A Little More Than Flirting
Note : This story is completely fictional!
I guess to start the story I have to take you back to my senior year in high school, as usual I had been struggling and my math teacher recommended I have another student tutor me or I wasn’t going to graduate. The next day he paired me up with a student who was in some crazy high up math class with honors, her name is Joline, to describe her ill say just beautiful… just breath taking, I had seen her before walking through the halls always wished I could cough up some nerve and just talk to her but figured I’d get shot down because we never had talked before, so to not lose anymore self-esteem just did my own thing till now.
We pick out a table in the school library to start on my homework, immediately I see why she is in such a high honors math class, she is a genius way too smart for me just out of my league completely at this point the first thing I noticed was instead of taking the seat in front of me she chose to sit next to me. The first day we got allot accomplished for me, she helped me catch up on a lot of work I needed to re do for a better grade, the second day though not so much was done you see, in helping me today she grabs my hand while I’m holding a pencil to move it really so she could see the problem I was working on when I notice, she isn’t moving her hand away from mine still, 5 minutes pass and she’s still got her hand resting gently over mine.
My heart was racing, without thinking so clearly I turned my hand over and held hers pulled it towards my face and kissed the top of her hand, immediately she asks me “what was that for?” but without taking her hand back I reply “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you I just wanted to thank you for helping me.”, “uh huh.” she said at this point she takes her hand back as if she is disappointed. The next day she begins by sitting on my left side so she can touch, stroke and fondle my left arm and hand, as you can tell by the end of the week I feel I know her enough to ask her out and therefore starts our relationship.
The first time I went to Jolene’s house was a few weeks after we started seeing each other, I met her mom and dad and older brother and out of nowhere quite literally comes this little tom boy carrying a frog, her name is Karah, she is Jolene’s little sister and the first thing she ever said to me was “Would you like to hold my frog?”, “No thanks.” I said, thinking to myself she is just the cutest little thing I had ever seen in my life and I’m not a big fan if kids. As far as getting her family to like me it wasn’t hard I just was myself and honest soon I was a part of the family however, time passes and eventually me and Joline hit a point in our relationship where we needed a break, twice technically speaking and during this time Joline had brought home a few other boys who to Karah, simply weren’t good enough for her older sister as she thought so when me and Joline got back together the second time when she was about 13, Karah was more than happy to see me she let me know this by running up to me when she saw me and hugged me so tight and told me I was always her favorite of Jolene’s boyfriends. A year later Joline and I tied the knot, even at our wedding Karah was showing signs of a little more than flirting with me. It was time for the dollar dance, if you’re not familiar with this ill explain, at a wedding guests will pay a dollar to dance with the bride or groom depending on gender (sometimes) and the bride and groom keep the money as a wedding gift, Karah was about 9th in line and when she finally got to dance with me she pulled out dollar after dollar so she could hog me all to herself.
As the years go on I developed a close relationship to Karah by going to a few of her games as she played soccer, basketball and softball, also giving her rides home after and after school when I had time off or her parents needed me to. Due to the struggling economy soon I found myself laid off and Joline wasn’t far behind me, her parents let us live in their house in the basement until we could get back on our feet. Joline found a job first of course and I was looking just not good enough credentials, one Saturday morning when Karah was about 18 Joline had left for work at about 7:00 am, at about 7:10 Karah comes downstairs and hops into bed with me, she’s freezing and says to me “Something is wrong with the heat in my room it’s so cold up there, can I stay here with you until I’m warm again?” I said “Sure.” I opened my arms and she fell right in to them as if she had 1000 times before, backing her little but right up to my crotch in the spooning position, I told her “If I get a morning wood don’t be scared ill just stick it deep inside you for a while and leave something sticky warm and hot in there, okay?” Blushing and smiling she replied with a tired and soft “Okay.”
Of course I knew it was wrong to make such an offer but she had grown up into
such a beautiful young woman I couldn’t tell myself to say not to talk. She must
have felt the same because at about 9:30 we heard her parents come out of their
bedroom she immediately sat up as if we were doing something, or she was doing
something she shouldn’t have been. Later we went upstairs and ate breakfast and
went about the day pretty normal up until dinner time, it was now that Karah and
I were in her room alone on the computer and as usual a little more than
flirting was going on. Her parents had just left leaving me and her to make
dinner for ourselves, Joline had called to say she would be eating at her
friend’s house before they went out for the evening, I was nervous something may
or may not happen with me and Karah because you never really mean for things to
happen, they just do.
