A Variety of Love - Chapter 1
Ocean turned orange and the sky red. The daylight was taking the night off. The sun, bored with the lack of imagination of the subjects of this part of Earth had decided to move to another, more interesting place. Emily cursed its parting. She always hated this moment. The sun was the only interesting aspect of her life and with it gone; there was nothing but plain solitude. She watched the sun set until she could watch it no more. Then she picked up her rucksack and moved on.
Tonight she would stay in the motel on the other side of the town. She didn't really like the place, but it was practical, all things considered. Her wayward living style left her with little cash to spend on more comfortable locations. She trod on the rocks and made her way to the highway. She must now choose the right person to take her there.
In the past, her hitch hiking had been as wayward as her lifestyle. She would take the first car that came her way without thinking about the consequences of being with the wrong person. It had resulted in 5 rapes before she forced herself to be choosier. Now she tried for the family cars like the Volkswagen. Somehow she had implicit trust in the drivers of this car. Like most things in her life, this trust too was inexplicable.
Luckily, her natural charms often afforded her easy access to transport. Unluckily they also caused her innumerable sufferings. This town, or any other was no place for a beautiful female vagabond. At 26 years of age, her slight built and accentuated breasts were tight and without fat. Her long daily walks along the seashore, that sometimes lasted for 5 hours before she stopped to eat, resulted in supple legs and a nice tight butt. Her dressing sense too, was immaculate in every aspect. There are few people who can wear torn off jeans with elegance. Emily was one of them.
As she made her way to the highway, dressed as always in jeans and a blue t-shirt, she looked back at the ocean one last time. Yes, her dear sun was indeed gone. And it will not be coming back before another 8 hours at least. The path from the beach to the highway was short. Hardly fifteen minutes for an avid walker like Emily. Lost in her thoughts she made her way without any noteworthy happenings. Once there, she put her rucksack on the pavement and started her lookout for the cars that were coming from the opposite directions.
The first two cars didn't interest her at all. With those squeaky 18 year olds at wheel, all they promised were either a tiresome ride, or worse a tiresome night. And Emily had no wish for any trouble whatsoever. The third car however was exactly what she was looking for. A black Volkswagen recently polished and shined. For her, it was a mark of respect the owner had for the car. And in her mind, that made the owner respectful to women in general. She put out her hand signing for a lift.
Like all other cars she had signaled to before, this one stopped too. There was something about Emily that made the cars stop. Her fit body and long flowing black hair over her dimpled face certainly were one of the reasons. Another, and perhaps a more important reason for this successful run at hitch hiking was a certain honesty that flowed from her face.
Unlike all other cars, a man did not drive this one. Rather he was sitting in the passenger seat. On the wheel was a nice looking blonde woman with hair cut short. Through the glass, Emily could make out that she had a nice slim figure to add to her gorgeous face. The woman rolled down the window and poked her head out.
"Going somewhere?"
"Yes! I was making my way to the Sleepers, the motel on Park Street. I wonder if you guys are going towards that place. Then maybe you could drop me!"
"Well, we can drop you around half way there. We live in the center, but then you can find loads of taxis or buses from there."
"That would be swell!"
"Hop on then!"
Emily opened the back door of the car and put her rucksack on the foot of the seat. Climbing in she thanked the blonde woman and the male passenger.
"Thanks a ton! I am Emily by the way!"
"My name is Mary-Jane and this is my husband Julian."
"Nice to meet you guys!"
Once the initial introductions were over, the uncomfortable silence crept in the car. Sensing it, Mary Jane put the car in gear and started to drive. They drove for five minutes in complete quiet and then Julian decided to open his mouth. He was around 38, fit and tall. Dressed in a blue jacket he looked like a businessman to Emily.
"If you don't mind me asking, why would a nice girl like you wish to go to a place like Park Street?"
Emily smiled. "I don't have enough cash for a better place, that's why!"
Her reply made Mary Jane turn back. She looked at her with a shocked expression on her face. Then her face changed the expression. The shock was replaced by a twinkle.
"What do you do Emily?" she asked in a sotto voice. But Emily could pick out certain intonations that were not at all welcome to her experienced mind. These were the very tones she had heard before being raped on previous occasions. It surprised her to listen to these tones from a woman. Especially from a woman driving with her husband.
"Err... nothing actually. I live of the social security and spend my time roaming around the beaches."
"Wow! What an interesting lifestyle! But is the money enough?"
Emily didn't like this conversation one bit. Yet, politesse required her to answer the questions of her host... or in this case her hostess. "Not really, but I am not really interested in working at the moment. I kind of like my lifestyle."
"Oh I am sure honey! But say, would you say no to some extra bucks?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"Well, the two of us, we travel a lot. And we were looking for a companion in our travels. Someone who can take care of basic things like keeping our files in order and like, hardly a couple of hours per day and then you do what you want with the rest of it."
"Gee, thanks. But I like to go to places on the coast. Plus I really like living without any restraints."
"Of course! It is just an offer, you can take it or leave it sweetie! Completely up to you!"
100% fiction... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
- romantic
- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting