A Different Story
My name is MC. The various people I talk about are very good friends of mine.
Two of my closest friends, LY and GA, I will speak about more than anyone.
Remember we were very corrupt people at these times.
All of these ages are 18 but in reality we were 18 when we started and I still do
it every chance I get. First stories relate to a younger and later instances are
of more recent events.
It started as truth or dare with Derek, Taylor, Lee, and Grant. "I dare you to get naked and rub your balls and dick on Mick," which was me. Honestly, I loved it, but of course I acted disgusted. I would never let them know I love their naked bodies. The game continued on deep into the night, until everyone had been pushed to their public limits.
What I mean is we all loved each other naked bodies, but none of us would admit. So in bed that night I slept with Lee on the top bunk of his bunk beds, and Taylor and Grant took the bottom. Derek is Lee's brother so he has his own room, but he is about 2 years older than us so we dont really hang out.
In bed that night I was ready to play with Lee's cock. I started off turning my back to him and pushing my tighty-whitey clad ass into his side. When he didn't notice anything I rolled over to face him and kicked my leg over my Lee's butt; he was laying faceddown. He kind of raised his butt then rolled over under my leg. When rolled over I saw his banana hammock was full of young, white, hard dick. Now that he was face to face with me I rolled over on top grinding his hard dick with my asshole through my underwear. I put my hands on his chest and gave his dick the first dry hump it ever got.
He then rolled us over and he ran his hands all over my chest and torso. Then he slid down and pulled my underwear off my extremely excited body and took my hard, young dick in his hand, which is as far as any of us made it in truth or dare. He stroked my dicked and the I "dared" him to put in his mouth for 30 seconds. He "dared" me to do the same, but he continued to dare me long enough we stopped counting. I loved it.
Every second of it. Having this hairless, funny tasting thing in my mouth made go crazy. I sucked his dick for close to 10 minutes every night for the rest of the school year. We were very good friends to start with, and adding this amazing new part to our relationship was great. I wanted to show Grant; because he enjoyed these things like me and Lee did.
I invited Grant over like normal one day. He came over and we played all day. We decided to go swimming while my parents were getting ready for bed. They end up leaving us in the pool while they go to sleep. We instantly took of our swim trunks and underwear as soon as they stepped off the deck. I loved wrestling in my pool and beating my friends, but tonight I loved being submitted.
Being submitted meant Grant would get my body in a situation where I had to fight to stay up, and then keep me there until I give up. Grants technique tonight was to get me to wrap my legs around his waist and he would pull me to the middle. We did this while parents were there do I knew how to lose just right when we got naked.
Grant would come in I would push and turn and run. Grant would instantly grab my hips and pull me in close. At this point we both had semi-boners and I felt his floating behind me as he pulled me in. So I pushed my hips back quicker than he expected and my ass cheeks spread enough for his semi-dick to slide right up to my virgin asshole. I grinded his dick so hard while standing there, but he wanted to make it interesting. He grabbed my legs around my knees and pulled up unexpectedly and got my legs to clinch around his waist to hold my head up for air while my arms doggy paddle.
I could feel his semi turn into full, raging boner as it was happening. His head got so much bigger and his shaft got so long. I spun on his waist so now my chest was up. I stopped grinding Grant's smooth cock and slid my asshole to the bottom of Grants shaft and reached for his ass. He had a big butt for a small guy and the smoothest skin. I loved stroking his asshole while holding his hard dick with my ass cheeks. I grinded him while chest up and stroked him until he decided we should go inside to finish. I loved my friends' naked bodies and they knew it and took full advantage.
On our way out of the pool of course Grant would get before me and bend over on top of the later and force me to climb up to his beautiful, virgin asshole. I remember one time he expected me to climb up and nothing more. I put my nose right in his puckered asshole and took his sac in my mouth. I reached under and started jerking his beautiful cock. I released his suculant, young nuts and licked from his balls to the top of his smooth ass crack. But that's neither here nor there. This first time we got out of the pool with Grant producing his first ladder-topping-asshole exposure, we took our sweet sexual affair to my room.
I had a large futon bed. Grant slept on one side I slept on the other, facing the same direction. Before we got in bed we were each drying off and I turned the lights before we had to drop our towels so I thought I'd be kinky for my bicurious friend and didn't put any underwear on and got under the blankets with Grant.
Five minutes into laying there, Grant goes from completely soft laying out of the blankets to rock hard, under the blankets, and faceup. He quickly rolls over onto me. He claims his supremecy and give my cheeks a nice slap and thrusts me a little before rolling off and acting like nothing happened. I returned the favor and rolled back over and laughed. He the returned harder. Pushing me into my mattress harder now.
He spit a big glob of saliva into his fingers and applied it between my nut sac and my thigh. It was a nonpenetration technique used for one person at a time pleasure. But I loved feeling Grant's cock slide against smooth, hairless balls. I loved feeling his hands pull up on my asscheeks to get the right angle to "feel it". I loved him getting his pleasure and reaching under and pulling my craved cock for me, or when he would just run his hands all over me while getting his.
