A new career for Tony
The Mooneys
Chapter 3
By Sirdar
Megan Mooney was a vivacious and very pretty and very sexy 18 year old, she had inherited her mothers ravishing beauty and personality. Like most of the kids in the neighborhood she had grown up knowing the rougher side of life, shortly after her birth her father disappeared leaving her mother to bring her up in the best way she could.
Kate her mother, had not hesitated to use such assets as she had, and for a time she worked the streets to earn a living, then she obtained a job in a local but very popular massage parlour. The girls in the massage parlour knew very little about proper massage, but made a lot of money giving extra’s to horny clients, which frequently went into their own pockets, and was not taxed. Very occasionally Kate went back to hotels with visiting business clients for a night if the fee was right, and on the odd occasion she had actually brought men home with her.
Megan lost her virginity when her mother sold her virginity to a local business man, who had been a regular client of Kate’s over the years, but in true Mooney fashion young Megan had not objected or become bitter, she was a true Mooney and she had willingly accepted that a girl should use such assets that she has to the best advantage, and if that meant putting out for a substantial sum of money to some passing business man - then so be it. In fact she quite enjoyed most of the few occasions when her mother had introduced her to clients. Most of them had treated her well.
Megan had experimented with sex with a few of the local boys as she grew up, but she found that it was not very satisfying and they were very immature, and did not know how to satisfy their girlfriends sexually, if anything she liked the more adult partners her mother brought home on occasion. She found sex with them more sexually fulfilling, although some of them were more concerned with satisfying their own needs and not concerned about hers.
Like many girls her age she found school a bore, she just loved to buy new clothes when she could afford them, and she soon became an expert shoplifter and frequently shoplifted lipsticks, and other cosmetics just for the fun of it, and sold them on to her friends for extra pocket money.
Her mother had ambitions to get her daughter away from the area, and hoped that her daughter would get a sufficiently good education to be able to get a decent job and perhaps make a good marriage. In this respect without too much success, she entreated her daughter to make the best of her schooling and get a decent education.
Her mother had invested her earnings wisely over the years and she had recently purchased a nice home for her, and her daughter in a nicer street in the district. She kept aloof from the neighbours not wishing to let them know how she earned her money.
Tony first came into Megan’s life when he was appointed to the school, and like many of the girls she soon developed a severe crush on him. He had a good physique, he was good looking and the girls warmed to him as he seemed to have a lot more patience with the students than most of the other teachers. Some of the girls teased Tony unmercifully, but Megan avoided doing that as she really wanted him, and she certainly did not want to risk alienating him. Like her both Felicity and Amy had the hot’s for Tony.
When Felicity told her friends that she had spent an afternoon in bed with Tony, and Amy told Megan about her conquest Megan was very annoyed at first she did not believe her friends, but Megan realised that they were telling the truth and she was not going to give up on him.
On one weekend after school restarted she went to the trouble of waiting near his boarding house to get a photograph of him, she waited several hours but her persistence eventually paid off and she got her photo. She never went anywhere without it, and would go to sleep at nights with his photo in her hand dreaming of him.
Eventually her mother realised that Megan was brooding over something, and eventually she told her mother about Tony, and Kate could see that Megan was really fixated on Tony. One look at his photo, and the fact that he was a teacher convinced her mother that perhaps this might be Megan’s opportunity to make a good marriage.
She was a bit annoyed that Megan had taken so long to tell her but she said to
Megan “Have I not brought you up to do something about it when you have a
problem?” Megan nodded and then asked her mother “Well what can I do?“
A family conference was held with Joan, Kate‘s younger sister who worked for a
large manufacturing Pharmaceutical company, who after a while said. “We have
some tablets which you drop in water and after a while they turn the bloke into
a sex maniac. All you have to do is to get him to take one, or to put in a drink
when he is not looking and be there when it starts to work. I can get you a
carton of those. They are new and have not passed all the tests yet.”
A plan was eventually worked out and it all came into effect one Friday evening
three weeks before Christmas, just as the school was closing. Tony as usual was
one of the last to leave and as he was walking past the gym making for the car
park, a boy ran out and said.
“Quick sir a girl is ill in the toilet, she is screaming and crying.“ He was
pointing to the ladies gymnasium toilet. Tony rushed in and as he did he heard
the door slam behind him and a key turn in the lock. He noticed one cubicle was
out of action and the other had Megan Mooney sat on the toilet with her panties
around her ankles.
“What are you doing here Megan?” Tony said not thinking.
I am having a piss sir. What are you doing in a ladies toilet.”
But Tony was now increasingly aware he had been set up, and he suspected that
Megan was behind it. He had a quick look round to see if there was another way
out. But the girls had done their planning only too well.
Megan gave Tony a beaming smile as she left the toilet and said to Tony.
”It looks as though we could be here all night sir, we have some gym mats and
some towels so we cam make ourselves comfortable.”
