50,000 Blowjobs for JoAnne – PART II

(Part 2 from 3)

Claire had never been fucked in the ass before, and certainly never like this, but she gradually got used to it and stopped squealing as loud. It took a bit of doing and two of us to pull Diablo away from Claire’s hind end when I felt the time was right. But we managed. And then, I told Claire to straighten out her panties and kneel like she had the day before. She couldn’t believe it when we hoisted her pet up on his hind legs before her.

“Go to it,” I told her, as the cameras focussed in. Diablo’s member was brown with shit, so Claire hesitated. But then I reminded her how she had hesitated with Rambo the day before, and how much fun she ended up having.

She started to shake her head. “I don’t know,” she said. “I…” but that’s as far as she got, because two hands on the back of her head pushed her forward and soon she had no choice but to relent. As her mouth slowly clamped down and she felt the squish of shit oozing between her teeth, she almost puked from the taste, but Diablo was down her throat and pumping away before she knew what had happened, and the same loving hands held her head firmly so she couldn’t back away. And, best of all, I ended up being right. She did have an enormous amount of fun!

Perhaps due to her relative lack of clothes for an unexpectedly long trip, Kaitlin was back in her professional attire today, wearing flatteringly tight, black, front-pleated, front-pocket dress pants, black spiked heels and a pretty, royal blue blouse. Apparently, she’d been scheduled to interview some senator in Edmonton when she returned to Canada, and had brought warmer clothes for the north. Of course, that interview had been cancelled (it wasn’t that interesting anyway), and it actually was fairly cool now that we were out at sea. Kaitlin looked very, very sexy - so formally dressed, on her knees, with her face lost amid the groin of, and her mouth being royally humped by, a huge, dark brown dog. I especially liked how sexy those shoes looked, and how soft and inviting Kaitlin’s ass looked in those black pants, as she kneeled upright, quietly accepting her face-fucked fate. She wore one of those clip-on microphones today, clipped to her blouse, so that her hands were free to rest quietly on Krypton’s bum as he pumped away at her face. The dogs incessant panting was matched by Kaitlin’s endless “Hggcchh, hggcchh, hggcchh, hggcchh, hggcchh, with every thrust down her throat…” Very, very cute!

Luckily, we’d arranged it so that both Claire and Kaitlin could have a full hour to enjoy their pets, from 8 until 9, so Kaitlin was due to be kneeling there for a long time. I’d already filled up about 15 memory cards with my camera, but had no hesitation to take several hundred more of Kaitlin as she played with her dog. And, of course, the camera crew couldn’t hide their enthusiasm for seeing their very own female reporter squirming endlessly at the feet of a dog who just didn’t seem to tire; and they seemed to love her ass too.

Jo and Nadine would get to enjoy the dogs later, hopefully, but this was Claire and Kaitlin’s time with their ‘babies’. Jo, meanwhile, had already enjoyed old Mr. Mulligan, and Nadine already was blowing her fifth of the day, both with plans for many, many more. The two prostitutes (Jo full-time, and Nadine part-time) had decided to both look the part today, both donning their tightest 5-pocket jeans (Nadine her Guess jeans again and Jo a dark navy blue pair that were so tight the went right up her crack), bikini tops, and 3-inch heels. They each had cardigans they could pull on if they got too cool; but it was hot work blowing so many so fast, so they thought they would be comfortable.

It was around eleven in the morning when I came back to the two girls with plans in my head. Never in the history of the World have two more beautiful blondes ended up on their knees next to each other being face fucked! But what was especially fun about this scene was that Nadine was having fun with Diablo, and Jo with Krypton. Not only that, but the violent pumps of the two dogs’ hips often were in perfect rhythm, as were the strangled little whimpers Nadine and Jo made with each thrust: “Hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh…”

“Jo!” I said gaily. “I have a GREAT idea for your birthday!” I had been keeping meticulous count and knew that she still needed to give 321 blowjobs to reach 50,000, with the rest of today and tomorrow in which to complete them, if she wanted to reach 50,000 BEFORE her birthday.
“But how about this?” I started.

Jo and Nadine both looked up at me. “Hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh…” they said.

“Why don’t you do 49,999 blowjobs BEFORE your birthday, and start your 25th birthday with blowjob number 50,000? We’ll just have arrived in Acapulco and I can arrange a really great party for all four of you girls.”

“Hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh…”

“I’m sure that we even can interest some local TV stations to come on board. It’d be especially fun for Nadine and Kaitlin to have a crowd of their colleagues around admiring their work, don’t you think? And YOU can decide who you want to be forever known as the lucky recipient of your 50,000th blowjob.”

“Hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh…”

I smiled, satisfied. “It’s settled then. You leave everything to me.” I quickly fondled both of their asses with my hand (Man! I love gorgeous girls in tight jeans!), and then I left to start making all the necessary arrangements.

The rest of this day and the next went perfectly. The Masons were delighted; between the four girls, every one of them was getting AT LEAST one blowjob a day; and some of them, like Mr. Mulligan and others, anywhere from two to four. Uncle Charlie was thrilled, both because everything he’d planned was working out so nicely, and because he was getting AT LEAST four blowjobs each day, including one or two very special ones from his niece. The crew were thrilled, because they all were being blown daily. Diablo and Krypton had to be thrilled, as they were visiting with each of the four girls too; with Diablo getting to spend time with his girl Claire morning and evening; and Krypton enjoying the same with Kaitlin. The girls were thrilled… Claire and Kaitlin especially loved their time with their pets. We had arrived, on perfect schedule, to dock at Acapulco, with plans to spend the next 24 hours there. And, at exactly 12:13 on the morning on which the lovely blonde prostitute JoAnne Marie was born, twenty five years earlier, that very same JoAnne Marie was proudly giving the 49,999th blowjob of her illustrious career as a whore.