Once he "felt it" it was my turn. But Grant had to start at square one for my turn. He had to suck my smooth, curved-to-the-left cock. He sucked my balls and jerked my dick and then took the position. I grabbed his hips and then spit on my right fingertips and put it on the spot. I gave him a little sac massage whilst doing this.
I spit directly onto my smooth dick and dove between his legs. It felt so amazing to have my cock sliding against his sac which my dick would cross and rub his still rock hard dick. I grabbed his asscheeks and layed my head on his back and rode his sac and gooch until I "felt it".
This nonpenetration technique would continue for years between me, Lee, and Grant. I loved every second of contact with Lee's and Grant's dick. They loved every time they "felt it" and eventually every nut. I became the bottom-only bitch for Lee and Grant, although I got blowjobs from each every time we did something. Taylor participated, but not nearly as often as we had our affairs. I loved having my mouth filled with their cum once we aged a little. It tasted so different and it came from something that felt so different but so good at the same time. I let Lee and Grant do whatever they wanted behind our bedroom doors except penetrate my virgin ass. I kept this rule for years.
Then late one night when I first started driving I snuck out to go to Lee's and we went into his grandparents RV. He led the way to the back but left me at the door. I took advantage of the time alone in the dark to undress without my lover knowing. I slowly crept to the bed and slid up Lee's legs to his boner and fat sac. Lee had been most fortunate when we were young having an ENORMOUS dick for age. It was 3 fingers wide and 7 inches long. It had a huge vein that swirled all the way from the head to his sac that I would always trace while slobbering in his huge cock.
So I slid from his feet to his package and took care of his underwear immediately. I ripped his briefs off and his long, meaty cock sprang up and tapped my lips while they were closed. I started to suck his cock with passion and massage his beautiful, big balls while my other hand stroked that monster. I loved taking his bulbous head as far down as I could. It was a large head with a hole that was wide open and smooth that looked so amazing with his thick cum spewing out of it. I loved putting the tip of my tongue into his hole. I sucked his cock and moved to his balls and for the first time he pulled his sac out of the way and forced me to lick his asshole.
Which actually tasted great and Iicked it clean. I loved how he thought of me
as his pleasure bitch. He could make me do anything. He would get naked and
while I would be laying down he would sit his ass on my chest and put his dick
in my face and tell me what I would do and if I denied he would fuck my mouth
til damn near threw up. I loved feeling his cock slide in and out of my throat
so I denied often to get some hardcore cock. But back to the scene at hand. I
was licking his vrigin asshole and stroking his enormous, beautiful cock above
my head.
He then pulled me up to his face and pushed me onto my back and gave me my occasional blowjob and actually ate my ass for a minute. I thought this was weird that he, my top alpha lover, was eating my eating asshole. After a few moments he slide his saliva soaked finger into my ass. I jumped violently, not expecting the finger. I asked what he was doing he just said,"I thought you might like it." I said,"It hurt like hell! Tell me first!" He laughed it off and continued my treatment, and kept his finger in my ass. He came up to my face and talked to me which wasn't so unusual.
He started to run his hands up down my legs and kissed my chest. He had never done either of these so I was very excited. He then straightened his back on his folded legs, and threw my legs up and let them bend then pushed them into my chest. I knew immediately what my partner wanted. I put my hands on his lower stomach and the top of his thigh. He looked at me and came close to my face and whispered in my ear,"Please let me put it in you." I whispered back,"I'm scared it's gonna hurt." and he spit onto his fingertips and lubed my hole up. He then covered his dick in thick, slick slobber.
He came down onto my legs and rolled my hips back to where my asshole was flat. He rubbed the underside of his head on my slippery asshole and rolled up his own hips to where his huge cock was pointing directly down at my hole. He slowly but sternly broke my cock virgin ass. He lowered himself directly down into my ass until. His balls were resting on my tailbone. I was in a different world. Face flushed, eyes feel like they're about pop out, it feels like tiny hole is going rip at second over his giant cock. I could feel my hole throb around his cock for about 15 minutes.
And then he slowly started to pump me faster. First in a slow motion then in one smooth motion, then he started to pump my ass so hard I had to bite a pillow to keep from yelling. I didn't think that my first time was ever gonna happen and here Lee was drilling my ass to me screaming. He slowed down for fear of me passing out and kept a slow smooth motion into my ass. His dick was never ending. He just kept pulling it back and delivering the entire length. Over and over. His 7x3 cock was merciless with its downward approach. He finally let my legs down.
I laid there dreading what I knew was about to come. He told me to roll over so he can finish. I did so reluctantly. He immediately mounted my bent ass. He covered my hole and his dick with slippery slobber. He slowly put his head in my ass followed by a strong ram to go balls deep. It sent me into full fledge retardation for 5 minutes. I couldn't move or talk. Or stop his log dick from ravaging my ass.
He told me he was about to so I flipped over and told him to cover my dick and balls so I could jackoff with his cum. He did and so did I. My first time was in the books and I was so excited. I loved his dick in my ass. I loved it in my mouth. I even thought many times about coming out of the closet from being a straight boy in public to a bottom bitch queer. I wrought it would be amazing to have dick for the rest of my life. Good thing I never came out.
