A Private-eye Full
I went back to the table and set down. Faye Sawyer’s face went to deep red to white in a few seconds.
“The others will have your name, address and phone number on them,” I said.
Faye started toward the photo. “Leave it” I snapped. “You can sit down or get the hell out of here.”
She sat. “Please take it down,” she whispered.
“Can’t,” I said. “You have not honored your commitments.”
She was looking over my shoulder toward the photo of her. “Please take it down. I’ll pay you. Hurry! Here comes someone.” A tall black man was going to the restroom and the photo caught his eye. He studied the picture for a minute and then moved on.
“He saw my face,” She hissed. “Take it down this instant!” Mrs. Faye Sawyer was just trying to piss me off.
“Why do you care,” I smiled. “Do you know him?”
“I said I would pay you,” She snapped. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because you are a stuck up bitch,” I answered. Faye Sawyer was a good looking woman. I would guess her age at about thirty, but I could be off by a few years either way.
“I don’t know what you want,” She leaned forward and whispered. “I said I would pay you the money. What the hell do you want from me?”
“A blow job,” I answered. “You just sit still and I’ll be back.” I got up and went to the rest room. The tall black man was washing his hands.
“Hi,” I said. “Saw you looking at the photo on the wall. Like that girl?”
“She’s okay,” He said with a shrug. “Seen better, seen worse.”
“Well,” I said. “This is your lucky day. She's right outside and he’s giving blow jobs for five bucks today. You interested?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Hell, even the street whores get more then that. What’s the catch? She one of them chicks with dicks?”
I laughed, “No nothing like that. She’s all woman, but she needs a lesson in manners. If you aren’t interested then forget it.”
“Hey I didn’t say I wasn’t interested,” he said hurriedly. “Sure why not. Where and when?”
“Right here and right now, that handicap stall is big enough.” I said. “Stay put and I’ll send her in. Be a few minutes.”
“All right,” I said to Faye Sawyer, “here’s the deal. You go in the men’s room and give the man in there a good five dollar blow job. If you are not back within fifteen minutes with the money, I’ll have your pictures on every break room in Hubby’s factory. Won’t your friends at the Country Club be surprised when your photos show up everywhere.”
She stared at me with open mouth.
“If I was you, Mrs Sawyer,” I said, “I get my ass in there and get to sucking. Your time is running out.”
She glared at me for another thirty seconds and then lowered her head and left the table going toward the men’s room.
A quieter more demure Faye Sawyer came back to the table a little while later. She dropped a five dollar bill in front of me. She sat down without any comment.
“Are we ready to talk business now?” I asked.
She nodded her head.
“You owe me two thousand,” I said. “Counting last month and this month. Do you have it?”
She shook her head, “No not right now. I told Hammer that I was running a little behind and he agreed to let it slide until next month.”
“Bull shit. What did you have to do?” I asked. I was pretty sure that Ol’ Hammer didn’t let anybody completely off the hook.
She blushed, “I had to have sex with him.” I waited. “And some other men and a woman.”
The last part of her statement was so low I barely heard her.
“How much of the debt was that supposed to take care of?” I asked.
“A thousand.” She answered quickly. Much too quickly. Mrs. Sawyer was lying through her pretty teeth.
I stared at her without saying a word. Pretty soon her gaze droped and she said softly, “Five hundred of it,” she said. “He was going to call me and let me know when I could do something about the other five hundred. Then I saw in the paper that he was killed by the police and I thought ...”
“You thought you were off the hook,” I finished for her. I shook my head. “Faye, I’ll honor Hammer’s deal, but you still owe me fifteen hundred. How are we going to work that?”
“I’ll have a thousand of it in a few days. I get a household allowance. I can get a thousand, but not fifteen hundred. Can you...I mean maybe we could do something like Hammer...” I liked this side of Mrs. Sawyer much better.
“Maybe,” I said. The tall black man was sitting in a booth by the windows. He had been trying to get my attention. “Wait here.’ I said getting up.
“How was it?” I asked when I got to his booth.
He laughed, “Worth five dollars,” he said. “Is she a whore?”
“No she’s a woman who owes me some money and a better attitude.” I said “Why, you interested?”
