A Christmas Story

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

I thought everyone in my sister’s house was asleep. I was almost ready for bed myself when I heard the doorknob turn. Jessica shut the door softly behind her and locked it, all the while exuding the energy that only a young girl can project.

She stood in the middle of the room, looking angelic. “Uncle Jack,” she said. “You never told me what you thought of my dress.”

I told her sincerely that it was terrific, but my compliments didn’t stop there. “And look at how you fill it out,” I said. "That can’t be the A bra you were wearing last time.”

She giggled and blushed. “Nope. It’s a new one. Wanna see?”

Jessica reached behind her for the zipper. I helped her and she turned to look over her shoulder at me as she slipped the dress over her baby-soft, light brown hair. She flipped her tresses back into place with a pretty shake as I took the dress from her, carefully hanging it on the closet door. I took off my robe and tossed it on the chair before turning back to her as she finished slipping off her shoes.

Her eyes rose from my briefs to my face as I reached her, then settled somewhere in between. I saw her swallow hard. “I’ve thought about your…thing every day since the last time you were here,” she finally said.

The last time I had visited her family we had accidentally found ourselves naked together. There had been brief, affectionate, embarrassed touching before we parted. We both knew the exploration wasn’t finished, and I had encouraged her curious questions and longing e-mails.

Now I kissed her brow, but before her arms encircled me I stepped back. “Let’s have a look at the progress here,” I said. The bra was a pink ribboned affair, through which her nipples poked like trapped pebbles. I was too kind to tell my sweet niece that she could probably still get by without a bra at all. My eyes moved down her slender form to the top of her white tights, then past her rounded butt and down her delicate legs to her feet, on which she bounced now in anticipation.

I whistled in genuine appreciation as I stepped back to her, cupping her chin with both hands and kissing her lovingly. I felt her melt against me, and was aware of her nipples, her knees, her heat.

I reached down between us. “Let’s do a closer inspection,” I said, and she nodded, trembling a little but still smiling. I unhooked the bra between her budding mounds, and peeled it gently back to her arms. Despite my determination to remain the cool half of the couple, the sight of her flawless skin rising to the puckered pink nipples made my heart pound. I brushed her boobies carefully with my fingers. They were a little moist from being encased through the day’s holiday activities. Jessica’s eyes were shut tightly as I brought my hands up to grip her soft shoulders and kiss her again.

I knelt and put my hands in the top of her tights, tugging them down to the middle of her thighs. I paused to admire her exquisite pink lace panties before tugging the tights to the floor for her to step out of. I stroked the inside of one leg from her ankle to her thigh before she bounced out of reach.

“Wait,” she said. I stood up to once again admire her perfection, now clad only in the gold necklace I had given her for Christmas and a tiny triangle of satin. With a smile she put her hands on my hips and wrestled my underwear down an inch or two. She paused as if to prolong this forbidden moment, then lowered my briefs, her attention locked on her prize. Despite herself, her eyes widened as they took in my dick. Although not yet fully erect, it strutted proudly under her loving gaze. My balls were tightening by the instant. Jessica reached out.

“Why are we standing up?” I asked. I moved us to the bed, stretching out as she knelt beside me, rapt on my penis and testicles. She finally looked up at me before giving my dick a delicate squeeze. I shuddered with pleasure. She was alarmed at that, but I smiled reassuringly. ‘”That’s nice,” I said.

We had not been together in a month, and she seemed to be trying to make up for lost time by holding, stroking, pumping, playing with and adoring my cock and my balls.

“I love your thing,” she said contentedly. “It’s totally cool.”

”My dick,” I corrected her. 

“Dick,” she repeated, as if addressing it by name like an old friend.

“Jess,” I finally said. “Remember when you asked about how a woman used her mouth on a man?”

She nodded happily, and I nodded back. “But what do I DO?” she asked. She had my penis by the base and was waggling it back and forth in front of her as she asked. It was as big and hard as I can ever remember it being.

“Anything you do will be great,” I told her. “Kiss. Lick Suck. Anything.”

She began nervously but enthusiastically. Before I stopped her she had taken more of me into her joyous mouth and throat than I would have ever thought possible, humming contentedly around me. She was one happy little dicksucker.

“Enough,” I finally said, and she reluctantly left her treat to walk up the bed on her knees. I teasingly slid a finger along the border of her panties before whisking them down to the sheets. She playfully tumbled onto her back and I removed them. Lying there, she was as sexy as anything I could have imagined.

My baby, I thought. So naked together.

I crawled between her thighs and stroked her dainty muff, as sparse and fine as the last swirl of cotton candy on the cone. Then, for perhaps 20 minutes, I licked her pussy with love, tenderness and devotion, slurping her tasty cum as it flowed. She whimpered, she sighed, and she purred. I knew that one day she would be a screamer.

Finally, I lay beside her, winded but pleased by her pleasure. I had not caught my breath when Jessica, with the recovery of youth, had rolled onto me. Her hair framed my face, her nipples poked at my chest, her damp pussy rubbed me. I reached down and savored the feel of her perfect little butt, smooth as a baby’s.

“So when are we really gonna DO it?” she asked.

”Do what?” I asked innocently.

She ground her crotch against mine. “You know,” she said. “The intercourse thing.” She rolled her eyes to comic effect. I felt like my dick could burst.

Actually, the dilemma had been simplified when she had told me some time back that she had lost her cherry in mid-gallop at the neighborhood stables. “A total cliche,” she had said. “It’s SO embarrassing.”

“Well,” I said. “If I can find a rubber…”

She was off me in a flash. I got up, my dick bouncing, and went into the bathroom. “The corner pharmacy delivers, but not on Christmas, I guess,” she called anxiously from the bed.

“Not a problem,” I said, stifling my laughter as I lay back beside her. She watched intently as I rolled it on.

“You were going to do some research,” I reminded her. “On positions.”

“All of ‘em,” Jessica declared. “Start with that basic thing.”

I instructed her to keep her knees up and the noise down. Then I put the head of my penis into the tightest, warmest, wettest, sweetest pussy on the planet. It was like being gripped in a soft, loving vise. I started pumping slowly, then built up speed until she could no longer keep her legs wrapped around me. I thought she might beat me to death with hands, feet, forehead and knees, but she didn’t wake the folks, and she gave me the sexiest, most enthusiastic, most loving fuck of my life. I wished it would never end. I occasionally managed a lingering kiss, and was also able to take a nipple into my mouth as I rode her. I will never forget the look on her face when I arched my back and exploded deep inside her.

She couldn’t keep her hands off me, and I was hard again quickly. This time we wound up with her lying on her face, her tummy on my pillows. I fucked her deeply from behind, my hands on her perfect little bottom, producing from her a low grunting sound I hadn’t heard before.

I scouted the hallway before sending her back to her room, beautifully naked with an armload of clothes. It was tempting to yield to her request to spend the night in my arms, but I persuaded her that the risk wasn’t worth it, when the next family holiday was just around the corner.

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