Alex's first day
It was my first day of college. I had just arrived and after spending what seemed like hours trying to find a parking spot, I dragged myself to the dorms that I would be staying in for the next four years. I hoped that I didn’t end up with a straight homophobe as a roommate.
As I was walking across the campus lawn I was knocked over by a pretty girl who had been hurrying by, her nose buried in a book. She seemed just as shocked as I was. Neither of us had realized that the other was on a collision course with them. It must have seemed quite comical to whoever was watching.
"Sorry" I said, totally embarrassed as I picked myself up and picked up the book that she had dropped. There was no title on the cover or spine of the book and curious I opened it.
"Don’t…" she started to say shyly and lunged snatching the book from me. I blinked the movement had been so fast that I hadn’t even registered it and I had taken six years of Aikido and was the fastest girl on the track team at my previous school. She was up off me a second later and ran across the courtyard and out of sight clutching the small black book to her chest. I blinked again, confused, I had seen just enough of the page to realize why she wouldn’t want anyone to see it. I had registered the words spell, magic, and protection, along with a large pentagram that had been drawn in the middle of the page. The book was hand written. I realized that it was probably the girl’s Book Of Shadows. (Like a witch’s spell book/diary) it was about the most private thing one could have and was deeply personal.
I suddenly realized that I was still laying on the ground in the middle of the walkway staring off into space. People were beginning to stare. I got up, grabbed my bags and hurried onwards. I spent the next half-hour trying to find my room. Knowing only the number and not which building it was in.
I finally found the room and pulled the key out of my pocket. It didn’t fit, I sighed and dragged myself to the administrations building, where they got me the right key, then I went back to the room and finally managed to get through the door and into my room. I looked around, I could tell that my roommate must have already gotten there.
One of the two beds in the room was messed up, and there were bags piled at the base of the bed. One of the bags was open and lying on the bed, it looked like it was packed to bursting with books. The blinds were drawn tight and there was a laptop sitting on the desk. Upon closer inspection I concluded that I was going to be living with a pagan bookworm instead of an evangelical cheerleader. Good, because I hated cheerleaders, and doomsayers.
The laptop had a large sticker on it that read: ‘want a taste of religion? Lick a witch" and there seemed to be other stickers on all her stuff. From the book covers that I could see I acknowledged `a pagan book of days’, `teen witch’, and `casting the circle’. I blinked and stopped looking at her stuff, it was best if I kept my eyes to myself, I knew that pagan’s tended to place a great deal of emphasis on privacy. I sat down on my bed and began to unpack my stuff.
When I had finally finished unpacking I collapsed onto my bed and closed my eyes. Running a hand through my hair. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and that was what I fully intended to do, until I heard a noise at the door.
I heard a key inserted into the lock, and then the door opened. I sat up to meet my roommate. I blinked for a second and wondered if this was what I was actually seeing. Standing in the doorway was the girl who had knocked me over earlier. She was looking at me with the same shock and disbelief in her face as I was feeling. I blinked, not knowing why I was tongue tied at the moment. She inched across the room trying to stay as far away from me as possible and grabbing her laptop she hurried out of the room. I blinked and found her terrified look comical and funny.
`She’s kinda cute’ I thought, then mentally hit myself, had I really just thought that? I realized now that I was developing a crush on someone whom I hadn’t even said two words to. I got up, and walked over to the door, I found myself thinking of how her ass moved when she walked. I pushed the thoughts aside and peeked into the hallway.
She was sitting a few feet away her arms wrapped around her beautiful legs and she was staring at seemingly nothing.
"Why must you do this, goddess, did you purposely give me a straight room mate just to tease me? Why?" she said quietly, she didn’t even know I was there. I stood there watching her for another minute. She thought I was straight? Oh how wrong she was. Me straight? That was a laugh, I was the one person who during high school had gotten more pussy then any of the guys.
