A School Trip With Mary
She reached her hand up and pulled my head down to hers and kissed me for the first time. This kiss lasted a long time, and it was a very erotic one, because as I kissed her I moved my hand to her breasts and fondled each of them.
“Thanks Matt.”, she said after we paused.
“You’re welcome. You want a massage?”, I asked.
“Ooo . . . a massage from a sexy stud! How can I resist?”, she said teasingly.
I turned her over on her stomach and slowly began to massage her. I did this for about a half hour and then laid beside her, thinking she had fallen asleep. After a few minutes, just as I was going to fall asleep, she cuddle up next to me, pulled the sheet over us and said, “Matt, I love you.”
“I love you too, Mary.”, I replied.
“Matt?”, she asked.
“Yeah Hon?”
“What do you think about me, you, and Kate having a threesome?”
“Um . . . We’ll talk about that in the morning.”
“Ok . . . Goodnight.”, Mary said quietly.
“Goodnight, Love.”, I answered back.
My mind was racing that night . . .
The Next Morning. . .
I woke up to Mary moaning in the bed next to me. I turned over to see her working the nine inch dildo in and out of her soaking pussy furiously. I just lay watching her. After a few minutes of this she brought herself to a cunt-rocking orgasm.
“Wow, that’s a nice sight to wake up to. We should do this more often.”, I said glibly.
“So, what’s your answer?”
“Answer? Answer to what?”, I asked, half asleep.
“To me, you and Kate having a threesome, silly.”, she answered, giggling at the last line.
“Uh, well . . . Are you okay with that? I mean, having another girl in here with us?”, I asked, not wanting to sound to mother-like.
“Well, of course. Why would I bring it up if I didn’t like the idea?”
“Just checking.”
I just stared at her blankly.
“So, what do you think?”, she asked again.
“I, uh, I guess It would be alright . . .”
“Oh, goodie!”, she cried.
Mary got up off of the bed, still nude, and ran to the telephone. I tried to listen is as best as I could.
“Kate, I asked him and it worked. You can come over right now. Dress light. It’s suite 314. I’ll leave a note with the receptionist. She’ll lead you up. Okay, Buh-Bye.”
After Mary hung up the phone she ran across the room and jumped back into the bed next to me.
"Thank you, thank you, Thank you!", she cried out.
"Are you sure you want to do this?", I asked, "It's a lot different from what we did earlier."
"Yes, I'm sure. It's going to be awesome!", she yelled.
I reached over to her small body and placed a hand on her flat stomach and said, "I'll have to
use a condom with Kate, she's old enough to conceive,
I sure hope that you aren't."
"I'm only twelve. If I conceive I can place her, or him, on the adoption board.", she answered.
"Let's just hope your parents don’t find out. To be safe, I should probably start using a condom when we to this from now on."
"Oh, it won't be the same with one of those.", she complained.
As she finished saying that there was a knock on the door. Mary threw a bathrobe, and I grabbed a pair of swimming trunks and a t-shirt. Mary and I walked up to the door and I opened it slowly, allowing Mary time to wrap the belt around the robe.
"Mr. Smith, this young lady said you were expecting her.", said the receptionist, cooly.
"Ah yes, Kate! Come in. Thank you Ms. Dunlow.", I said, shutting the door.
"Wow, this is nice! Look at that view!", Kate said as she set her things on the table.
"Yeah, isn't that great! And look at this hot tub.", Mary answered, leading her in to the bedroom.
I waited a few minutes, giving them some time to "Girl-Talk".
"Matt, come on in!", I heard Mary call from the bedroom.
I walked in to see both of the girls sitting on the hot tub, Kate having a huge smile on her adorable face.
"Get in already!", Mary said.
I walked over to the hot tub and slowly slid in on to the seat opposite the girls. Mary slid closer to Kate and whispered something into her ear. Kate's eyes got bigger, along with her smile, and she nodded quickly.
Mary swam over to one side of me while Kate stayed where she was. She said, "Kate wants to watch me suck your dick."
