A true love between mom and son
Note : This story is completely fictional!
Middle of the night and I come back from the bathroom. The bright moon light filters through the curtain, casting a soft glow on her sleeping on her back. The roar of the surf can be heard through the open window. The sheet has been tossed towards the bottom of the bed leaving just one foot covered, the toes of the other revealed.
I stand beside the bed, one hand resting on the headboard and marvel at how beautiful she is. Even at 58, her beauty rivals that of women my age I've known that are half her age. Her hair is long, straight, and gray, not that old lady gray, but the gray some women get that really looks good on even a 30's something woman, like when it happened to her.
With each breath, her chest and smallish breasts rise and fall. The tight skin on her slim stomach is still covered with my last orgasm, just the way she likes it before she goes to sleep. Her mound, lacking any hair, is covered with a mixture of our love fluids. Long slim legs, lay spread apart a little.
I stand for maybe 10 minutes just watching, my erection begging for release, bobbing up and down occasionally, sometimes casting a shadow across her face as if it were making love to her mouth. I don't touch myself. I save it for her. I know soon.
Her arm reaches out slowly. Softly, her long fingers stroke the underside of my cock.
"Missed you. Missed this lovely cock."
"I know Mom. Had to piss."
"Love the warmth of you next to me on a cool night. You're the perfect thing to cover me with."
The fingers touch me all along my shaft, it bobs up and down, then she touches the large smooth head with a single finger.Wow! it is fantastic touch from my mother.
"For some reason, I love this part of it the most."
She continues touching just the head. Now her thumb glides over it once or twice before touching that tender place just under the tip; the one that is often like a hair trigger for me; one that will make me fire, shoot, unload. Her head moved a little, just enough to let her wrap her lips around the tip, the end, of my cock. I can feel her suck, lick, that wonderful spot with her lips, her tongue.
A reflex movement. My cocks jerk upward, away from her lips.
"Oh Higgin." I sense the disappointment.
It falls back down where it had been.
"Better." She resumes her kissing.
My hand tightens on the headboard. My legs grow a little weaker.
She senses my growing discomfort. "Lay next to me."
I walk to the other side, lay down, and slide next to her. My hand rests on her mound, a finger slides through her labia, her pussy lips, until it pulls her clit up.
"Love that." She gasps as I first touch it.
My thumb touches opposite my finger, grasping her clit. "Me too. One of my favorite places on your body."
She kisses my mouth, her tongue deep inside, probing for mine. They find each other, touch, rub against each other. Seconds, maybe minutes, pass as our tongues make love to each other. She stops, then sucks my lower lip between her lips, then into her mouth, her teeth nibble, she sucks it deeper, lets go, and nibbles more.
"You're the best kisser Mom." My hand slides up her stomach, and rests on her breast, a finger darts around and over the nipple.
"Nice" is all she says.
My cock rests against the top of her hip, pulsing, tapping as it rises and falls. Almost like knocking on the door. Begging to enter the heaven.
"I'm so wet. Fill me with your warm smooth cock. Make me overflow with your white cream of cum. I need you to fuck your mother your own mother want its heat in her pussy do baby!!. Ride her hard, my son, my lover. Fuck me like you did earlier."
As I moved between her legs, spread wide for me, a glow, a smile filled her face. All the foreplay, all the touches, were good. This was what she l-o-v-e-d the most. And me too.
"Right there, just slide it back and forth a little. Oh when that swollen head slides over my clit ... like that ... just like that."
I could tell from that now so familiar expression on her face, she was basking in the warmth of an experience I could only wonder what it was all about. Something that for her would last and last. I continued to let the head of my cock massage the beginning of her pussy. Her hand rested on my shoulder, squeezing it, rubbing it.
"So wonderful." It was her endearing way of letting me know I could enjoy my orgasm now.
She sat up and leaned over my cock, covered in both our fluids. "The best part. Well one of them." She took my still erect cock and began sucking the whole thing into her mouth. As her lips slid along the skin cleaning it, I watched.
