A MOTHER'S HELP (Part 2 of 4)

(Part 1 from 1)

Note: This story is completely fictional!

Part # 2 of 4 A mother’s help

Everyday now Angie spent at least an hour fucking herself into satisfaction with the big vibrator her husband gave her! She had a routine in the morning doing the things, which needed to be done, and then after lunch around 1PM every day she would go into the bedroom. First a shower and then some foreplay with herself before seriously using the vibrator to fuck her brains out. Everyday, day after day, Angie used the big tool now taking about 10 inches of the 14-inch tool into her pussy and achieving the vibration speed of 8 of the 10 available. Any more would make her pass out and she never wanted to do that again! If Frank didn’t come home soon she was going to need a bigger faster vibrator or fuck herself more than she was doing now! Some nights when he called her from the big rig she would lay on the bed and finger her pussy while he told her how he loved her and what he wanted to do to her! God she was so in need for a real cock. Then one night Frank called her and asked if she was using the vibrator he had purchased for her? She told him she had tried it but she missed him and wanted his mouth to eat her and his human cock to fuck her. He had a little over 30 days to go! He asked her: “Use it for me! Do it now while I can listen! I want you so bad baby! I hurt so bad for you! I want to suck your beautiful pussy and make you cum so bad! Use to vibrator for me and let me hear you cum!! Angie already had the vibrator between her legs rubbing her pussy up and down with the motor turned off. When she heard her husband almost beg her to use it, she smiled and said: “Well I’ll do it but only because you asked me Frank! I don’t like this big hard thing?” He asked again: “Please baby! Do it for me. I want to hear you cum as I jerk off to your voice!” She turned it on 1 and rubbed her slit up and down think how hot it was that he was jerking off listing! He asked; “You have to tell me what you’re doing Angie! Talk to me baby! God I miss you so much! I need to hear your voice moaning as you cum and I cum too!” She said: “OK baby! For you I’ll do it!” She lay the phone next to her ear and began. He body was working as she rubbed and told Frank what she was doing! He moaned when she told her she had the shaft all wet with her pussy juice! She was al wet! Her pussy was throbbing as the tool was stimulating her entire slit! He moaned again when she asked: "Should I put it inside my pussy Frank? Would you like that?” He said with a husky voice: “Yes baby! Put it in your pussy for me. Make believe it’s me fucking you! Go ahead!” She already had 4 inches inside her body now and was moving it in and out! He heard her moan as she turned the speed up to 4 and began to pump her pussy on the long shaft moving in and out of her body She moan again and said: “Oh Frank !Oh god baby! Come home and fuck me Frank! Oh yes! Oh god yes! OH Frank fuck me bay! I’m going to cum! Oh yes! Do you want me to cum baby! Say yes! I need to cum so bad! Oh fuck! YES! FRANK!” He yelled: “YES! Angie, do it! Fuck yourself faster baby! I’m almost there! Tell me what you’re doing! Oh god!! I’m going to cum!” But she didn’t hear him! She couldn’t hold back any longer even if he asked her too! She had all 10 inches of that 14-inch hard long vibrator flying in and out of her dripping wet pussy now and she was turning the speed up with every second that was going by! She had started with 2 but now it was at 6 then at 7 then 8! She had never gotten it that high before! Her body was going wild just like it did every night on the huge cylinder inside her small body! Her pussy fucked and fucked and fucked the long shaft as she forgot all about Frank on the other end of the phone line. But he had forgotten about her too and was listening to the humming sound of the big tool fucking his young wife and hearing mer moans and cries of lust and passion!! He too was pumping his cock as fast as he could shoot load after load of cum all over his lower body His ass was up off the bed and his hips were rotating his hard long cock letting his hand fuck it like a mad man! His wife was doing the same except she was fucking the vibrator and moaning his name as she climaxed over and over again! She screamed as she peeked and from listening to her husband moan and grunt as he got off! She knew he was cumming! He heard her cry out in a pure state of desire and he knew she was having an orgasm! And then as their orgasms slowed and they both began to come around until only heavy breathing could be heard on both ends of the phone! Finally Frank said: "God that was so good baby! Thank you! I shot a huge load of cum listening to you get off!” She sighed very loudly and said: “God yes! Frank! Call me again tomorrow night baby! Please! Hearing your voice and hearing you cum got me off so good baby! Call me every night and we can cum together!” He told her he could only call her once a week because the men took turns. She was disappointed but told him she understood. She had left the big vibrator in her cunt but had turned the sped down to the number 2! She was enjoying the small orgasms she was still having as she told her husband she loved him and finally goodbye! She hung up and cried herself to sleep with the vibrator turned off but