I actually read this entire story, while roaring with laughter, it was so bad. This needs rewriting urgently, by someone with at least high-school english lit. Bad spelling, grammar and english language are only the start. Get some help and try again, at least you made an effort.
Posted by Latesha
Great coommn sense here. Wish I'd thought of that.
Posted by Nigger
hilarious but I did cum
Posted by Jay Proctor
I loved the description of their shit flowing into his mouth. Can you stretch out the description of her shit slowly pushing out of her ass, slowly pushing itself down his out stretched tongue to the back of his throat to continue its journey down his throat filling it entirely as it forced itself past his voice box leaving a thick shit slime on his vocal cords. Still pushing itself past his opening stomach valve continuing to the bottom and coiling up to the top of his stomach. Still being forced into his throat causing his stomach to swell with the shear volume until he could take no more. Yet the pressure of her shitting was so hard that her shit was forced into his nose from the inside flowing out across his face. And having run out of air he exhaled and instantly inhaled causing her pressurized shit to suddenly fill both of his lungs to over capacity forcing his chest to swell along with his stomach.
Posted by Jay Proctor
I really like reading about him eating their shit one after the other. I would love to read about them forcing their shit into his stomach through a long clear rubber tube that was 3 ft long using a plunger to force all of the shit into him at once non stop. Then read how they followed that with forcing huge amounts of shit directly into his nose using that tube until his stomach was too full to accept more and their shit began to pile up into his throat eventually making its way into his lungs. Filling them with several pounds of soft shit until it began to pile up into his mouth so that it cam out building into a huge pile on his face and the soft shit continued being pushed into his nose filling his sinus cavities filling them causing the shit to start piling out of his nose piling up with the first pile covering his whole face running into his opened eyes until his entire face was fully covered in a foot of thick soft shit suffocating him. I would like to read as many variations of this as you can come up with including forcing 30 lbs of shit into his ass to the point of it uniting with the packed shit in his stomach.
Posted by Steven Coats
Interesting but could use some more details or a part two
It was my girls biggest fantasy to bring home a man to join us. It was hotter than we could have imagined...