A Wife's Experience

(Part 2 from 2)

Their eyes met and Ellen saw the old adoration - that flicker of lust that had passed between them in olden times. It'd been months but it was back!

She returned the look and found it received with more adoration as she felt herself grow moist! 'Can I go home?' she asked.

Two hours later, with the kids in school, alone in their master bedroom, Ellen's eyes begged him to take her. She had never wanted him more than at that moment.

Arne spoke,'Doctor prescribed bed rest and lots of calm and serenity. Do you think it's wise?'

It was then that Ellen attacked her husband as she stripped him of his clothing and prepared to fuck him. Of course, Arne was willing and as his clothes fell so did hers as moments later they met in a flesh to flesh embrace as their mouths supported a deep soul kiss. It was the best.

Their hands eagerly explored each other's bare flesh as they hasd in the distant past. They adored each other. . ..

Moments later they fell onto the bed and Arne moved over her where his mouth engaged her nipples, first one; then the other. It was fantastic as Ellen reveled in her pleasure.

But it wasn't enough as Ellen grasped his now rigid cock and guided it to her willing pussy where it slipped smoothly into place. It was the best. . .

The coital rhythm was soon in motion as the two extracted each others pleasure with sensations that drove their passions like never before. . . .It was wonderful. . . .

When they climaxed together a few moments later, Ellen knew that the best was yet to come; that incredible intimacy that she and Arne shared on those occasions.

Then, as they lay in each others arms, Ellen knew that she was fortunate - she had the very best. she knew that she'd never feel the desire to search for something better again. She had the best. . . .

Then, as they talked, Arne spoke, 'I've known for several months something was troubling you. . . ever since that night several months ago when you suddenly became distant and worried. I knew then that you had a problem and wanted to help. You seemed to reject me. . .'

'Then, since I had no idea what was bothering you, I was left out and you were rejecting me. I took up outside activities to compensate. If only I'd known!' he continued.

It was at exactly that moment when trajedy struck again. . .Arne began to complain of a pain in his left chest and arm.

An hour later, he was dead!

Another hour later and Ellen was disconsolate as she gathered her two children to her and explained that their father was gone forever. They were a gfamily who supported each other. During the final arrangements, burial and regrouping of the remaining family she was strong. . . a pillar of strength there for her kids.

Only weeks later did she relax into the caring of her children. Months passed and she was lonesome - Ellen was used to a strong man for a mate to help with the home and family. She wanted someone close.

Of course, as Ellen had slipped once, she was especially careful not to get involved with a man. Her days were now filled with activities - times that involved her kids and the community. Fortunately, when Arne died, he left her with adequate fortune so that she need never worry about money. She bewcame popular with the women in the community.

When the school PTA asked her to take charge of their fall fund raiser, she accepted their request and met with her committee to plan. With good support and cooperation the planning went well - e4xcept for the physical labor part of setting up booths - there, only Peter Gentiler was capable help.

So it was that she and Pete began working nights setting up booths and prepairing for the big event. With their kids adequately cared for by others on the committee, they worked on the setup.

It was Thursday night, close to midnight, when the carnival set was ready for the Friday night event opener. As Ellen and Pete's eyes met, it was in a spirit of 'we did it' and they went to an all-night cafe for a late dinner. There, they talked and discovered a lot about each other.

Ellen quickly learned that Pete had a son about to enter high school which he was raising alone after his wife had left him for another man. As they talked, Pete made no direct mention of his former wife but Ellen soon ascertained that he was bitter- she'd betrayed him!

It was as they were taking down the booths for the carnival that Pete suggested that she and her girls accompany him to the 'lumberjacks competition' at a nearby town. It would be fun for the kids and they'd enjoy it too. Of course, her first thought was her rule about no men but on second thought, she realized that it'd be great fun for all and Pete was safe . . . he hated women!

Soon, Pete and Ellen were friends. Their kids had grown to be fast friends as well. They were becoming known as a couple in the community - though, there was no evidence of intimacy.

Of course, during the carnival, both Pete and Ellen were busy making things go smoothly! They worked well together and enjoyed late dinners at the cafe together.

It was when they were taking down the carnival booths that Pete suggested that she and her girls accompany him and is son to the 'Lumberjack Competition' in a nearby town. It'd be fun for the kids and the adult's'd enjoy it too.

Of course, Ellen's first thought was simply no date with men but as she considered the situation, she realized that it'd be fun and Pete was no danger. . . he hated women!

The 'Lumberjack Competition' had been more fun than anticipated and the group decided to stay the night at a nearby inn - a simple family arrangement which gave offense to no one! Pete seemed anxious to buy the breakfast as they all dined on his special Bigfoot Breakfast! It was a happy time.

Later, at home, Ellen realized that during the trip she had been free of the burden of Arne's loss. She realized that life must go on - just no men!

Ellen and Pete were soon best friends. . . did things together and confided in each other. After a few months, they were accepted by the community as a couple - though, there was no evidence of intimacy. Of course, the community generally didn't care about their intimacy!