still up her cunt! Three days went by and she was even more frustrated than before. She decided to go out and do some shopping at the local grocery store. She didn’t even put on make up. But in reality she didn’t need much because she was young and very beautiful! It took her about an hour to get all the things she needed or wanted. She hated to even go out these days she was so frustrated and lonely! She finally went to her mother’s house and sat with her talking about a lot of things. Finally the affair her mom had had years ago came up again! Angie asked: “How did you meet him mom?” Betty didn’t answer her for a few seconds and then smiled as she told her story. She had been shopping at the grocery store when she bumped into his cart! She still wasn’t sure if she did it by mistake or on purpose so she could talk with him! Angie asked: “So how did you get him into bed?” She laughed and told her daughter: “I was young and looked like you, beautiful and very sexy!” Angie smiled and said; “Oh mom! Come on I’m serious!” Betty said: “I am serious baby girl! I looked almost like you when I was 25 and the man just picked me up! Of course I let him. We had coffee first at the store. But that was the last time I met him anywhere near here!” Angie sat there watching her mom’s eyes light up and her face smiled as she spoke about her lover. Betty continued: “During coffee he asked me to dinner and I told him: “No.” He looked rejected but then I told him: “I have plans for tonight! But, if you give your phone number, I’ll call you with the dates I can make it!” He wrote it down on a napkin for me. Then I asked him if we could go to Galveston so we could see the sea? He smiled and told me: “We could go anywhere I wanted. He was just happy that I would see him!” I thanked him for the coffee and shook his hand. I could feel him watch me walk away! Angie smiled and said: “And that’s how it started? That easy huh?” Her mother looked at her and said: “You’re going to do it aren’t you?” Angie blushed and said: “I don’t know yet. I really don’t know.” Betty said: “Well you’re certainly thinking about it! Why? What happened?” Angie told her about the Frank’s phone call last night and how they both had masturbated together. She also told her mother she was scared to death! Betty said: “Well you have to be very, very careful so you’re not found out!” Angie said: “I’m thinking about going to the beach this weekend and checking things out! Maybe I’ll meet someone down there!” Betty told her beautiful daughter she wished her luck and good hunting! They both laughed. Angie put on her smallest bikini and oiled herself down before driving the hour to the beach! She put her blanket down and 5 minutes later had a man kneeling next to her talking trash! She didn’t think much of him so she didn't take his offer of a drink. Finally he got the message and walked away. She rolled on her back and lay there taking in the sun and listening to the kids laughing and playing! She wasn’t sure how long she had laid there with her eyes closed but just as she was about to fall asleep, a voice said: “Do mind if I put my towel next to yours miss?” Angie opened her eyes and looked to her right! Her breath got caught in her throat! Knelling there was a beautiful handsome man who looked like he had been out in the sun for weeks. He was bronze and had sun bleached blond hair. He had a swimmer’s body and eyes that looked right into her sole she was sure of it! She sat up and held her top looking at him. He smiled and asked again: “Would you care if I sat here? The beach is quiet crowded and there’s really no other place around.” She looked around and realized the beach had become very crowded since she had closed her yes! She looked back at him saying: “WOW! The beach is crowded! No of course not! Please sit! I’m Angie.” He thanked her and sat down. I’m Bud nice to meet you Angie is it?” She smiled and told him: "Yes, Angie! Well actually it Anglenna, but everyone calls me Angie!” He smiled and said: “Well I’m called Bud!” He held out his hand again and she shook it again! The day passed and she got to know a lot about Bud as they talked and swam until maybe 4PM! Finally she told him: “Well Bud I think I have had enough sun for one day. I’m going to go up to the boardwalk and have a drink then eat something and head home. He asked her: “Do you live far from here? Maybe I’ll see you again if you come here often!” She smiled and didn’t answer his question, instead she said: “Well actually I’ll be here tomorrow again! I’ll try to find the same spot so if you come down we can sit together again! I enjoyed your company Bud! See you.” Bud asked: “Look I know we just met but would you have dinner with me tonight before you go home?” She smiled and told him: “No.” He looked at her a little sadly. She followed by saying: “I’m busy tonight but if you give me your number I’ll call you and let you know what dates I can make it! But if I see you tomorrow I’ll have dinner with you then!” He smiled and wrote it for her. He said: “Well I can come down tomorrow but it won’t be until 1PM or so, I have some things to do in the morning! But I’ll see you then. If for some reason either of us can’t make it please call me! I would love to get to know you better Angie!” She said: “Me too Bud! Hope to see you tomorrow.” She gathered her things and slowly