“I would be if she was available,” He said. “best blowjob I ever had. She really got into it.”
“She still owes me,” I said. “Maybe we could work out something. You ain’t ever going to get another five dollar blowjob. That was to prove who’s boss. A couple hours with her will cost you five hundred bucks.”
“Wow, man,” He said shaking his head. “I’d like that, but the price is too steep. I’m just a working man.”
“I’ll make you a better deal,” I countered, coming up with an idea. “Two hundred and I video it all.”
He looked at me for a few moments then agreed. “I get a copy of the video,” He added.
We arranged a day and time, but I told him I’d have to get back to him on the place. I wasn’t real keen on using my place for a porno session, but I though I knew of a place I could use.
Faye Sawyer resisted for a little while and then gave in. It was only a token resistance. I could see that the prospects of the man’s hard, black cock excited her. I didn’t see any reason to tell her about the video part of the deal. She would just worry. I don’t like my bitches worrying.
Chapter 6
I watched from my window as Carol Miller got out of a cab at the corner and walk a spot in front of the closed deli. She only had to wait a few minutes when a car pulled up. Carol stooped and peered into the car. She was apparently satisfied that she knew the occupants and they quickly drove away. I glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes after eight and I had a couple hours to wait until Carols return.
I dialed the number for Lisa Hurst. I had spoke with her early that day and I told her I would be calling her.
“Hello,” a voice said answering the ring.
“Lisa? This is Mike.”
“I really don’t know what this is all about,” She said. “I think you have me mixed up with somebody else.” Well I couldn’t blame her for trying. I had been to the branch bank that she managed and did a comparison with her photo and her reality. One and the same!
“Well,” I said “Maybe I have made a mistake, but I don’t think so. I could send some great photos out to your friends and bank officials and see if they can recognize you.”
There was a silence from the other end of the line for a while then a sigh, “I thought it was over,” she said softly. “Hammer is dead...”
“Yes, but Mike is alive and well, and we have to bravely go on for the sake of Hammer’s memory,” I said interrupting her. “Right now you need to be at 127 Blue Springs Street. You have a meeting with me. Should take you about fifteen minutes to get here.”
I didn’t wait for to acknowledge before I hung up. I needed to get her in a compliance mood.
Lisa Hurst was an unknown element. Hammer’s records, for the most part were well kept, but Lisa and Jan Crane had very little written about them.
I picked Lisa first because she was one of the classier looking women. She had interested me from the very first time I saw her videos and photos. I was waiting by the front window when I saw her slow down in front of my house and then pull to the curb and park.
“Hi, Lisa,” I said opening the door before she got to it. “Come in, I’m Mike. Like a drink?”
“I think I may need one,” She said a slight smile on her face. If she was nervous she hid it well. “Whatever you have will be fine.”
I mixed us a couple of drinks and after handing her the drink I also handed her a stack of photos of her. One of the photos showed her and three black men and one other white woman. I couldn’t make out who the other woman was. She looked at the photos taking a long time with each. After a while she handed them back to me.
“All right so you are now the blackmailer. What now?” Her directness threw me for a moment.
“Business as usual,” I said. “I don’t want you to think of me as a blackmailer,” I continued. “Think of me as a business partner.”
“Ha,” she said with an un-lady like snort. “Some partnership! I do all the fucking and sucking and you get all the money.”
Now that was interesting news. I was getting a feeling that Hammer had not played very fair with his ladies. The records seem to indicate that Lisa was one of the high dollar women. Getting as high as a grand at a time.
“Well,” I said, “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to meet face to face with you. I think it may be time for some changes. What do you get for...ah...?”
“A date?’ she supplied. “Nothing. Not one damn penny.”
“Really,” I said slowly. “I was under the impression that Hammer was a generous employer.”
“Okay, Mike,” she said sitting up a little straighter, “Let’s get one thing straight. I, or none of us, as far as I am aware, consider ourselves employees. The girl’s I know are just like me. We were blackmailed into prostitution. Nothing more or nothing less.”
Lisa Hurst was a very forthright person to say the least. This was going to be harder then I thought. One should also consider that I didn’t have a clue as to what the fuck I was doing.
“Let me ask you a question,” I said “You got into this because you liked fucking black men. Would that be a fair statement?” She nodded her head so I continued. “You are still fuckin’ black men and from the photos, you enjoy it. So what’s the problem?”
“You don’t get it do you?” She snapped. “Before, when I dated black men it was my choice. Now it’s Hammers....or now, I guess it’s yours. You bastards are getting rich and I’m getting nothing. I would like to have some say in it!”
“Would you feel better if you got to keep some of the money?”
“You are dammed right I would feel better about it!” She snapped. “I like to fuck and there is nothing I like better then to meet with some strong black studs and just fuck them until they can’t get it up any more. I just want to get paid for the use of my pussy, mouth and ass!”
“Let’s say,” I said slowly, trying to think as I went, “You keep twenty-five per cent and...”
“I have a better plan,” she said, interrupting me. “Let’s split it fifty-fifty.”
You have to remember that I was new to the blackmail and pimp business. My thought processes were that half of something was a whole lot better then one hundred percent of nothing. I had been having some problems with the white slavery part of the deal. One of the problems of having a stupid conscience I guess.
“Okay, that’s a deal,” I agreed. “Fifty-fifty works for me. Now that is settled let me ask you a question. Who is the other woman in this photo?” I handed her the orgy picture with the unknown woman.
“Oh,” she said glancing at the picture. “Her name is Jan Crane. I’ve worked with her a couple of times.” Lisa smiled at me. “Why? Got an itch for her?”
“No, not an itch,” I said matching her smile. “Curiosity. You both look like you were having fun.”
“Oh yeah, I like working with Jan. She eats pussy like nobody else can.” Lisa said.
“You like having a woman eat you?” I asked.
“Man, there is nothing like having your pussy eaten while being fucked by a hard dick. Can’t hardly get a man to do that,” she laughed. “Or letting a woman suck the cum out after a hard fucking.” She laughed again, “Well I’ll be damned, you’re blushing! I can’t believe it! What kind of pimp are you anyway?”
Trouble was, I was red-faced, but it was because I was getting turned on. I glanced at the clock. We had been talking for a long time. It was almost time for Tall Man to deliver Carol.
“Do you ever work with Carol?” I inquired.
“Carol Miller? Sure, a couple times. She’s not as much fun as Jan, but she is enthusiastic,” Lisa said. “She’ll suck a pussy, but she doesn’t get off doing it like Jan.”
“How about you? Do you eat pussy?”
“Sure,” she said matter-of-factly. “I like a cock better, but I’ll help out a sister if the need is there.” She looked at me closely for a moment, “Are you for real?”
“I don’t know how to answer that,” I said. For some reason I told Lisa how I came into the deal. Of course I didn’t tell her everything.
“So now you are in the cat bird seat.” She said. “Are you really going to split with us?”
“Sure,” I said. “I do have a problem. Some people are just paying cash. I guess I could stop their payments.”
“Who is paying?” she asked. I showed her the list.
Lisa studied the list for a while, then handed it back to me.
“You don’t get it do you?” she said shaking her head. “They’re not paying to keep Hammer from doing anything. Hammer was being paid to provide black cock. It’s a game with them. I partied with a couple of them and let me tell you they want to pay. Makes them feel better about themselves. Let the dumb bitches keep paying.”
I glanced at the clock again and Lisa caught it. “What? You have a date?”
I explained that I wanted to be in a position to be seen when Tall Man brought Carol back.
“Good ideal to be seen,” Lisa offered, “Hammer did sometimes. Does Carol know she actually going to get paid?”
I shook my head, “It wasn’t discussed. I just assumed that you girls were being paid something.” I stood up, “Think it will make her happy?”
“Ecstatic,” She answered. “I know she is in debt up to her eyes. Are you going to bring her here?”
“Yeah, I guess,” I said. “Tall Man is going to drop her across the street. Stick around if you want to.”
“Oh, I’ll stick,” She said laughing. “I want to hear how she made out with Tall
Man. I’ve fucked him before. Now there’s a stud who knows what to do.”
Chapter 7
I stood in the darken doorway of Spiffio’s old deli and waited for about ten minutes. A late model sports car drove up and a young woman got out. She leaned down to the passengers window.