When Pete's ex-wife returned and moved into Pete's Ellen simply stayed away. She'd heard rumors about discord in Pete's house after the return and paid them no mind.

Then, after a couple of days, she left again, suddenly and without warning she was gone and Pete was free again. . . free to assist Ellen when she was involved in a serious auto accident. As she was taken to the hospital, Pete took her kids and cared for them.

Then, after work, he'd visit her at the hospital. To cover those times when Pete couldn't help, the community provided people and assistance. Ellen was never alone in her hospital room as the community women arranged visiting schedules.

Two weeks later, Ellen was home and some woman of the community came to her home and prepared their family meals. Pete seemed to keep everything in good order.

It was as two of the community's more affable sat at her bedside talking. They covered a wide range of topics before settling on Ellen's life. She quicky admitted that she was lonesome as the women offered suggestions. The bolder of the two women was the first to suggest that she marry Pete. Pete was a good man and an excellent provider. He was available, except of course, he carried a 'thing' about women.

Then, he second woman agreed and Ellen listened to their logic. They pointed out that good men were hard to find and she should grab Pete - love could come later!

As she thought about the argument, Ellen considered the alternative - she'd still be alone and lonesome. She might eventually become desperate and make a serious mistake. Then, she thought of Pete. He was her best friend and good company. Maybe, if she married him, love could come later.

Several months later, the community was treated to a big wedding as Ellen and Pete were married with their children's and the entire community's blessing.. It wasn't a lavish affair and the bride and groom seemed a bit like brother and sister. . . Then the whirlwind honeymoon with the kids. . . . Now, they slept in the same bed but there was bo intimacy between them.

On their return, Pete and his son moved into Ellen's much larger house and the family was one as Pete and Ellen shared a bed like a brother and sister. Life continued as it once had..

Their first day at home, after the honeymoon was filled with little trials and tribulations as the family learned to live together. Pete and Ellen enjoyed each other's support as they built their new family. On Tuesday, life went smoother and more efficiently as they continued their living together.

Friday morning, she had arisen with her husband, Pete, at 5:30 hours as usual, donned her robe, gone to the kitchen and made coffee, back to her bedroom where she did her morning ablutions before going to make breakfast for Pete and the kids. Then, she saw the kids off to school, Pete off to work, cleaned the kitchen, made the beds, cleaned the house and her days work was finished.

Now, Ellen was home alone and, as had been her old habit, she sat in the forbidden room, drinking her cold Pepsi,. where she enjoyed her rebellion. It felt good.

She thought about her life and what lay before her. Pete was a nice guy, a great father and a gentleman. . . an example for the community! Of course, he could never replace Arne as her lover. . . she was sure that Arne was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for her! She'd had sex with Pete when the occasion demanded and he made no demands on her that she found distasteful or not to her liking. She had done her best to please her new husband!

It was that night at dinner that Ellen took notice of Pete's relationship with the children. They all three loved him and respected him as he set a good example; yet, he was strict with his rules for their behavior. As they sat, Pete glanced around the table to get everyone's attention; then, he asked the blessing on the family and the meal. Again, she noticed how he needn't use words to maintain his discipline. . . she was impressed.

When Ellen brought the main course, after their salads, she placed the bowl in front of Pete and was surprised when he began to serve it without her suggestion as she went to sit at her place at the table.

As She sat, Ellen looked across the table to thank him for having handled the serving so well, she saw his eyes looking straight at her adoring her. Their eyes met and she saw something that she instantly recognized - lust! She returned the look with what she hoped was the same sentiment.

It was as she served the dessert that she felt his hand caressing her arm and she felt her body grow alert. It was when she returned from the kitchen again, with the rest of the dessert that their eyes met and she saw lust. . . bold and demanding lust in his eyes. Again, she felt impelled to return his sentiment - he was her husband!

She placed the dishes of goodies on the table and turned, then turned again and placed her hands on Pete's shoulders in a covert caress.

It was then, when she felt his hand on her leg, out of sight under the table, that she felt her own surge of lust. . . Not since Arne had she felt this way.

But Arne was gone forever. Pete was there, in the flesh, and he had aroused her sexual feelings . . as only Arne did before!

As the boy went to their homework, Pete assisted Ellen clearing the dishes and as they worked, they frequently touched, caressed or copped a feel. It felt good!

Their eyes met frequently now, adoring one another but always there was a craving between them. It grew stronger by the minute and it was good!

They kissed. . . a deep soul kiss of short duration but promising so much more. 'I thing the kids need us to help with their homework,' Pete said as they parted.

It was when the kids retired for the night that their eyes met again. . . .

When Pete and Ellen went to their bedroom to prepare for the night, Ellen was horny. . .she wanted a man! She wanted Pete! She wanted to feel him on her and his man-tool in her and the incredible intimacy that came with the afterglow!

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