Home : Lesbian Stories : total 5 reviews.

After School reviews

Posted by LucOuarm
This story is neither !!! or !?! Having most sentences overly exclamatory becomes boring. Dialogue treatment needs to be improved.
Posted by TheOne
Learn how to use the enter key. And the period button as well.See that? Learn what that is, and then use it.
Posted by sexyylexxxy
the dialouge confused me.
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. The next morning, there were several replies. One in particular caught my eye, it was from someone who's handle was BBW. "Mark, I read your message and just had to respond. Thank you so much for your interest. Since you read my profile, you know a little about me. Let me tell you more, since you may not remember right away. I am 22, 5'10", 225lbs, long blonde hair, blue eyes, large breasted, and bi. I hope you are not turned off by big women...