walked towards the end of the beach. She knew he was watching her ass in her just cover your ass crack bikini as she walked away. She got as burger and a diet coke and drove home thinking about Bud all the way. She got in around 6 PM and went right into the shower cleaning the sand and suntan oil off of her body! She let her hand roam over her body as she closed her eyes and tried to picture Bud’s face! She stroked her pussy feeling her need! Quickly she dried off, got out the big vibrator out of the nightstand, and lay on the bed with the damp towel under her. She began her nightly and daily ritual stroking the vibrating head over her nipples first. She watched them grow as she worked on them! She tried to suck the nipples but she just couldn’t get them into her mouth right! She was aggravated!! So, she moved the toy between her thighs and began to work on achieving an orgasm. She felt it would be a really good one tonight as she closed her eyes and imagined Bud doing this to her with his hands and cock! Then when she turned the vibrator so she could push the head of it into her pussy she imagined it was his cock giving her the stimulation she craved!! OH GOD ! She was in a bad way tonight! She knew she would spend a long time fucking her body with this dam non-human toy! But it was all she had! So she pushed more and more into her snatch as she turned the speed up again and again and again until she reached 7 already! She was sure about Bud well almost! Tomorrow she would see if he came down to the beach again and sat with her. Then she would have dinner with him and decide if he was going to be the one! The one she was going to fuck until her husband came home 29 long days from now! She cried out as she began to cum and she continued to orgasm until she just couldn’t take any more. She pulled the big toy out of her wetness and moved it to her nose. She inhaled deeply and licked her cum! She fell asleep with it next to her face. The next morning, the time passed slowly for Angie until she was back in her car driving back to the beach! She found a place on the sand almost exactly where she was yesterday. Around 2PM she was worried he wouldn’t show. But finally at 2:30PM she saw him come walking down the beach looking and looking and spotted her. He had two huge diet cokes in his hands along with his towel lotion and a hat! She waved to him and he came up from the sea and sat down out of breath! “Hi Bud”, Angie almost yelled as she sat straight up with her back straight and pushing her nice round breasts out tight against her bikini top, just like her mom told her years ago! Bud said: “Hey Angie! Sorry I’m late I have been running and rushing all dam day! I’m pooped!” He handed her the soda saying: “Figured by now you would need or want something cold to drink. Hot today huh?” Angie thanked him and sat back on one elbow drinking her soda! She asked him: “What do I owe you for a the drink?” He laughed and told her: “Nothing my treat! And my treat tonight for dinner too if you still want to go!” She smiled a big smile and told him: “Oh no Bud I pay my own way! But yes, I want to still go. Where are we going did you pick a place?” Bud sat there drinking his soda to and then aid: “Well I asked you so I should pay! But if you feel that strongly about it, we’ll split the tap. OK?” She said: “Yes! That was a good idea!” She asked him to some lotion on her back and that felt really nice. Real human hand, real man hands touching her body again! She lays on her stomach feeling the moisture between her legs begin to wet the front of her small bikini suit! She hoped it would dry before she rolled over or stood up! The day passed and he told her about the place he had picked out for dinner. That it served all types of food by their best was the seafood. She liked seafood. They had a nice time and she found herself liking this man as well as wondering how good he was in bed. When the sun was almost touching the ocean he told her: “Shh!! If you listen real good, people tell me you can sometimes hear the sizzle when it firsts touches the water line!” She laughed knowing he was pulling her leg. He had so far only touched her arm a few times but it sent small shocks all over her body! She asked him about his life and finally asked: “So do you live close to here Bud?” He told her: “Actually I live near the restaurant we’re going too. Would you like to go there and shower first before we go out to eat?” She looked at him for a few seconds and he said: “Promise! Perfect gentleman! I swear! If you want we can leave now and you can follow me or take one car. You’ll have the place all to your self while I sit outside on the porch. Once you’re done I’ll take one too!” She didn’t say anything for a few seconds. Then she said: “OK! I feel like I could really use a shower and I was going to use the public ones here! But, they’re bad! When should we go?” He said: “Well reservations are at 7PM and it’s 5:30 PM now, we really should leave in a few minutes! Let’s wait until the sun is almost down OK?” She smiled and said; “Yea I want to hear the sizzle!” They both laughed! They packed up and walked to his car. She left hers parked in the lot! He held the door and was a real gentleman! When they got to his place he told her; “Now I really wasn’t expecting anyone so you’ll see a mess I live alone so I don’t pick up