I sat down at the desk and scribbled out a note. I placed it on her pillow got undressed, picked out my sexiest nighty and donned it, then got into bed, I pretended to have gone to sleep. But instead I was waiting, I few minutes later, she nudged the door opened slightly and when she saw that I was asleep she crept inside and across to her bed. I had it all planned out, she saw the note and opened it.
I never said I was straight
Alex, your roommate
As she read the letter, I slipped out of bed and up behind her. I saw her shudder slightly and shake her head. She pulled her shirt over her head and while doing that she was turning around. She ended up turning right into my embrace. I gently wrapped my arms around her and began kissing the tops of her breasts. She jumped and whimpered her head and arms tangled in the shirt. I smiled and reached around unclipping the bra that she was wearing. I heard her moan, and she began to struggle when she realized what was actually happening. I bent down and sucked one of her perfect tits into my mouth. She whimpered and then suddenly pushed me away.
She grabbed her shirt and ran out of the room throwing it on in the process. I blinked, and looked after her confused as to why she had just stopped. I shrugged to myself, knowing that if she didn’t want to be found she wouldn’t be. I got back into bed and went to sleep. Heck, maybe she was straight, just open-minded. All I knew is that from that point on she never talked about it and did her best to ignore my advances. I got the hint after a little while that she wasn’t attracted to me in that way. In fact it took a long time just to get her to speak to me.
Three weeks later
I had just gotten back from a lecture and walked in to find Anna my roommate lying on my bed. I blinked; she was laying with her head on my pillow staring absently into space. She hadn’t even noticed I had come in. I set my book bag down and watched her for a little while. I had never seen her act like this; I was starting to wonder if she was high or drunk. After a minute I cleared my throat. She bolted upright, stared at me, blushed, and then dashed out of the room. I blinked, confused. This didn’t seem like anything I had seen out of her in the past three weeks.
Could it be that the girl I had been lusting after for the last month actually had a secret crush on me, and was just to shy to let her feelings show. I went and laid down on my bed, lying exactly how she had been laying. I could still smell her, the fruity sent of her shampoo was gathered on my pillow.
I woke up some time later; Anna had just entered the dorm. She crept over to her bed thinking that I was asleep and sat down. She stared at me for a few minutes. Obviously watching me sleep, then she shook her head and laid down on her bed. I heard her let out a sigh and she turned off the light I let myself drift off. I woke up the next morning to find her staring at me from only inches away. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and before I could do anything she had kissed me on the lips passionately.
"Merry Beltane!" she said and ran out of the room skipping happily. I blinked for a second; not really registering anything but the very passionate kiss on the lips I had just received from the girl I had been after for the past month. Beltane? I suddenly remembered that today was the pagan holiday of Beltane, which was a celebration of the marriage of the god and goddess, and of love. I was still in total shock at her random actions, I couldn’t believe that that was coming from the girl who I had to spend nearly fifteen minutes to get to say even one word. I got out of bed, and stretched. I couldn’t help but notice the large pile of crumpled papers in the trash can that hadn’t been there when I had gone to sleep. I grabbed one out of the trash and uncrumpled it.
Dear Alex
I really don’t know how to say this but I really feel attracted to you, I feel dizzy every time you talk to me and I cant work up the courage to say this to your face but I really love you.
I reread the note a couple of times and sat down on the floor. I went through all the other notes. They were all pretty much the same, she had apparently spent the last couple of hours while I was asleep to try and write me a love letter. I smiled and leaned back against the bed.
Maybe ten minutes later I got up, got dressed and slipped the note that I liked best into the breast pocket of my shirt. Then I went outside to join everybody else in the festivities. The school had a very large pagan community so they also celebrated the pagan holidays along with the Christian ones. I was glad to have a day free of lectures. I smiled, as I walked out onto the lawn, there were little groups of people sitting in circles all over the courtyard. There was also a group of the most Christian students were sitting at the edge of the courtyard looking very confused, and wondering why they got a free day off to celebrate a festival of those who most of them thought were devil-worshipers.