There was nowhere else to sit down so Tony sat down on the gym mat which Megan
had spread for them.
“Would you like a drink Sir?” Megan asked Tony.
Tony nodded and said “Yes Please Megan.“
So Megan picked up a drink carton from the water cooler and filled it with water
. With her back turned Megan slipped a pill into his drinking water and passed
it to Tony. Megan then took a drink herself and lay down next to Tony facing
“Do you think I am pretty Sir” Megan asked.
Tony turned to face her and trying to be diplomatic he said . ”Megan I think
that you are probably the prettiest and most sexy girl in the whole school. If I
was not your teacher I would love to be your boyfriend.“
“Thank you sir. “Could we not pretend then that I am your girlfriend now and
then we can fuck.?”
By now the tablet was beginning to erode Tony’s will power, his cock was almost
fully erect and as he looked at Megan, who was offering herself and looking very
sexy his willpower began to crumble. The thought crossed his mind about his sex
sessions with Amy and Felicity and he suspected that this was what Megan was
after. Strangely now he was not so averse to sex with Megan after his previous
slips from grace.
“After all sir, only you and I would know what happens here tonight, and I am on
the pill.”
Megan could sense Tony’s slight indecision, and she leaned across and kissed him
passionately on the lips. Tony found himself responding, and as Megan’s young
body pressed against him, her thighs grinding gently into his groin Tony was
lost, all his good resolutions crumbled.
Megan knew she had won and she stood up and started undressing Tony joined her and soon they were both lying naked lying on Megan’s PVC Mackintosh on the gym mat.
Tony was burning up with lust, and looking at the gorgeous Megan he knew that It would take a saint to resist the temptation this lovely schoolgirl minx was creating for him. He could not keep his eyes of her lovely teenage body. Megan had the face of an angel and the body of a sex-goddess. Megan sensed the pill had done its job she could almost feel his rising lust. He wanted to fuck her all right, and from the look on her face Tony guessed that she wanted him just as badly.
They lay facing each other, she wriggled closer and looked at Tony with her wide green eyes. Then she put her arms around his neck. "I really fancy you Tony Nash and I would give anything to be your regular girlfriend." she said girlishly.
Tony kissed her and smiled. “We will have to see what happens honey - won’t we?“
Tony knew now that he had to fuck her. He was too far gone to back out now.
Megan decided to get to the point at once. " I'd love to suck your cock Tony. Do
you mind?," Megan whispered in his ear. "It feels like a monster! it feels so
big and so hot ... oooooh
"It will be our secret, honest, Tony love," Megan whispered, reaching down
between her legs for Tony’s rampant cock.. "I'll never tell a soul about what we
do today, you don't have to worry! And you can have me any time you want just
like a real girlfriend. Now Megan pushed Tony on to his back, and dropped to her
knees between his thighs. She seized his throbbing cock in her tight fist and
guided her lips on to it, moaning deep in her throat. And then she began to give
Tony the best blowjob of his life, a work of savage art that made every other
blowjob he’d had seem like stale pussy in comparison.
Megan didn't just suck a man off. She used her imagination, ripping her teeth
gently across the surface of his cock to make him gasp in surprise, flicking her
wet tongue across him like a lusty whip, jerking his cock in her fist all the
while to bring him to shoot nibbling, sucking, kissing, every muscle of her sexy
young mouth was in action. She used her fiery lips and tongue like a silken mad
pussy on his cock, bobbing and weaving her head around to roll his cock around
her mouth. Tony held her head in a tight grip, but it wasn't necessary to lunge
with his hips. She was doing virtually all the work, and it was obviously a pure
labour of love for Megan.
As Megan slid her lips back and forth furiously on his cock, Tony groaned and held onto her head, his fingers locked into her long blonde hair tightly as his juices began to spurt in fierce torrents into her throat. A muffled scream of happiness erupted in Megan's mouth as his juices gushed out at intervals. She gulped rapidly and expertly, milking his cock furiously in her hot fist, feeling that strange tremor, like a climax, race through her lips and tongue and throat.
Tony felt his cock begin to stiffen quickly beneath her squirming, luscious pussy and her hot stroking fingers, bringing his cock to life Tony realised he was now suddenly and thoroughly hooked on to Megan, and she had just given him the best blow job of his life! "Mmmmmmm," Megan purred, feeling his cock get stiff against her eager pussy lips, "you're going to spoil me, Tony!
Megan rolled on top of him and gently presented his rampant cock to the lips of her hot pussy then as he slid inside her, she began to slide up and down on his large cock very slowly, and dreamily, with lots of ooooh's and aaaah's and mmmmm's crooning in her throat. She was fantastically tight and slippery and hot, gradually easing more of his cock into her pussy. For the first time Megan was having sex without a condom and she was enjoying it.
Tony realised just how passionate and sensuous and eager Megan was? She reeked with raw animal sex, beads of sweat dotting her golden skin, her hot lush tits heaving faster, her boiling pussy orgasmed in a flood of rising lust all over his cock.