We laid next to each other, the fronts of our bodies pressed together, our nipples touching, our lips resting on each other, our fingers touching, touching everywhere.
"Never felt love so wonderful as with you Mom. Never."
I laid and watched as she drifted back to sleep. To me, she was so sexy, so dreamy. I loved to look at her, awake or asleep. Even asleep, she exuded sensual beauty and raw sexual passion.
Once she was asleep, I laid on my back, thinking about how lucky I was to have found a woman that shared so many of the same feelings I had, and visa versa.
Growing up, my Dad had been one of those 'my way or the highway' kind of men. For years I thought that was the way men just were. As I got older, visited friends my friends homes, I started seeing other men. Not all of them acted like my Dad towards members of their families.
I didn't really 'date' until I was in college and never had a chance to do much more than kiss, actually just a peck, until I moved away, far away, after graduation.
Living at last in my own place. Maybe I went a little crazy, a little overboard. At last I had a chance to experiment with all kinds of sex. Men, women, by myself, in front of others, small groups, big groups. Every week, every night, even multiple times a day.
I was lucky with my first girlfriend. She was patient with me and taught me how to make love. Maybe it was more an act of desperation on her part. I barely knew how to put my penis in her vagina the first time, if you can imagine that.
"Higgin, we really need to work on your skills."
"Wasn't very good was I?"
"Sorry! That was awful."
For the next few weeks, Sue would tutor me on different aspects of sex. One time, the nipple, another how to kiss. A lesson, a lab, homework, practice. I started becoming more relaxed, more assure, better. Her pleasure increased, mine too. I was grateful. Maybe that wasn't strong enough. I was ecstatic at the difference.
After a few months, we were making love often, for a long time, longing for the next time. She was using birth control implants, but she suggested I have a vasectomy. As she said that was the only truly safe approach if I was to make love to women often and for long periods of time. I knew that children should not be in my future, not with the way my Dad behaved. I was terrified of the way I might treat any children in my life.
One afternoon, walking through a hotel lobby, riding the elevator, glass facing out towards a large atrium, up to the 25th floor to a restaurant, she punched the stop button.
"Shut up." She shoved her hand in my pants and grabbed my cock. "You're not hard? Don't your find this short skirt and my long legs exciting?" She pulled her skirt up showing me her naked pussy. She gripped my cock harder. "I still don't feel it getting hard. What do I have to do?"
"Maybe it's the fact everyone can see us?"
"Why? That is making my pussy drip big time. Get it up and fuck me. Fuck me or I won't start the elevator."
I wasn't able to and that was the last time I saw her.
Her lessons weren't lost on me. Many of my future women would comment on my skills in bed. Once in a while, I would even run my hand under their skirt as we walked down a sidewalk at night. Sometimes they would pull me into an alley and push me up against the wall and fuck me. I eventually got where public sex was not uncomfortable for me.
There were some dry spells between women. I tried to have standards and never felt it was worthwhile to pickup a woman just to fuck. I could often have a higher quality jerk off than the sex some women could give me. I found some were even worse than I was before Sue taught me. Sad but true.
A neighbor of mine was a nice looking gay man my age. We often talked out by the pool, sometimes went to a nice restaurant together, basically just hung out when we had free time. I guess I hadn't thought of Justin in a sexual way, but one night I was over at his place watching a movie on HBO. There was a gay sex scene and his pants filled out fully. His hand rested on the outside of his pants over his erection. Maybe he forgot I was there, maybe he didn't care. His hand moved up and down a few times. His bulge became larger. The head poked out of the waistband and he stroked the underside of the head with a finger.
I found myself more fascinated by the action next to me than on the screen. After all I jerked off all the time and played with my cock even when I wasn't trying to come. As I thought, as I wondered, I reached over and touched it.
"Do you mind?"
"No Higgin. Of course not."