after myself unless I know someone is coming over!” She told him she knew exactly what he was talking about and went in. The place was 100% cleaner and straighter than her house ever was! She smiled to herself and he showed her around the house. When he took her into the bedroom! She got a lump in her throat and stomach but went in and then into the big bathroom with the huge shower. It took ½ the wall and actual was built into the wall, as a half a circle. Four people could stand in it! He asked her: “Bath or shower?” She told him: “Shower! We’re in a hurry. Baths are for lingering!” He laughed and said: “I haven’t have a lingering bath in months!” They both laughed! She hurried and was done and combing her wet hair in 15 minutes, a record for her. She had on a short halter-top dress, and sandals. She yelled: “All done Bud, hope this place isn’t too dressy! I only have this one dress!” He came in and just stood there looking at her standing there in that dress which really showed off her body! He smiled and told her: “Dam Angie! You look great! I hardly know you with your clothes on. You look great most folks wear beach or very casual clothes to where we’re going. You look fine babe!” She smiled and told him she would wait out on the porch for him!” He said: “Na Angie, you don’t have to do that! Use the mirror and finish, I’ll take my stuff into the bathroom! Make yourself at home!!” He went in and closed the door while she finished drying and combing her hair. She had straight hair about shoulder length! She heard the water turn off and the door open a little. He asked: “It’s steamy in here, I always take a hot shower, sometimes to hot! You care if I crack the door a little? “ She told him to go ahead! She finished putting on her make up, she wore very little. She was dark completed and only used lip-gloss and eyeliner! She stood in front of the mirror and looked at her self. She said very low: “OK Angie this is it! The moment of truth!” Her eyes caught a movement and she turned to see him standing there in his white polo shirt and brown shorts. He was beautiful!! Blonde at least six-foot with blue eyes and a very nice built. Funny she never gave his body any consideration until now. He sure wasn’t fat so she said to herself: “OK He’ll do!” She smiled and told him: You look great!” He gave her a huge smiled and said; “You do too! We’ll make that place look 10 times better than it really is!” The walked to the place and arrived around ten of seven. They each had a drink, which he paid for, he insisted! They got to their table about 10 after seven and ordered! The dinner lasted about an hour and the talked about all sorts of stuff. She found out he was a builder and owned his own business. So he could take a day off now and then. But this was the first day he had off since the first day they met. That was only the second day in 3 months he had taken off. She wondered if it was fate that put him on the beach in her part of the beach the day she decided to go there?! Funny how life does things like that! He had lived in that house for 3 years and was still fixing it up as he got the money! After dinner they sat and had coffee and an after dinner drink , which Angie never did! She felt the heat of the sun drawing her shoulders a little and started to adjust the straps to the top of her dress. He was so brown the sun didn’t bother him! He saw her discomfort and said: “To much sun I bet! Shoulders hurt?” She told him a little and that she had some cream back at her car she would put on them when she got back. He said: “I have some great stuff back at my house for that sort of thing! I use is when I get burned from being outside all day working! I could run back to my place and get it and give it to you and you could get relief now!” She smiled and told him: “Well why don’t I walk you back to your place and get it? Then you can drive me back to my car!” He said: “Oh yea! I forgot you left your car back at the parking lot! OK Let’s go!” They split the bill and he left the tip! They walked hand and hand back to his house and went inside. He ran up stairs and got the lotion. He said: “Untie your straps and I’ll put it on for you! This stuff is greaseless so your dress will be OK! I mean I don’t want my work clothes to get greasy or smell like perfume. Bad for the image!” The both laughed hard. She undid both straps and held her top up with her hand letting some of her full breasts show. She used the other to move her hair out of the way! He took some of the cream and rubbed it in both hands. He then very gently rubbed it over her shoulders and the tops of her arms. She felt his hand move around her neck and down the front of her body just a few inches. Her nipples harden immediately and her pussy tingled! He felt her shiver and said: “How’s that feel Angie? Takes the burn out right away doesn’t it? But it does feel cool on your skin! Sorry I made you shiver!” She turned her head a little and said: “It feel wonderful Bud so does your soft touch on my shoulders!” He said: "Yea for a day at the beach, you do seem very tense! Hope it’s not me making you like that!” She smiled and told him: “Well I am a little nervous I haven’t done anything like this for a few months!” He was still rubbing her shoulders and neck. His hands were moving a little close to the top of her cleavage, which showed over