Semi-startled at the request, I slipped out of my shirt and shorts, setting them on the side of the hot tub. I knew Kate hadn't seen my cock, And wanted to get her going so, I stood up, pretending to be situating myself. As I did so, Kate gasped at the sight of my semi-erect cock. Mary looked up at me and smiled really big. I knew she wanted to make Kate horny. I sat on the edge of the tub, my dick having grown to it's full eight inches. Mary grabbed it and slowly began to caress it. I moaned a few times during this, only for show. It wasn't until Mary placed the head in her mouth that I really started to moan. She was even better than before! I didn't know that that was even possible. She was sucking me with a passion that was matched by no other. I watched as her head move up and down on my cock.
I glanced quickly at Kate. She was having a little fun of her own. I touched Mary's head lightly so she would look up at me.
When she did I tilted my head toward Kate, causing her to look that direction. Mary smiled and swam over to Kate and touched her lightly
on her stomach. Kate, feeling this, almost jumped out of the hot tub. Mary leaned in closer with her pert breasts pressing into Kate's
bikini top. Kate listened intently as Mary whispered something into her ear. I watched as Mary covertly moved her hand down to Kate's stomach and then lower, reaching into Kate's bikini bottoms. I watched as Kate’s eyes , in response to Mary's touch, grew wider, and more alert to her surroundings. Mary moved away from Kate and slipping her hand out of her bikini. Kate followed her over to my side of the hot tub. I began to wonder what Mary had planned this time.
"Matthew, I think Kate wants to feel you.", Mary said, looking up at me with the "Innocent Eyes".
Kate slowly moved her hand up to my hard cock, and touched it softly. Watching the fifteen year old girl caress my cock turned me on so
much that I thought that I would blow my load right at that moment. I wasn't sure if Kate was a virgin or not, but, judging by the look on her face,
she wouldn't be for long. She looked up at me as she increased the speed of her movements, driving me absolutely crazy. I could see the whites of her
eyes as she looked back down at my cock. Mary, knowing what to do, moved out from in front of me to leave room for Kate to get in between my legs.
Kate took her place and placed the head of my cock in her mouth. She licked the head for a while, before moving down to the ridge of my shaft,
slowly licking that up and down. She worked me over like a charm. While she was pleasing me like no other girl I had ever been with, Mary had moved her
head down between Kate's spread legs. She pulled Kate’s bikini bottoms down to her ankles. Then she began to suck right away, causing Kate to pause and look down at Mary. I could feel her hand tightening around
my cock, so I knew this was making her happy.
Kate just kept going on my cock, her tongue flickering over the head when she reached it; and pressing on my balls when she got to the bottom. She finally stuck the head in her mouth and began to really suck me after a while.
She was an expert! My day was getting better and better by the moment.
“Oh God, Kate!”
Mary, taking her queue, Reached upward and pulled on Kate’s bikini top, slipping it down to her stomach. Kate stopped and protested silently, using her hand to stop Mary, but Mary just looked up at her and whispered, “It’s ok, Kate.”
Kate moved her hand slowly back to my cock, which I could have sworn grew another two inches at the site a Kate’s full breasts. She looked up at me as I slid my hand down her face to her breasts and began to massage them slowly. Kate closed her eyes and relished the moment.
“Mary, why don’t we try something else?”, I said, reaching for both of the girls’ hands.
“Like what, hon?”
“Kate, what do you want to do?”, I asked.
“Um, I want to . . . I want you to fuck me.”, she replied, shyly.
I led both of the girls to the bed, but pulled Mary close to me.
“Give me some time with Kate, okay?”
“Oh, do I have to?”, Mary asked in a moan.
“I will save the heavy stuff for the three of us, don’t worry.”
“Okay. Just make sure you do.”, Mary said, giving my erect cock a hard squeeze before walking off into to the other room.
I looked over at Kate, who was just sitting there on the bed.
“Kate, are you a virgin?”