He pulled his waistband down releasing his cock. It looked like mine, same large head with a nice smooth piece of skin. It was longer. Maybe a few inches.
"Can I see yours?"
Justin unzipped my shorts and pulled my underwear down. My hardness stood up and he wrapped his fingers around it. I was surprised at how nice it felt, not that much different than when a woman held it.
"Nice cock." He moved his hand up and down over the shaft. "Very nice Higgin. Thanks for letting me. I was hoping one time you might."
That night I had my first cock in my mouth. A strangely exciting experience. Now I knew what it was like for a woman to take me in her mouth. A few I had known could suck the preverbal chrome off a trailer hitch, but Justin had a different touch with his loving mouth. As he touched my cock in a certain way, I would try to do the same to him.
"Your first?"
"It shows I guess. You do it so well. I've had some women that could do it well, I thought so until now. My God, you're good."
"Think of this way. When you suck a woman, it is never as nice as when another woman sucks her. They just know what makes them feel good. Same with a guy's cock."
"Teach me how to suck cock. Please?"
Just as Sue had done, Justin began spending a few evenings each week showing me the fine points of cock sucking. As much as I loved having my cock in a pussy, touching and sucking a pussy, I almost became a hard core gay male. I even had a woman give me a few blow jobs during that part of my life, one of the 'best' I had ever had. Compared to Justin, Janice 'sucked'.
Near the end of the training period, Justin was complementing me on my new skills. He and I continued to spend time together sucking on each other. I had learned what I liked and what I didn't when someone had my cock in my mouth. Something I could now share with future lovers.
Rummaging through old papers, I found Sue's phone number.
ring, ring, "Hello?"
"Sue? This is Higgin."
"Right. I could never forget that voice. Want to try the elevator again?"
"Sure. If you want."
"Anytime. It's still there."
"Actually ... I was hoping I could talk you into some refresher lessons."
"As long as there is plenty of lab time. Maybe a few graduate level classes?"
A few extra months with Sue, a few evening a weeks, was all I needed. As she had once said, I was 'very good'. Now I was 'excellent'. I even was able to give her a pointers on sucking a cock.
Now years after graduating from college, and moving away from home, I received a call from Mom. It had been a few years since I last visited mom and dad. Not sure why. Just didn't.
"Higgin?" I could hear her crying.
"What's wrong Mom?"
"I moved out 9 months ago, got my own place. Your Dad was being so horrible to me. It got a lot worse after you moved away. He would hit me at times. He'd even stopped fucking me. He got the divorce papers soon after I left."
I don't think I'd ever heard her say 'fucking' out of the bedroom. I knew they had sex a lot, most every night I could hear her saying all kinds of things to Dad while they made love.
"What can I do? Want to come stay with me. You know you're my most favorite woman."
"I'm okay."
"No you're not. Come and let me make wild passionate love to you. You'll never want another man after me."
"You're doing a good job of making me think I'm still desirable."
"Oh Mom! You are incredibly sexy. Any guy would be jealous of me as we walked hand in hand down the sidewalk. Your legs, Mom you have the greatest legs."
"Maybe I should let you take me for a romp in the sack. I might like that."
I knew she was teasing me and she thought I was teasing her.
"Are your panties getting wet thinking about me making love to you?"
"Higgin ... you nasty man. How'd you know?"
"Because I'm rock hard thinking about you."
"What are you doing to me in your thoughts?"
"I'm dragging my tongue through your sopping wet pussy."
"And I'm sucking your hard cock."
"My tongue pulls your clit from between your pussy lips and I suck it."
"I pound my hands against the floor of the living room as I cum. Laying in front of the fireplace where you first put your hands over my pussy."
"I don't let you stop and I press my fingers against that spot in your pussy."
"My God YES! Higgin, drive your cock deep in my pussy. Fuck me!"
"I love the way it looks as my cock slides in your cunt."