Even though I wasn’t a pagan of any kind, I still respected their beliefs. They were so far the only religion I had ever been in contact with that didn’t instantly try to convert me. I could see Anna in one of the circles. She saw me and smiled happily. I smiled and waved at her. The whole euphoric air lasted all day and into the night.
I watched the rituals that occurred under the full moon. Even though I wasn’t of the religion I was still drawn by it. The festival was moving to say the least. After the ritual there was a huge party that lasted well into the night.
I was standing near one of the tables with a glass of punch (that had been spiked at least three different times already tonight) in my hand when suddenly I felt an arm around my waist; a hand took away my drink and sat it down on the table. I recognized the ring on that hand instantly.
"Come on Alex dance with me" Anna said, she dragged me almost forcefully out into the crowd on people who were dancing. Though I wasn’t exactly resisting her. She turned me around and pulled me close as we slowly danced. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. I decided that she was drunk, very drunk, by the way she was laying against me kissing my neck. I was feeling very very aroused and my breathing was becoming shallow and quick. I felt her hands slip down from my lower back and down into the rear pockets of my jeans. I realized that she totally intended on fucking me here and now, in the middle of all these people. Though I was obliged for dignity’s sake too not. I pulled away from her and taking her hands out of my pockets. I helped her stumble out of the crowd. I didn’t want it like this; I didn’t want her to wake up the next morning confused, with no memory of the previous night. I wanted our first time to be true, when her mind was clear.
As I led her back to the room I felt her hand slip back into my back pocket, and her other hand come up to my breast. She tried to pull my into some nearby bushes while peppering my face with kisses. I fought my own desires and dragged her onwards to the room. At one point she managed to trip me and get on top of me. Next things I knew her lips were pressed against mine, her tongue desperately begging entrance to my mouth. The only thing I could do was let it. It was all I could do to keep my own desires in check. I had to enlist the help of a passing girl to get her off of me and up to the room.
I thanked the girl and closed the door. I led her over her bed. She smiled when she saw the bed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I gently unbuttoned her shirt. She giggled like a little girl and kissed me hard on the lips. I managed to get her shirt and pants off and her into bed. I covered her up and told her to rest. She passed out almost instantly. Her hand still down my pants where she had been vigorously fingers fucking me for the last few minutes. I pulled her hand out of me with a sigh.
I left the room making sure that she was asleep before I did. I locked the door and went back down to the party.
A couple of hours later
I dragged myself up to the room completely exhausted from the party. It was two in the morning and the party showed no signs of slowing down. I pushed open the door after many tries with my key, and then I stumbled over to bed and fell back onto it. I pulled the covers over myself and focused on sleeping. What I didn’t expect was for the bed to reach out and grab me, wrapping itself around me. I felt lips on my neck and the smell of alcohol mixed with a familiar smelling shampoo.
I turned around into Anna’s arms and kissed her on the nose. She giggled and kissed me on the lips hard. I smiled and wrapped myself around her letting her pull my shirt of over my head. Next thing I knew her head was buried between my breasts, I laid back and smiled in pleasure as she sucked my rock hard nipples into her mouth. I had finally given into my desires, heck this may be the only time I got a chance at her, since she was so reserved and shy when she was sober.
I realized after a second that she had stopped. I looked down and realized to my disappointment and amusement that she had passed out again, her head resting gently between my breasts. I sighed and laid back, I gently rolled her off me after a minute and pulled my jeans off. I knew how uncomfortable it was to sleep in jeans. I took time to marvel over her perfectly beautiful body. I smiled and cuddled up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and nuzzling my face in between her breasts.
I woke up the next morning lying on my back with her head resting on my breasts. I couldn’t help but watch her for a second, and struggle to remember what had happened last night. Suddenly she shifted and rubbed her face against my breasts. It was all I could do to stop from moaning and she continued to nuzzle my tits.
I saw that she was waking up and curious to what her reaction would be I pretended to be asleep. I felt her sit up and heard her yawn then I felt her stiffen next to me as she realized just where she was. I could hear her breath becoming ragged and erratic as I felt her gently stroke my cheek. I rolled closer to her and pretended that I had just woken up.