“Thanks for the fun time, guys,” She said, “You’re both a great fuck. Thanks for the tip, too. See you later.”
The car departed with tires squalling and smoke rolling.
I let the woman stand there for a moment, softly humming to herself. Apparently Tall Man and company had left this girl in a pleasant frame of mind.
“How much tip did they give you?” I asked. She jumped and whirled around. “Hi, I’m Mike,” I said, leaving the shadows. “Have a good time?”
“God dammit!” She yelled. “You scared me out of ten years of my life! Where the hell did you come from?”
“Sorry,” I said. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Come on with me.”
She followed me across the street mumbling curses the whole distance. I let us into my house.
“Lisa!” Carol squealed, “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”
The two women hugged and Lisa took Carol to the couch asking what Carol wanted to drink. She had apparently delegated herself as hostess.
“Who is this turkey?” Carol asked, hitching her thumb toward me.
“This is Mike,” Lisa said smiling at me. “He’s all right.” Now who could ask for a better endorsement?
“How did he get involved in this shit?” Carol demanded. “What the hell happened to Hammer?”
“Hammer fought the law and the law won,” I said. “You didn’t answer me. How much tip did you get?”
Wordlessly she opened her small pocketbook and handed me a folded hundred dollar bill which I ignored. She took four hundred more from her pocket and put all five bills together and handed it to me.
I took the money and took two of the bills and handed her the other three hundred. “I don’t keep tips,” I said.
Carol Miller sat opened mouth and Lisa laughed out loud.
“I told you he was all right, didn’t I?” Lisa said, still laughing at Carol’s expression. “We get to fuck black cock and get paid too. It doesn’t get any better then this!”
I explained the deal to Carol. At first she didn’t seem to understand. But the ideal gradually sunk in. She put the money she still held up to her nose grinning widely.
Lisa moved over to the couch and sat beside Carol, “Now tell me about your date with Tall Man” she said. “I fucked him a couple of times.”
“Hey that Tall Man is a great fuck,” Carol said, “but he can’t hold a candle to the other man. Said his name is Bud. If Tall Man is tall then Bud should be called Wide Man. His cock is not quite as long as Tall Man’s but it almost twice as big around. It took nearly half an hour to get it all in me, but boy was it worth it. Wow, I’m getting horny just thinking about it.” She glanced at me, “How ‘bout it man,” she said to me. “You interested in a party?”
Well of course I was. And did we party! Carol and Lisa nearly killed me, but I would have gone out with a smile on my face.
When I couldn’t fuck any more the girls continued on without me. My last sight, just before I dozed off, was Carol and Lisa in a hot sixty-nine.
I’m not going to deny it. I was having the time of my life. In one week I had more pussy than I had enjoyed in the past year. Maybe the past two years.
I had met with all the working girls on Hammer’s list and most were overjoyed that they were making money from their activities. That cheap bastard, Hammer, kept all the loot they made. Also I had contacted all the women that preferred to pay cash. I refused to think of it as blackmail and I had made up my mind that I wouldn’t do anything to expose them. Things could not get any better.
On Monday night I watched and made a video of a kid named Kristi Curry and an older black man. One hot session! Fortunately Lisa Hurst came by and helped me out. We fucked for an hour. Lisa is one hot banker.
On Tuesday I participated in a real gangbang. This time it was a woman named Vicki LaRue. Vicki put on a show for us using a champagne bottle. I suppose you can figure out how that went. The rest of the week went about the same. More pussy then you can shake a stick at.
Ol’ Mike is living the good life!
I was trying to divide my time between my investigation business and my newly acquired pimp practice. In the two weeks that I had been a pimp it was clear to me that there was not enough of me to go around.
It was early, at least for me, and I was sitting in my office going through the mail that had accumulated over the past few days. Most of it was junk mail that I didn’t bother to open. The rest of it was bills that I didn’t want to open.
The door opened and a portly, red-faced man entered.
“Are you Mike Taylor?” he asked, still standing in the door. He had a deep voice.
“Yes I am,” I answered. I was hopeful that the quiver I felt didn’t show in my voice.