"Yes, yes, my cunt. I love it when you call it a cunt! I want it filled with your huge cock. My baby's lovely cock. Fill me with your cum."
The phone sex was so hot. I was nearly ready to blow a wad all over myself. I think Mom had at least one orgasm already.
"You're so sexy mom. It could really be like that in person you know?"
"I've had a few dreams, but I've never let myself actually think about it."
"Me too. Maybe it's time to see what the reality would be like?"
"Oh Higgin. The fantasy could never be as good as the phone sex. Specially for you. Maybe for me. Never for you."
"How do you know? I've always thought of you as a 'babe' you know?"
"Shit Higgin. You're kind to say that. We'd have to keep the lights off and the drapes drawn so you wouldn't puke on me."
"Listen Mom. I've seen you. I've even peeked a few times when you were naked in the shower. You're lovely. It's Dad's loss that you're not there. It's my turn to show you what real love is all about."
"Let me think for a few days."
"No way! Mom, let me just jump in the car and come visit you. I have vacation time. I can leave in 10 minutes. Tell me where you are?"
"I have money too. Great jobs. I've made a lot. I can help you."
"That's nice. I just want to hold you tight in my arms."
"Oh Higgin, that does sound good."
I called work next and told them I had a family emergency, that I would keep them posted as I learned how much time I would need away from work. I tossed a few clothes in a suitcase, made sure all the bills laying around were paid, windows locked. And headed east on the Interstate.
Road stripes pass under the car in the headlights, one after the other, mileposts along the side of the road passed, 256, 257 ... A long nights drive and now the sun is coming up, blinding me for a few hours. One of the problems driving east in the morning. I don't get lost, I just follow my cock as it points towards the front of the car.
The coast was lovely, the white, very white sand of the beach against the turquoise water. I'd forgotten how lovely this part of the coast could be. I drove along the beach road; 5902, 5912, she had said it was 5949. There it is. Dark pink with white trim. The back of the house faces the ocean. Sand has drifted across the pavement of the driveway. Her car is parked in a carport, a nice BMW. I park behind it. Not bothering to get my suitcase out of the trunk, I walk quickly, almost running, towards the front door.
Mom stands in the opened door. I can see the right side of her, the rest is shielded by the door frame she appears to be leaning against.
My face presses against hers instantly. Our mouths open, tongues looking for each other, finding them, rubbing together. My hands roam over her back, her hips, my fingers dig through the fabric of her skirt into the crack of her ass. Her hand does likewise. Her body feeling as good, no better, than most women I've hugged and felt and kissed.
I felt a hand over my bulging pants, grasping my cock firmly.
"Oh Higgin. I want you. Want you right here on the cold hard terrazzo of the floor. I can't wait long enough to close the door, to go into the bedroom. Take me right here. Now!"
We laid down, my feet over the threshold of the door. I began kissing her chest as I undressed her, as she undressed me.
"Just fuck me hard."
Naked. In the doorway. The afternoon sun starting to shine on our bodies and we humped, sucked, licked, fucked, and made love. Half an hour later and we were able to pause long enough to close the door and walk into the bedroom.
My arm around her waist, I looked at her face. "Even better than our phone sex."
"Don't know, you should see my phone. Didn't take time to clean it off after our call so I could smell myself and think of you every time the phone would ring."
The next week was a non-stop orgy. I don't think there wasn't a single way we didn't take each other.
I called work and resigned, I didn't care if I ever worked again. Mom had enough money for both of us. Forever. I had a few things, a few personal mementos, I wanted from my place, so Mom and I drove back and packed them. A for sale sign sat in the yard as we pulled out of the driveway.
Days, evenings, with long walks on the beach, water rolling across our feet washing away our footprints. Hand in hand, fingers wrapped around each other. People walk by smiling. They see an older woman in love with a younger man. Never mind. I know it is just a Mother and Son in love. Deeply in love.
A bittersweet reunion and coming of age for sisters....and lovers. (Warning: graphic scat/body fluids.) |
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