We continued to have hard, one-on-one ass sex for abou another year before another first happened.
It was me, Lee and Grant at our very questionable friend's house, Allen. We were all wrestling in Allen's huge bed upstairs. His room was the only one upstairs so he bad a walk-in closet and his own bathroom. We wrestled all night and someone suggested we shower. I agreed and announced I would be first. Grant and Lee contended but Allen reminded us that there was another shower downstairs.
So Grant and Lee wrestled for bottom shower while I began mine. Well those three got ice cold water and Gatorade and decided to dump it all on me. Before they burst in I was fantasizing about having Lee and Grant at the same time and my dick was throbbing. By this time we all had our set sizes and I was jus as big as Lee and Grant wasn't too far from us.
His head was bigger than his shaft which for me was a huge turn on. All three saw my wet boner and Grant decided he would join me while Lee and Allen watched in aw as Grant got undressed to reveal a throbbing cock also before he jumped into the shower with me. We instantly wrapped our arms around each other and squeezed each other's ass cheeks and then started running our hands all over each other.
I wanted to kiss his wet lips so bad in the heat of the moment but resisted for fear of our shower ending. Our legs were intertwined together, our cocks grinding against one another with loose sacs slapping together pendulum balls. I asked what e wanted and he urged my body to turn around and bend. When I did the water got extremely cold as we both jumped out like wild men. Naked and dripping we exclaimed to Allen and Lee that we're continuing our shower in the nicer downstairs shower. Lee told use wants to join. We told him give five minutes together and you can.
We got the shower running hot and began where left off. He loosened my hole with 2 saliva covered fingers. He fingers me food for a few minutes and tried to put his big head in my ass. The water made it too frictional so I deep throated him for a minute until he was ready to slide in my ass. He slid his head in and the rest of his cock shoots in because it's smaller than his head. I love his cock running along in my ass. 7 inches deep every stroke. He began to pound my ass so hard we awoke Allen's grandma. He was raring back and smashing my slut ass.
Pulling out til the tip of his head the only thing left and crushing my hole til the base of his cock was in my ass. I folded at the hips and scooted to the wall and let him tear me up however he wanted as long as he wanted until Lee got in. Then I was to suck Lee's cock while Grant sucked me. I then was entered by Lee. He fucked me at the usual pace. Hard enough to have me moaning but not yelling. You could hear our thighs and my ass and his package slapping together while Grant had me in his mouth the whole time. It was time for Grant to take Lee's monster. They fuck just like me and Lee fuck do they're very comfortable too. Once Lee is buried in Grant, Grant demands to sit on the corner seat and take his dick to his balls. He and Lee both went nearly as hard as they could in a three person ass train. Grant popped before Lee an wanted my throat so I swallowed his cum right out of my ass. Then Lee was ready but wanted to blow his dick hard. So he waited for his dick to cool off and he entered my ravaged ass an immediately started laying the best dick I've ever had. I had my legs in his arms and my back was on the corner seat. So we had an amazing angle for him to deliver his wood and me eat as much of his cream filled pole as possible in one thrust. We emptied his balls that night. He filled my ass for 3-4 seconds with thick cum then had enough to cover my face with it. We all 4 had a great night in bed. Plenty of cock for a bottom bitch.
Last story to complete this story of how I became this cock loving, secretly bisexual bottom slut.
Lee's mother owned a daycare and his father owned a pest control business. His office was placed in the daycare parking lot once and me and Lee thought it would be super hot to play in it. We were playing a kid that was a year younger than us when we decided to enter the office. We walked in, closed the blinds, and locked the door.
I immediately dropped to my knees to face his erecting cock. He was wearin athletic shorts with boxers so it was hopeless trying to hide it. I yanked his shorts and boxers to the ground and took a slap to my face by his, then, ENORMOUS dick. I took it into my mouth and I focused on his head. I sucked my lips to his head and began swirl a little.
I then took him as deep as I could for as long as could. I began jerk his huge cock very hard and fast when we the knob turn. We flipped. Thankfully we locked it. But he knew we were in there. He also had somewhat of a clue what we were doing in the office because he insisted we let him join us "messing around". Lee kept his eye on him through the blinds I got back to sucking.
I was making love to his oversized shaft with my mouth. He began to moan a little so I sucked faster and stroked his cock just as fast and he began to tense and this was before I swallowed. I removed my mouth and continued giving his cock the best handjob it had ever had. Then his cock exploded. SPEWING so much cum. Globs and globs of his this cum slowly rolled down my arm. I kept working his large pole until it dry pumped.
It is still the biggest cumshot I've ever witnessed. It is still one of my greatest memories. Knowing I caused this major cum explosion. Knowing how great those huge loads felt coming out. I loved feeling those heavy wads of cum land on my arm. Now that I love the taste of cum I wish I could go back and empty that huge load into my mouth and just savour it.
Well that is the story of why I love dick, a few my favorite memories and a few of my firsts. It Is unbelievable to me that we started playin truth or date and now I look for dick at my gym in the shower. I love it. All because of that night long ago.
She invited me inside for a drink, but instead gave me the best blowjob of my life... |
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