“I am Winston King,” he announced unnecessarily. I had recognized him the moment he opened the door. Superior Court Judge, Winston King. “I have need of your services.” He closed the door behind him and advanced toward my desk.
“Yes sir,” I squeaked. I was getting a bad feeling about this meeting.
“I’ve checked around,” He said fixing me with a sharp look as he sat down in my client chair. “You do not enjoy a spotless reputation, Mister Taylor. I assume you are aware of that.”
Bullshit, I wanted to say, but didn’t. I suppose in the larger view he was right, but I didn’t care much to hear it said out loud. I just looked at him and waited for him to continue.
“Most of the people I talked to seem to agree that in spite of your other short-comings, you do know how to be discreet and you do what you say you will do. I want to hire you.” He was watching me closely.
“Well, sir,” I said noticing that my voice had gotten a bit higher. This man, a powerful man, was the husband of Stephanie King. Stephanie was one of the late Hammer’s ladies. My lady now, I guess. She was paying two thousand a month to me keep quiet about her interracial sexual escapades. “I’m not taking on any new clients at the moment.”
If he heard me, he didn’t seem impressed..
“I have reason to believe my wife is having an affair. How much do you charge to investigate?”
I had a desperate need to discourage this man. “Three hundred dollars a day plus expenses.” I said. My usual rate is one hundred fifty a day when I could get it, which wasn’t often. “However, as I said, I’m not taking on any new…”
“I’ll pay one hundred fifty a day and reasonable expenses. I’ll approve the expenses in advance.” Rude bastard had interrupted me.
“I’m sorry, Your Honor,” I said. “I guess you didn’t understand me. I’m not taking on any new clients at this time. I can recommend…”
“I’ll need you to start immediately,” he said, interrupting me again. He stared hard at me. “You know who I am and you know that if you want to work at your trade in this county you need my good will. I can make it very difficult for you to retain your licenses. As a matter of fact I think your firearm carry permit is due for renewal this month.”
This fat bastard was attempting to blackmail me! He wasn’t being very circumspect about it either.
“I expect a report within a few days.” He said taking an envelope out of his inside coat pocket and laying it on my desk. “Here is two thousand dollars as a retainer. I have enclosed the information about my wife, addresses and schedules and that type of thing. You will not, let me repeat that. You will not come to my house or my office at the courthouse. Call me at the number I enclosed and I will meet you somewhere. Do you have any questions?”
He might be a blackmailer, but by God he was a first-rate blackmailer. He knew damned well I couldn’t refuse and still be a PI in this town. He had the clout to make my life miserable.
“Well sir, it will take me a few days to clear…”
“Today, Mister Taylor,” he said. Son of a bitch had interrupted me again.
“Ah, Judge, what makes you think Stephanie is stepping out on you?” I asked.
“How did you know her name?” he asked softly.
Oh shit! I had just stepped in it deep. This crap was just going from bad to worse.
“Oh, I guess you saw her picture in Sunday’s paper,” he said. “She’s always in the society pages. I have written down all of my suspicions. It’s in the envelope.” He got to his feet and held out his hand. I took it, but I didn’t stand. I knew my legs wouldn’t support me. “I will be waiting for your report.”
After he had gone I sat there thinking. Actually I was just trying to think. My brain was locked in neutral. What on earth had I gotten myself into? More importantly how could I get myself out of it?
I had to talk with somebody and I needed to do it quick. Thirty minutes later I was at the branch bank where Lisa Hurst worked. Actually Lisa was the manager of the branch.
“What the hell are you doing here, Mike,” Lisa said softly as she glanced around to see who might be within hearing.
“Sorry babe,” I said. “We have a problem.”
“Where do you get this “we” shit, white man?” Lisa was smiling which I took as a good sign. I followed her into her office and she closed the door.
“I thought we had agreed to keep our…ah…relationship for want of a better term, out of my work place,” Lisa said.
“Did,” I said. “Tell them I wanted to take out a loan or something.” I blurted out what had transpired at my office. When I finished Lisa just stared at me a few moments and then burst out laughing.
“You have to be kidding me,” She said still laughing. “You are being blackmailed by the husband of a woman you are blackmailing. That’s too much.”
