A Liquid Deposit for Marta’s Mouth _ Part 1

(Part 1 from 2)

One evening just before closing a couple of Fridays ago, I popped into a branch of my bank to make a small deposit. Little did I know, going in, that I’d also be making a big juicy deposit into the mouth of a very pretty young teller named Marta.

I noticed Marta while I was in line. She was one of just two tellers currently serving at the desk; a third was at a desk behind them; and she definitely was the prettiest. She had the sweetest young face imaginable, seemed nicely slim, with perhaps a 34 bust, and had lovely, shoulder-length dark brown hair which she wore in a pony-tail… very cute. As I stood in line, I hope that I’d be served by her, instead of the somewhat older and less attractive (though not ugly) woman three stations to her left. When I finally was next to be served, I watched the two women, trying to figure out which would be available for me, and hoping desperately it would be this young girl whose nametag read ‘Marta’. But the odds were against me, since the other teller had started with her current customer first. Suddenly, Marta told the man she was serving she needed to go get a signature, because the check he had handed her was large, and my heart sank somewhat. For sure, she would be last to be ready for me now. On the other hand, as she turned to walk towards the woman and the desk behind her, I thought I’d catch a glance at what I was sure would be a very nice little behind. Boy! Was I right about that! She had the sweetest little bum ever; but, more than that, she was wearing jeans… and not just any jeans… these were designer 5-pocket blue jeans (my favorite for a girl) and VERY tight. Wow! As she bent over the desk waiting for her signature, my cock grew hard inside my drawers. What I would do to slip my ramming rod up her shit hole! (And then into her mouth, if you must know.)

And so it was with mixed feelings again that I watched her return to her customer. On the one hand, I no longer could ogle her sweet, sweet little ass. On the other, I still had a chance, albeit slim, of having her serve me. (I still had no idea she’d end up servicing me too!)

Well, as you must know by now, though it came down to the wire, with both tellers seeming to be in the final stages of finishing up (counting money and such), ultimately, my girl said “Thank you… have a nice weekend” and her client stepped away first. I didn’t even wait until Marta looked up to say next. When she looked up, there I was, surprising her a bit, I could see. She just smiled, and I thought I detected a level of understanding she had about why I had been so quick.

“Hello,” she said, sweetly. “What can I do for you?”

Of course, I flirted with her a bit, trying to make her laugh (which she did… and her laugh was sweet too.) But then the woman at the desk behind her stood up to go to a drawer and I saw that she was wearing jeans too.

“It must be casual Friday,” I commented, without thinking. Then I explained myself. “You’re all wearing jeans.”

“Uh huh,” she answered. “Every Friday from November 1st until the week before Christmas to make money for the toy bank.”

“I see,” I said. Then, to seem generous, I asked her how that worked. “Do you accept donations?”

“We do,” she said, indicating a big red bin by the far window. “But we girls all pay $10 per week to wear our jeans. It’s for a good cause, and it’s fun.”

“Fun?” I asked.

“Well… there’s a big competition between all the branches to see who will make the most money every week. The winners get free pizza and pop for lunch on Monday.” (For you American readers, pop = Canadian for soda).

“So… how are you doing?” I asked.

And that’s when the woman at the desk piped in; “We’ve won every week so far, thanks to Marta!”

Marta laughed. A little embarrassed.

“Really?” I asked, smiling. “How?”

She was blushing. “Well… it has to do with the donation thing.”

I still was puzzled.

That’s when Marta looked back at the woman at the desk, obviously functioning as the bank manager this shift. She said nothing verbally, but her eyes must have, because the woman just laughed and agreed happily to cover for Marta.

Marta then glanced behind me at the few customers still waiting, and then at me and asked softly, leaning forward: “Would you like a blowjob?”

“What?” I asked, startled.

“In that room over there,” she answered, her eyes darting towards a glassed-in unoccupied office behind where the customers were standing.

“Now?” I asked, incredulously, my voice rising a bit.

“Shhhh,” she hushed me. “It’s okay. I do it all week, and then the guys donate what they think I’m worth.”

“Like what? Two hundred bucks?” I asked.

Marta laughed and blushed again. “No, silly! But thanks for thinking that I’m worth that. Just whatever’s in your pocket… ten bucks, twenty… whatever.”

“You do this all week?”

“Just on breaks or at closing.”

“And they’re okay with this?” I asked, indicating her boss and the other teller.

“We all love pizza,” she laughed.

“How do guys know?” I asked.

But Marta interrupted me. “If you want a blowjob, we’d better go, because otherwise the customers are going to wonder why we’re just chatting so long.”

“Uh… well… s-s-sure,” I stammered.

“Okay,” she said, now handing me the receipt for the transaction she’d been taking care of all through our little ‘conversation’. “I’ll meet you at the end of the desk.” And her eyes darted to her right.

Marta then glanced back and nodded at the woman at the desk, and that woman stood up to relieve her.

“Have fun!” she said to Marta and me as Marta stepped away to make room for her.

“Next!” she called out to the old woman waiting next in line.

I stepped back a moment and just stood there, almost paralyzed, while my eyes followed Marta walking gaily down towards the end of the desk. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

Marta was all smiles when I arrived.

“Follow me,” she said. And that I did, my eyes going back to admire her amazing little butt in jeans that were even tighter than I’d first thought. She also was wearing black spike heels, which made her bum stand out a little bit more. She obviously was used to heels though, and walked briskly and confidently.

The room where she brought me had glass walls on three sides, and a large window to the outside on the fourth. On either side were other offices, both vacant and with their lights off at the moment. The third glass wall looked right into the main part of the bank, where I still could see customers in line, albeit all facing the other way towards the tellers desk and with a couple of upright stands holding brochures partially obscuring the view. The room we were in was sparely furnished, with a desk, a computer chair on one side near the window, and two other chairs facing the desk on the opposite side. There was a 5 level bookshelf in one corner to the right of the window.

So, where are we possibly going to hide to do this? I thought to myself, nervously. Those brochure stands didn’t do a very good job blocking the customers’ view of us, should anyone turn around or glance in our direction.

But Marta had no intention of hiding. Gently but firmly, she took my arm and guided me so that I was leaning with my back side against the side of the desk, then laughed and slid down to her knees at my feet. As she reached out with both hands to undo my belt and zipper, I glanced nervously to my right, where there still were customers. Evelyn, the woman who’d taken over for Marta, saw me and smiled. Truly, the only thing in the room hiding Marta at all from any eye that would turn our way was one of the chairs; but Marta’s entire head was above the level of the chair back, and surely any person outside could merely take a step or two in one direction or the other and see her from top to toe. And, of course, there was a big window leading outside on the wall to my left, with just a shoulder height hedge separating the bank from a fairly busy sidewalk. If anyone had cause to look towards the window…

‘Oh shit!’ I thought, and then immediately felt a soft, warm mouth gently clamping onto my dick. ‘Oh fuck!’ I thought.

In disbelief, I looked down to see that Marta had started. Her eyes glanced up at me, full of fun.

“Hmm hmm (Hello)!” she said, sweetly.

Oh Gawd!

For as long as I live, I never will forget the amazing blowjob this cute little brunette gave me in the bank. To begin with, despite the location… despite the ever-present risk that a customer would turn around and see her, or someone outside would glance towards the bank where the one light among many was on… and despite the fact that Evelyn and Grace WERE casting amused glances our way quite regularly (surely a customer would turn around to see what they were casting glances at)… nonetheless, Marta was in no hurry. Slowly and rhythmically she slid her soft, moist mouth to and fro along the length of my shaft, gradually taking more and more of me into them as she leaned forward.

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