We had been sitting in the office chair in her room with her on my lap when she decided to get up and go into her dresser drawer for what I have no idea until she turns around with a few belts, she begins to strap my arms down to the chair I don’t fight back even remotely then she ties my feet together and then to the bottom of the chair so now I can’t get anywhere unless I wheel myself there slowly and when I get there I can’t move my hands. After she had her fun threatening to get me wet she runs down the hall into the kitchen while she is gone I was able to get a hand free and release myself from the chair, Karah walks back in the room with a bottle of water only to her surprise I’m not in the chair, so I grabbed her took the bottle of water away set it down as I push her onto her bed face down. As she tryst to turn over I grabbed her by the feet and twisted her to keep her on her stomach tied her legs together at the ankles, then I flipped her over and tied her hands together at the wrists. She tries to get away a few times lightly smacking my hands as if to act like she wanted me to stop but not really, so now I tie her hands to the headboard and her feet to the footboard and left her completely helpless, looking at her all spread out I start losing control of my hormones. I can’t help what happens next, I take the bottle of water and hold it over her as she starts to say "Don’t you dare get me wet! DONT YOU DARE!" so of course I slowly drip some water onto her, starting with her stomach working my way up to her neck and then back down to make it look like she wet herself all the while she said "Oh my god it’s so cold." When the water was gone we both still were giggling a bit I sat down next to her placed my hand on her stomach and said "Are you ok? I’m not being too rough am I?" "No, if anything you’re not being rough enough." she says back to me, it's now that I place my hand on her neck and rub in some of the left over water on her neck and face as I do this she shuts her eyes and pushes her face into my hand as if I’m not touching her enough.
As I sit paused in aw she turns to look up at me and blushing and smiling I slowly start to caress my hand down her body while I bring my face down to her neck and kiss it a few times, when I do Karah begins to moan in sensual approval. By now the both of us know what we are getting into and neither of us are trying to stop it, I start kissing her face and to my surprise as I do this she moves her head so I have no option anymore but to kiss her lips, immediately my heart starts to pound right out of my chest, then when I feel her lips press against mine and for a brief moment it seems as if time stops and we are the only 2 people in town, on the planet, even in the universe. Never in my life have I felt such a connection with someone as powerful as what I felt at that very moment, my hands are shaking but still all over her body that is still wet by the water as I caress her chest she begins to moan what seems uncontrollably. I slowly move my hand down her stomach and under the elastic waist band of her sweat pants, as my fingers move closer she spread her legs in approval as wide as she could with her ankles being tied together when all of a sudden my middle finger finds her clit, she gasps, and now begins to twitch, jolt and shiver as my finger slides up and down her wet little pussy.
I had already begun to untie her hands and when I finished I removed my hand from her wetness to remove the belt around her ankles now with her hands free she puts them on me almost immediately and begins to undo my belt, as I get her ankles free I help her get my pants undone. Then she sits up as she does I pull her close and begin to kiss her only this time I bite her bottom lip softly to show dominance. I take her t-shirt from the bottom and slowly lift it past her head and off her body, when done she begins undoing button by button down my shirt until we both get it off together. Next I move her pants off little by little as she scoots and lifts to help me, at this point she is now laying next to me on her bed completely naked and I can’t stop touching her long enough to get my own pants off, eventually they do come off and as I lay next to her our bodies already seem to have become one as we meld our skin together caressing and touching one another. She slowly moves herself on top of me and her hair hangs down over me as we gaze deep into each other’s eyes, she takes my uncontrollably hard erection into her hand and guides it to her wet pinkness. "Are you ready?" she says to me to which I reply "Are YOU ready?" and all I can think to myself is am I really ready for this? I mean sure I guess right, I’ve been fantasizing of this very moment for so long. Here we go as she slowly descends onto me I feel myself slowly tear into her virgin tightness.