Megan was gently swinging her hips back and forth so that Tony’s cock rubbed mad thrills against her pussy walls, one hand reaching down behind her to tickle his balls while she rode his cock. Then the switched to a side-to-side motion, gripping more of his pussy and creating a whole new level of sensations.
In the next moment it felt as if he was trying to hold a crazed animal on his lap. Megan was whipping her burning pussy up and down on his cock in a fever of excitement, clawing his bare back with her sharp nails, sinking her teeth into his shoulder, her pussy streaming her juices like wet fire onto his groin. When Megan started coming, she didn't play around. Since she was on top, she had total control over her own thrills and Tony‘s. Megan began to explode with raw passion.
Gradually they slowed down and lay in each others arms and Tony whispered “Megan about that vacancy for a permanent boy friend…….. But he never finished the sentence as she jumped all over him, kissing him passionately on the lips and eyes and anywhere she could reach.
They were comfortable and the following hours were not wasted and it was nearly midnight when Megan suddenly and unashamedly produced a key and they made their way out of the school. The gate to the car park was still unlocked, and Megan asked if she could come home with him. Tony expected his landlady to be asleep. But when they opened the front door they were faced by a very irate Cindy, who started shouting and crying and creating a fuss which woke the landlady.
The landlady came out and Cindy was shouting and crying and accusing him of having sex with a student, and when the landlady turned and asked what student? Megan was nowhere to be seen. Seeing the open door of Tony‘s room she had taken refuge under his bed until all the fuss had died down.
The landlady thinking that Cindy was getting hysterical over nothing, got angry at having her sleep disturbed. She turned to Cindy “I have had enough of you girl. You accuse my husband of trying to get in your room and now you accuse poor Mr. Nash of having a student with him. You are sex mad. I want you out of this house within a week.”
Tony left Cindy and the landlady fighting, he was a little concerned at Megan’s disappearance, but as he locked the door he heard a noise behind him as Megan was busy making coffee. She turned and gave Tony a big smile.
She turned and looked up at Tony with a happy smile . “Mr. Nash you have applied for the vacant position of regular boyfriend and super stud. I want you to report naked in that bed as soon as you have finished your coffee, to see whether you meet the essential qualifications for such an onerous post.”
By 0300 in the morning Megan confessed that he was more than suitable qualified for the post, but added that her mother would surely want to check his qualifications before the post could be officially confirmed.
They sneaked out of Tony’s lodgings as soon as the landlady went shopping to be greeted at her home by Megan’s ecstatically happy mother. But together they had lost a lot of sleep and so the happy couple retired to Megan’s bed this time to sleep locked together in each others arms.
Monday Morning
As Tony feared he was called from his class on the Monday morning as was Megan.
Tony was told to go in to the Headmasters room while Megan waited outside with
Miss Singh. The Headmaster was sitting beside Monica Stapleford the Chairman of
the Governors and another lady Governor. The Headmaster opened proceeding
“I have to inform you Mr. Nash that a complaint has been lodged against you by
Miss Singh that you have been dating, and have been having sexual relations with
a student a Miss Megan Mooney. I am therefore suspending you forthwith.”
Tony stood up and now very angry he leaned over the desk and he said “You can
not suspend me on an unfounded allegation, where is your proof?”
The Headmaster spluttered. “Well she says, she saw you come in late on Friday
night with Miss Megan Mooney who later slept the night in your apartment.”
“Yes and.?
Monica Stapleford spoke up. “Headmaster where is the proof that they had sex?
May I also remind you that you do not have the power to suspend a teacher
without referring the matter to myself or another Governor. I suggest we have a
word with the young girl concerned first before we do anything rash, so please
wait outside Mr. Nash. Have you checked to see they were locked in the toilet,
and where was the caretaker he is supposed to check every room is empty before
he locks the school up for the night. Why was that not done?”
The Headmaster told Tony to wait outside while he interviewed Miss Singh, but
Tony refused saying.” If she is accusing me of something she must be bold enough
to say it to my face.”
Cindy Singh was called into the room and after a lot of questioning she had to
admit that all she saw was the two of them coming into the house together.”
Then there was a violent interruption as Kate Mooney stormed into the room.
“What is this that you are accusing my daughter of ? She demanded.
When she was told she said “I work very late and I knew Megan would be safe
sleeping on the couch with Mr. Nash instead of going home to an empty house with
no heating on.” So what is the problem?”
The Headmaster had to admit that as there was no real evidence, then he could do nothing.
Outside after the meeting had broken up Monica Stapleford said to Tony.” I can
guess the real story I am no fool - you were set up by the Mooneys, but don’t
tell me I don’t want to know.”
Next Chapter 4
A young virgin nun meets a man while getting tomatoes for the convent one day, and is seduced by him in a lighthouse near her convent. |
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