the top of her halter! She didn’t stop him and in fact she lay back a little against him! She moaned softly when Bud rubbed under her neck up towards her chin before moving back down to her cleavage and just over the very top of her breasts! He said, I want to make sure I cover all the red skin Angie this OK?” She didn’t say a word and lowered her top a little further showing more of her full beautiful breasts for him! He didn’t stop since she didn’t tell him too! Then she felt him kiss her neck behind her ear as he stood behind her. As he did his hands moved further down under her halter-top now getting very close to her nipples. Angie dropped her hands letting the top fall down around her waist! With her breasts completely exposed, Bud moved his hands and cupped each one! He heard her moan and she knew she wouldn’t be going home tonight until very late if at all! She had already worked it out with her mother in case her husband called. She would tell him they went to the beach together and decided to spend the night since they had too much wine to drive home. Her mother wouldn’t be lying to him either since she was at the beach but not with her. Her mom was with her lover tonight too! Angie was covering for her! Bud turned Angie around and pulled her to him gently bending down and kissing her deeply! She felt his tongue probing her lips and she opened her mouth willingly accepting it! It fuck her mouth with strong long pulses in and around before coming out! As his tongue was coming out hers was moving in to fuck his mouth in the same manor! He moaned when he felt her tongue sliding into his mouth! He sucked on it hard! Bud’s hands moved around and down her back. She felt her ass being pushed into his body and his hard cock pressing against the thin material of her dress. He pushed his left leg in-between hers and she opened them for him! He pulled them tighter together as he slowly dry humped his leg with his body! When they finally broke the romantic hold she looked up into his eyes and said: “Take me to bed baby! Make love to me!” Bud picked her up and carried her up the stairs and into the big bedroom. He laid her on the bed and began to undress her. He started with her sandles. She lay there knowing she couldn’t go back now she was going to let him do whatever he wanted! Bud just looked at her beauty, she was exceptional! Her face was so beautiful and her body would put most actresses and models to shame1 She was one lovely woman! Since the top of her dress were undone, Bud slid the dress down the rest off her body as she lifted her ass and hips up off the bed allowing it to slip under her completely! He laid it over the chair next to the bed! With the dress off she was nude except for the smallest pair of light baby blue sheer bikini panties. He smiled and told her how beautiful she looked. She closed her eyes and told him: “Take them off Bud! Take my panties off! Make love to me baby!” His hands shook as he took the sides of the panties and slowly moved them down her body! Again Angie lifted up allowing the panties to slide under her. He moved them slowly down her hips passed her lovely smooth thighs and over her knees She watched him as he did it! He looked her in the eyes and she smiled for him! He smiled back and licked his lips as his eyes moved to her pussy! As he moved them off one foot she bent her knee and opened her leg for him to see his reward. Her pussy was almost completely shaved so that no hair would show out the sides of her tiny bikini! He licked his lips again and began to take the panties off her other foot. She did the same when they were off. She bent that leg and opened it for him. Totally open and wet Bud looked between her thighs and his cock was busting at the seems of his short! Now with her shapely legs open wide for him and her pussy shinning up wet with anticipation, Angie held her arms out to him. Bud melted into her body and began to make love to her. She was thinking: “Oh god! Yes! This is what I had been waiting for, what I needed all those weeks that Frank has been away!” Another human was now touching her and doing all those things her husband would do again when he was home. She felt her orgasm start to build quickly now and knew she was going to orgasm almost immediately when he touched her cunt! She was going to cum in only a few more seconds! Oh God she was so hot for this man! Bud worked slowly and very gently! Angie loved what he was doing but her need was super strong! GOD!! She was going to cum before he even touched her pussy! She knew it! She could feel her body lifting and rocking against his as he kissed and sucked her young beautiful breast! Bud heard her moan loud and deep from way back in her throat and when she lifted her ass up off the bed and began to pump and thrust her body against him, he knew she was cumming! He cupped her entire pussy in his hand and began to rub and squeeze it helping her achieve her goal! She cried out as he rubbed and squeezed and she pumped and pumped and pumped against his hand cumming like a fucking river! “Oh god! Oh yes! Oh yes Bud! Oh I need this so bad baby! Oh yes! Oh god yes!! Oh yes! Oh Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! GODDDDDDDDDDDDD! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!” 

Part 3 of 4 to follow!

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