“Um, yeah.”, she relied.
I walked over to her slowly and pushed her back onto the bed. She was now lying on her back with her legs hanging off of the bed. I stood there for a moment, and no longer, just admiring her awesome body, with all of it’s curves.
I started advancing toward her, readying my cock for entry.
“Wait! Matthew, take it easy on me the first time, okay?”
“Okay, just let me know when you want me to slow down or stop.”
“Okay.”, she kind of mumbled.
I pressed the head of my cock into her gleaming pussy, causing her to gasp loudly. I tried to ignore that as I pressed in deeper, feeling her hymen.
“Matthew, be careful!”, she said, obviously feeling it also.
“I will, I will.”
I eased my cock in and out of her several times before warning her I was going to break her.
“Okay. Matthew, did you break Mary?”
“Yeah . . . I did.”, I answered.”
“Did she cry?”, she asked.
“Um . . . I only saw one tear, but I’m not sure If it hurt her or not.”
“Okay, just stop when I tell you.”
I was really beginning to worry about Kate. She was really freaking out about this. Pushing the worry from my mind, I focused on Kate.
I pulled my cock out all the way and then rammed her with all my might. She screamed rather loudly when I broke her. Her face turned red and blood dripped from her pussy.
“Are you okay, Kate?”, I asked, genuinely worried about her. I had never heard a girl scream in pain like that.
“I’m . . . I’m fine.”, she stuttered
I began again to move in and out of her slowly. I gradually increased my speed over time, until she was moaning.
“Uhhhh . . . My god! I’m . . .”, She was unable to finish the last sentence, but I knew exactly what she meant, because I was on the brink of doing so myself.
It only took a minute or so before I was blowing my hot sperm into her young pussy. It was only then I realized I had forgotten the condom.
“Shit!”, I yelled.
“What?”, Kate asked between gasps of air.
At that time Mary rushed in with a worried look on her face.
“I forgot the condom!”, I exclaimed.
“It’s ok, I just had my period.”, she responded smoothly.
Mary looked at Kate, and the state of ecstasy she was in, and must have gotten jealous, because she walked right up in front of Kate and pulled her body off of my cock and shoved in into herself!
“Hey!”, Kate exclaimed.
“What was that about, Mary?”, I asked, a little surprised at her actions
“It’s my turn . . . And we never were in that position! Why didn’t you let me ride you?”
“I didn’t think you wanted to do that . . .”, I countered.
“Well, fine!”, Mary said before lifting herself off of me and storming out of the room.
“Maybe I should go talk to her . . .”, Kate volunteered.
“I think that might be in order.”
As Kate walked into the other room I noticed the reddish-colored cum running down her inner thigh.
I just sat there, wandering if I had really offended Mary that badly. I didn’t want to ruin our relationship, seeing that she was the first girl I had ever had sex with. It was just that Kate is older, and a little more mature, figure-wise, And that contributes to the act of sex.
I decided to apologize myself. I got up and walked into the Living Room. I almost turned right back around! Kate was on the floor getting eaten out by Mary! It was so sexy! The two girls I had just finished breaking having sex with each other! Wow! This was one of those fantasy-dreams come true!
I watched as Mary moved her tongue in Kate’s pussy. Kate had placed her hand on Mary’s head, forcing her to go at it a little harder.
Kate let out a long moan and her cum was all over Mary’s young face.
I watched as Mary lapped up the last of the juices. Kate, still breathing rather hard, looked up at me and mouthed the words: “She’s okay now.”
I nodded to show that I understood.
I sat back down and watched as Mary kept licking Kate’s clitoris, causing Kate to moan quietly. About this time I reached down and began jerking off. This lesbian act had gotten me excited.
Mary moved from between Kate’s legs and slid up her body to her breasts. She took som time here, fondling each one of them, and licking them as well.
Kate motioned to me with her head, telling me to join in. I took her advice, moving in behind Mary, who was still licking Kate’s full breasts, and placed my hands on either side of her waist. She didn’t even respond to this, aside from moving up to Kate’s head, and kissing her open mouth.