Gasping and moaning the whole way down soon I am completely inside her and she tells me "It's too big for me." At this point she begins moving slightly and slowly up and down on me moaning and gasping as it begins to hurt less and less, she starts moving faster and I stop to think to myself What am I doing? This is my sister in law and I’m a 29 year old man, I guess lucky enough to be with this beautiful young woman. It was hard for me to not think about my wife as Karah and I were fucking like porn stars, I was showing her things she may never find in another man, things I was good at in bed, things that kept her Cumming and Cumming again and again. We had switched positions quite a few times from "doggy style" to the missionary position and since she had been showing me her ability to put her feet behind her head since I met her it, I had her in that position until she couldn’t take it anymore, finally she says to me "I can’t feel anything anymore I’m completely numb down there." So I move her next to me and place her in the spooning position to continue but make her comfortable as I do this she says to me she says " You’re not done with me yet?" to which I reply "Never, I don’t ever want this to end Karah I don’t want to stop and at this point I couldn’t if I wanted to." Eventually we heard a car pull in the driveway and our moment of love was over, it was her parents returning from there dinner. We both got up and put our clothes back on however Karah decided to wear shorts instead of her sweat pants as we both were sweating like pigs. Right away as she takes her first 2 steps towards the door of her room she stops turns to me and says "OUCH! You didn’t tell me it was going to hurt like this just to walk." I just smiled took her into my arms again and said "I’m sorry. I wanted to warn you but you took my dick so well I thought you could handle it." She hugged me back and said "I know I just didn’t think it would feel like you tried to split me in half."
As we walked out to the door her parents were about to walk through the front door I notice not only is she walking a tad bit funny but her shorts had a red mark, just as I was about to say something her parents walk through the door as she turns into the kitchen out of sight. I fallowed her into the kitchen looking at her grey high cut shorts all I can see is the redness seeping out of her and getting absorbed by her shorts, now I’m freaking out I tried to tell her by whispering "Hey you’re still bleeding get to the bathroom." She turns to me looking at me like I’m crazy "What?" She says, so I try to tell her again only this time in mid sentence she says "Hi dad." as he was just behind me looking at my back, I’m just in his way he heard nothing but of course he can see exactly what I have been trying to hide and tell Karah. To my surprise he smirks and says to Karah "Hey get a pad under that thing I don’t need period blood all over my clean kitchen floor." Karah at this point looks down to see what I have been trying to tell her. Blushing she cries out "Dad!" As she runs to the bathroom to clean herself up. Later that evening I was back downstairs in the basement waiting up for Joline to come home mostly to see if I can even look her in the eyes after what I had done tonight, to my surprise Joline came home just after midnight so I did my usual "Hey Hun how was your night?" routine as I kiss her on her lips "Good." she says "How was your night? Anything special happen to you? As if she already knows about the 4 hours of passion me and Karah had spent with each other, and to my surprise as I looked at Joline and said right to her face "No just another night here as usual." Blushing and smiling because I know it was a way better evening than I was giving credit for.
The next morning Joline and I walked upstairs as usual to have some breakfast and at first I saw Karah sitting at the table enjoying a bowl of cereal, as casually sit next to her I begin to rub my feet against hers slowly and softly. She takes both her feet and puts them around my one her sister is sitting right in front of both of us without a clue in the world. Joline got up and went for a second bowl of cereal when she did I asked Karah how she was feeling today she said "I’m still a bit sore but I’m ok. How are you? Did you say anything about last night?","No... Should I have?","No, no I don’t want her to know." Now it was apparent we both were feeling guilty, later mom and dad came out and as usual mom wanted a coffee and asked if her favorite and only son in law would drive and get her one. So I asked Karah and Joline if they wanted to tag along, and just as I had hoped Joline said no and Karah said yes.
In the car we were both quiet up until we got the coffee then we both know we better say what we want to say, so I told her that I wasn’t ashamed of us for not holding back I told her I had wanted to be with her for a while and as I felt in my heart all along she told me she loved me since she met me and wanted to act on it sooner but was afraid I wouldn’t do that to Joline. Then we both sat in silence till we got in the driveway and I said "This might sound fucked up but I don’t want last night to be our last night together." She turned to look at me and said "Would you call me fucked up if I said I don’t either.”, “No." I said and from then on even when Joline and I found a new place Karah had asked to move in with us offering to get a job and help pay the bills, her sister and I wanted her there and now we all live together in a beautiful condominium where I spend allot of my time inside my wife and her sister. Now the story is not over but actually far from it depending on how many people like what I have written so far will depend on how many more stories I let you read.
A night in a bookstore... |
- indian
- short
- ghost
- porn
- scary
- bedtime
- bdsm
- spanking
- adult
- inspirational
- funny
- love
- xxx
- cuckold
- hot
- bondage
- motivational
- horror
- moral
- black
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- bible
- wedgie
- femdom
- real wife
- diaper
- sissy
- mind control
- gangbang
- milf
- threesome
- success
- female masturbation
- christmas
- foot fetish
- erotica
- bullying
- dirty
- naughty
- taboo
- fuck
- blowjob
- facesitting