sara and Kim to join us.

I could tell right away from the look on Kim's face that they both heard everything through the vents upstairs. As Jade got an eye full of Sara's pin-up girl costume which covered about as much of her as a French cut bikini, Kim walked right up to her and gave her a bear hug. It was the type you might expect if Jade had just thrown herself in front of a bus and saved her life.

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She moved her hips trying to get the finger to move faster, but as if to admonish her to be still, it stopped rubbing it all together for a few seconds...