"Good morning babe, you were great, you tasted better than I expected you would" I said as I gently slipped an arm around her naked body and let my hand run up along the inside of her leg.
"Did we?" she stammered out.
"Indeed, don’t you remember? Oh well they say the best ones are the ones you can never remember afterwards." I said sleepily and began kissing her neck. I watched the look of panic come over her face. She looked at me afraid.
"Oh alright, we didn’t don’t worry you wanted to but you kind of passed out before we could really do much. But you sure seemed to enjoy grabbing my ass" I said with a smile and leaned forward to kiss her shoulders. She flinched away and started to make something up so she would have an excuse to run, not this time though. I made that point perfectly clear as I let my hand wonder down between her legs. She whimpered and looked at me scared.
"What’s wrong? Do you not like this?" I said gently rubbing her crotch, she moaned her eyes wide with fear.
"No I mean uh I like it, its just I’ve never…"
"Done this before? Don’t worry you’re in good hands." I said and kissed her on the lips. This time she kissed me back wrapping her arms around me and pressing her hot body against mine. I let my hand slide into her panties and finger her soaking pussy. I watched her eyes widen with shock at the pleasure I was inflicting on her as I slipped two fingers into her.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and I realized that I had promised to help a friend with some of her work that she was struggling on. I started to get up, but Anna pulled me down and kissed me hard on the lips.
"Don’t go," she said pressing her trembling body up against mine.
"I’m sorry babe, I have to, I promised Ally I would help her. Don’t worry I’ll make it up to you I promise." I said hurriedly then shouted to Ally that I would be out in a minute.
"Not if I can help it," shouted Anna as she flipped me over onto my back and crawled on top of me. She was surpassingly strong for her size.
"Actually Ally, I uh oh! Why don’t you come back in a couple of minutes" I yelled as Anna slipped her hand into me and started finger fucking me as fast as she could as she kissed her way down my chest.
"Actually Ally make that uh oh gods that’s good! Ally make it a few hours!" I desperately tried to shout between moans as I felt Anna’s tongue flicking my clit. I was going mad with pleasure. I reached down and pressed her face into my pussy. She pulled her fingers out and replaced them with her tongue. Soon I was moaning my back arching with pleasure as I thrashed about on the bed. I reached down and bodily lifted her, spinning her around so I could eat her out as well. I gently flicked my tongue over her pussy, eliciting a moan from her, I grinned at the familiar sound and plunged my tongue as deep as I could into her pussy. She moaned into me and ran her tongue wildly around my pussy. Next thing I knew I was screaming my head off into her pussy, as I came all over her pretty face. I could feel her licking up my juices. I continued putting all my concentration into making her have the most amazing orgasm she’d ever have. Soon she was moaning into me and clutching desperately onto my legs. Her heated yelps just spurred me on. Soon her juiced gushed out of her spasming pussy. She collapsed on top of me trembling.
With what little strength I had left I lifted her up and turned her around lying her shaking body down on top of me again and then kissed her passionately. We staid like this for a long time until we both dozed off. I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Ally bending over me.
"Jeez Lexi I didn’t know you liked girls too." She said looking down at me, she had always called me Lexi, from the first time she heard my name, she had decided to nickname me Lexi,
"Yea uh sorry about earlier, just its kind of hard to focus when your having you pussy being eaten out." I said, I had never been shy about telling other people details
"You should try it sometime, actually how about know, come here hot stuff." Anna said sleepily and her hand shot up to grab Ally. But Ally was fast enough to avoid Anna’s grasp. She leapt back and fell onto the floor. Before I knew it Anna was out of bed and had sat down on Ally’s lap. I watched as Anna kissed Ally, It was kind of amusing seeing Ally’s arms and legs flailing about wildly. Then I saw Ally relax and her arms come up to encircle Anna. I crawled out of bed and crept over to them. I kneeled down and reached around Anna and began to push Ally’s shirt up.
A daughter is forced into wet and paiful submission by her father... |
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