“Yeah, I’m sick from laughing about it,” I said. I sure didn’t see anything remotely funny about the deal.
“And he bargained you down to what you normally get.” It was apparent that Lisa saw this more humorously then I did.
“Dammit Lisa,” I said. “Get through yuking it up and talk to me. This is serious shit.”
It took Lisa another few minutes to get serious.
“Okay, Mike,” she said. “I really don’t see the problem. Tell the judge you followed his wife and didn’t see anything. Give the bitch a clean bill of health and be done with it. Be thankful that the silly bastard came to you and not somebody else.”
I thought about it for a while. Could it actually be that simple? What was the absolute worst case scenario? The only one I could think of was if the judge wasn’t satisfied with my clean report, he might find another investigator. One that actually worked the case. It was clear that I was going to have to talk with Stephanie King and soon.
I left a still grinning Lisa and headed back to my office. I had no more than walked in the door when who should appear but police detective Richard (don’t call me Dick) Elliott. He had never been to my office before.
“Good morning, Dick,” I said. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Richard, dickhead,” Elliott snarled.
“Sorry, Richard dickhead,” I said. I love to yank his chain.
“Look stupid,” He said with a sigh. “I’m off duty in about fifteen minutes, so I don’t have time to screw around with you.”
I glanced at my watch. “It’s not even noon,” I said. “What kind of hours do you keep?”
“Don’t get me started,” He said flopping down in my client chair. “Fucking cheap bastards at city hall stopped paying overtime. I have a zillion hours of comp time and I have to take some of it. Bastards,” he muttered again.
“Hey that’s tough, Dick,” I said. I knew that every police officer in the city…maybe even the country, depends on overtime to make ends meet.
“Yeah, but that’s not why I here,” He said. “You know a guy by the name of David Green? They call him Sweet.”
I gave it some thought. “No, I don’t think so. Don’t ring a bell. Why?”
“Apparently he’s looking for you. Word is he’s asking around.”
“Hell, I ain’t hard to find,” I said. “Name’s in the book and I got a sign hanging out front. Apparently he ain’t looking very hard.”
From the look on Elliott’s face there was more coming.
“You remember that black dude that we shot few weeks back? The one you witnessed? Yeah that one,” he added grinning at me. “David Green is Darrel Green’s brother. Seems that Sweet Green misses his brother Hammer…or misses something. You got any ideas what he’s looking for?”
Could this morning get any worse? I tried to look puzzled, “No, nothing comes to mind.”
“Word on the street is that Hammer had a bunch of white women working for him and that Sweet Green would like them returned. You know anything about that?”
“No, nothing except what you told me that day Hammer got wasted,” I said as casually as I could muster.
“Look, Taylor,” Elliot said, “I don’t work vice, so I don’t give a shit about that stuff. If you got anything to say, now would be a good time to say it.”
My brain was trying to slip back into neutral again. I have known Elliott for several years. We are not buddies, but we get along. From what I know he’s a stand up guy.
“Let’s say that somebody did take over the management of Hammer’s business,” I said slowly. “So what?”
“Nothing except that Sweet Green may kill your ass. He’s real bad news, Taylor. Real bad. Been up for assault, armed robbery and several other things. Just got out of the joint a few months ago. I like him for a robbery a few nights ago. Killed the store owner.”
“Well for pity sakes, arrest the bastard,” I said.
“Now why didn’t I think of that?” Dick said with a crooked smile. “Look stupid, if I could prove it I would have already done so. No witnesses have come forward and the surveillance cameras were fake. Dumb son of a bitch tried to save a few bucks. MO is the same that Sweet used last time he hit a store. It’s him all right. I know it but can’t prove it.”
I sat there stunned. Dammit my life was falling apart. I got a judge on my case and now a killer is looking for me.
“Well if you think of anything that would help,” Elliot said getting to his feet. “Give me a call. Maybe I’ll be working, but more than likely I’ll be home burning up comp time. See you.”
I continued to set there staring at the wall. The phone rang but I didn’t want to answer it. The way my luck was going it was the fucking IRS wanting to do an audit.
When it didn’t stop I picked it up. “This is Ben Dover,” I said into the phone.
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