A Moral Dillemma
Note : This story is completely fictional!
Matt sat in bed. It'd been getting pretty uncomfortable around his house. It wasn't just the heat, which was unbearable at best. It was more that he'd been noticing things. Awkward things that made him feel weird.
It had all started on Monday. He'd been hot and tired, so he decided to take a cold shower, to cool down and perk up. He got a change of clothes and a towel, undressed and walked into the bathroom... Only to find his younger sister, Jesse, completely naked and about to get in her bath. Both of them stopped and stared at each other for a moment. Then Matt blushed and quickly apologized, bolting out as fast as he could.
Now it was Friday and the image of her was still burned into his mind, her
perfect breasts, her hairless pussy...
"Why hadn't I noticed how sexy she was before?" He thought, "Gah! What am I
thinking?! She's my sister!" Still, he had to fight himself every night not to
jack off to the image of her in his head. He sighed... why couldn't anything be
easy? "If only she wasn't my sister..."
Jesse was lying on her bed. The heat was terrible, she would have taken another
cold bath... but she didn't want to think about that embarrassing episode on
Monday. She'd been avoiding Matt since then, and trying to keep busy to avoid
any serious thought, but now she had nothing to do, nothing to keep her from
thinking about it.
"He really did have a nice body," she murmured, "I wonder how often he works out."
Then she shook herself, "No thinking about that!" she yelled. She sprawled out
farther across her bed. "Everything's always so hard... If only he wasn't my
Matt was still lounging about his room. He was running out of things to do, but
he didn't want to leave incase he ran into Jesse. All his friends were gone on
vacation, so there was no one to hangout with. It didn't help that his mother
was always working, and unable to take them on vacation. His father had died as
a soldier in Iraq. That left just him and Jesse.
He fiddled abit with an old digital camera, then he heard the water in the
bathroom running. That meant his sister was going to take another bath. It was
then that an ingenius and twisted idea came into his mind. He let his concience
battle it out, and then decided he would do it, but only to prove to himself
that he was not attracted to Jesse.
Jesse turned on the water. She was sick of being shut up in her room. She wasn't
really that attracted to Matt, it was just the surprise of the moment. After
checking the temperature she left to go get a change of clothes. She wasn't
planning on going anywhere, so she grabbed a pair on loose pink pajamas with
bunnies on them. She laughed abit, if any of her friends saw these they'd die of
laughter. Still, they were really comfortable. When she walked back to the bath
she bumped into Matt coming out of the door.
"Oh, umm... s-sorry," Matt stuttered flushing bright red.
Jesse looked at the ground. "It's fine," she replied shakily. Matt passed her and went right to his room. "What's with him?" she thought, "Could it be that he's having as much trouble with that thing as me?" She shrugged. She undressed and got into the tub.
Jesse slowly started to relax, she closed her eyes a sat in the tub for a
while, enjoying the cool water on the hot summer day. She let her mind wander,
but it eventually came to Matt. She gently rubbed her pussy, and then stopped.
She wasn't going to go past that point of no return. She thought of something
else, but her mind always came back to that image of Matt, completely nude.
Everytime she tried to tear her mind away it came back to that image. She got
hornier and hornier, and each time it got harder to think of something else. She
started rubbing again. In her mind Matt was with her, he was softly kissing her,
their teeth gently clicking together. Then he was entering her, slowly pumping
into her.
"Oh Matt..." she groaned, rubbing faster and faster. She imagined him softly sliding his hand down her back, and then resting it on her ass. He squeezed and slapped it, pushing deeper and deeper into her pussy. Then she came, groaning with pleasure. As she dressed, she thought about what she had done. She was tearing herself up inside, imagining her brother doing all those things was wrong! She emptied her tub and went back to her room.
Once he was sure she was gone, Matt went into the bathroom, and walked out carrying the camera he'd hidden.
Matt watched the video for a fifth time, he'd given up not jacking off over her
after the first. It was like she was putting on a show. He'd watched a
particular part around 20 times. About halfway through she had mumbled something,
but the camera was under a towel, so he couldn't make it out. He felt like it
was important though.
The phone rang, causing him to jump. Caller I.D showed that it was his mom.
"H-hello?" Matt said, his voice still abit shaky.
"Hey Honey, it's me," rambled his mom's voice on the other line, "I'm going to
be really late getting home, so could you make dinner for you and Jesse? Thanks!
Bye." Matt sat there in a daze listening to the dial tone and trying to decode
what she said. "She is way too business minded," he muttered. He walked to
Jesse's room and knocked on the door.
"Yes?" called her voice from inside her room.
"What do you want for dinner?" He yelled.
"How about spaghetti? Oh, and some of that punch we have left over from the
"Sure thing," he replied as he set off to do it.
Jesse was sitting and watching T.V. What was she going to do? She felt too guilty to act natural around Matt, especially after what she'd done yesterday. She got up to go find a movie to watch. She walked by Matt's room and noticed the computer was on. She walked in to turn it off, but when she moved the mouse a movie clip came up, it was of her masturbating yesterday! How did Matt get this? And if he's watching this... then that means he's interested in her too! She smiled, the fun was just about to begin.
Matt was just finishing up the spaghetti and he put out the punch.
"Jesse, dinner's up!" he shouted.
"Coming!" she replied. She walked into the kitchen, wearing some skimpy langere.
Matt jumped, hitting his head on the shelf above.
"What's wrong?" she giggled, "Don't you like my new pajamas?"
"N-no, I mean yes. Wai-" she put her finger on his lips.
"You're so cute when you're like that..." she whispered, then she kissed him. He
then realized what she had said in the video, she had been masturbating to an
image of him. His cock stiffened as they kissed. He slid his hand into her
panties and squeezed her ass. With his other hand he undid her bra strap. She
pulled off his shirt, and their bare chests rubbed as they passionately kissed.
Then he kissed her neck, slowly working his way lower until he was sucking on
her nipple. He made circles with his tongue as she moaned and pulled him deeper
into her bosom. Then she unbottoned his pants, pulling them and his boxers down.
They were both standing naked, staring at each other, like they had on the
fateful Monday, but this time Jesse stepped forward and whispered, "I love you
so much." They stood kissing for a long time, and then he entered her. She
gasped as he slid in and out.
"Please, big brother... don't stop," she moaned. He pushed deeper and deeper
into her. She screamed with pleasure as they melted into each other. The
pleasure was quickly building up. He turned her around and started doing her
doggy style. She groaned as his ass pumped into hers.
"I'm coming!" she yelled. They both came at the same time. Matt pulled out,
but he was still horny, so he spread her ass and shoved his cock in.
"Ohh!" she groaned, as he slowly slid in and out of her virgin ass. He rode her,
pushing deeper into her with every stroke. His hands fondled her breasts as she
gentley moaned. Then she turned and kissed him. He came all inside her ass. Matt
rolled off of her. They both laid there, looking into each others eyes.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," she giggled, "let's do it again."
What happened to Sarah at Dante's... |
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