I guided my already erect cock to her pussy and pressed lightly until it slipped in.
Mary gasped and paused for a second, then resumed making out with Kate.
I slowly moved my cock in and out of Mary a few times, then really started to bang her. She moaned as my 8 inch cock slid in and out of her tight pussy.
We kept going in this manner until Kate began to pant again. She arched her back, and juices began to spew all over Mary’s small breasts and stomach. I watched as her chest heaved up and down during this process, and her stomach contracted and swelled, pushing more fluids from her body.
After a few minutes Mary started to moan rather loudly as well. I looked down at her as she started to shudder in ecstasy, her pussy lips contracting around my cock. She began to scream loudly, making me wonder if we had any neighbors. As her orgasm intensified her body arched up, pulling her small body off of my cock. I pushed in a little further, and then suddenly, Mary’s cute body went limp. Her face fell onto Kate’s chest and her legs collapsed. I watched as her chest heaved up and down rapidly, as did Kate’s.
I pulled my cock out of her cunt and stepped back. The sight of the prettiest girls in the world (In my opinion) laying together was awesome! I wanted to get in between the two of them, but an odd hunger swept over me.
After the girls had calmed down a bit I asked, “Would either of you like to go down to the café and get a bite to eat?”
“That, actually, sounds really good.”, Kate replied.
“Yeah, okay.”, Mary answered.
We all got dressed, me in a black pair of slacks and an “Airy” tropical style shirt, Kate in long sequin-covered dress and a string of white pearls, and Mary in a cream colored mini-skirt and a tan corduroy-like top. We all looked pretty good, if you asked me. (Kate could have hooked anyone -male or female- in that dress; where as Mary looked like any teen boy’s fantasy girl.) We walked down stairs and into the café which, surprisingly, had quite a few people in it. I showed the girls to the table by the window and walked to the restroom.
Upon return, I saw a couple of guys sitting a few tables away from the girls. They were both looking at the girls. I took a seat beside them and said, “Gorgeous, aren’t they?”
“Hell, yeah! I would give anything to get the young one in bed.”, one of the men responded.
“And I want the one in he sequins!”, the other said on cue.
“Yeah, that won’t be happening anytime soon.”, I said curtly.
“What the hell do you know anyway?”, the first guy asked.
“Well, obviously quite a bit, because they’re both with me.”, I countered, as I got up and walked back to our table.
Kate and Mary were chatting away, totally oblivious to what had just gone down at the other table. It was probably better that way. Just then the waiter, complete with suit and tie, walked up and asked what we would like to eat this evening. We all ordered something a little different., and enjoyed it. As we finished our dinner I felt Kate’s hand on my inner thigh. I glanced up at her and she reached a little further and touched my cock, which was not erect for the first time tonight. So much for that. The second she touched me It sprung to life, and she knew it. She just wanted to get back to the room, so I called for the waiter and I paid, leaving the ladies to tidy up. I waited at the entrance for the girls. When they joined me I grabbed both of them by the hand and glanced over my shoulder. The guys I spoke to earlier were staring right back.
As we made our way to the room I said, “Well, I am going to make a late-night ice cream run. Any tagalongs?”
“Uh, I’ll go . . .”, Kate replied quickly.
We both looked at Mary, who turned the offer down, telling us that she was pretty tired after today, and wanted to go right to bed. We led her back to the room and then headed for the car.
When we got outside, Kate walked really close to me to keep warm. I took off my jacket and gave it to her, but she still walked close.
“So, what are we really going to do?”, Kate asked.
“Well, since we are out and about . . . we could pick up a friend of mine.”, I responded, innocently.
We both hopped in the car and drove off. As we headed away from the Inn Kate asked me what type of friend this person was. I explained to her that Karen was a past girl friend and was very good with orgies.
Want more? Let me know!
A girl realises that she is part of a much bigger adventure than what she ever thought was possible... |
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