By 7:30 that morning, preparations for a day long party were in full swing. Jo’s birthday gift from me had arrived… a third Great Dane, a one-year old pup that nonetheless was even bigger than either Diablo or Krypton, and who apparently had a humping reflex that went beyond believable and was sure to give JoAnne endless fun for many, many years to come; as well as a fourth Great Dane, also an amazing humper, for Nadine, purchased by Uncle Charlie, just so his sweet niece would never, ever feel left out. Seven horses had arrived. And, this time, four bulls, so we could have a fun bull-riding race between the four girls… of course, in this race, the bulls would get to ride the girls. The girls were ready: Jo again in her most famous ‘panty suit’ – white panties, orange half sweater, and black shoes; Nadine in tight white shorts and a light blue top, with black heels; Claire back in her hot pink shorts and heels, with a cute white blouse this time; and Kaitlin in those same lovely black pants and heels, with a light purple, satin blouse.

By 8 o’clock, all we were waiting for was the second of two television crews, the one that promised a worldwide broadcast… JoAnne was so thrilled to hear that. So, of course, we couldn’t start until they arrived. Nadine hadn’t found out about her ‘gift’ yet. (What’s the expression? “Never look a gift horse in the mouth.” In this case, what would be more appropriate would be “Always take a gift dog into your mouth.) Anyway, Nadine was spending her time waiting for the TV crew and blowing whoever wanted to be blown. Claire and Kaitlin found Diablo and Krypton already waiting for them on the deck, so they both dropped to their knees and watched as their animals were hoisted into position for them. Each of the four girls had chosen who they wanted in their mouth while Jo’s official 50,000th blowjob took place, and these two girls had wanted their pets with them. But I assured them that the TV crew should arrive soon, and they knew they’d be spending a full hour with their pets, as usual, so they started right away. Surely, the TV delinquent crew would be here long before nine.

Nadine’s choice of who to have in her mouth when the whole World was watching was, to my surprise, the centenarian, Mr. Mulligan, diarrhoea and all. I was surprised not so much that Nadine wanted him, as that JoAnne didn’t want him to be the one. I mean - what a great story! A 100-year old man being blown by a girl one quarter his age on HER 25th birthday, and it being her 50,000th blowjob!

But not today! Obviously, she’d told Nadine it was okay for her to have him. So who would JoAnne choose? Bucky would have a no-brainer choice, if he had been around; but he wasn’t. And I knew that she loved the dogs, but both already were spoken for (not that either Claire or Kaitlin could do anything but gurgle and squeak at the moment.) What about some other horse? She must have suspected that I’d arrange for some to come on board in Acapulco. But then, was there any way that she’d want some other horse BESIDES Bucky to be her 50,000th ‘customer’? No way! And not Uncle Charlie… if anyone would blow him, it would be Nadine… (her family back home would be SO pleased and proud!)

But then I knew… Jo KNEW I would be getting another bull. It would HAVE to be one of the bulls. The question was, now that there were four, which one would she choose?

Unfortunately, I’d have to wait a long time for an answer, because 8:30 came, and no TV crew… 9:00 came, and no TV crew… 9:30 came, and no TV crew… 10:00 came, and no TV crew…

Poor Claire and Kaitlin had been subjected to their pet’s brutal yearnings virtually non-stop for over 2½ hours before the infamous TV crew arrived at around 10:40. Luckily, both girls still looked great; Claire in her hot pink shorts and heels; Kaitlin in her black pants. But now we assured them both that it shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes for the TV crew to set up and everything to get started.

“Hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh, hggghhh…” they said.

When the time finally came for everything actually to start… at just past 11:30 (Claire and Kaitlin had long switched dogs by this point, just for some variety, but now they switched back)… JoAnne finally announced her choice… I had taken her down to meet all four bulls, and she had looked them over carefully. There was a big black one named Brutus; a reddish one named Fuego, a dark brown one called Furia, and a white one named El Adorado; and she looked them over carefully.

“Any one of them would be great!” I told her, imagining in my mind how pretty a picture it would be with beautiful blonde Jo, in her lovely panty suit, her long blonde hair straight down her back, kneeling under one of these huge animals with her eyes fixed on the camera while her mouth and throat worked the giant bull’s giant bone.

But she said nothing then. Instead, now, in the last few minutes, she came to me and told me the bull she wanted for her 50,001st customer.

“I want the lover, El Adorado,” she said.

But which one do you want for # 50,000?” I asked her, a bit confused.

She smiled. “I want you,” she said, and her eyes twinkled.

Needless to say, it was a blowjob to end all blowjobs. Jo was in absolutely no rush. She wanted to remember this blowjob for the rest of her life, and to have everyone else remember it too. I certainly will. Slowly and ever so gently, she slid her moist mouth to and fro along my shaft, bringing me to the brink of climax, and then easing up, then to the brink of climax again, and then easing up… toying with me. But God! It felt WONDERFUL! I knew that she knew that doing this would give her an especially big load of my cum to swallow.

Poor Claire and Kaitlin kept with their animals until Jo had finished me. When finally Jo was done and had swallowed my HUGE load, neither Claire or Kaitlin could speak a word. But when the four bulls were brought up onto the stage and into position, these two were ready and eager again. Hell… they didn’t need voices today anyway!

Some race it was! None of the four girls was in any hurry to finish with this animal either. The four of them took turns glancing over to see how their neighbours were enjoying themselves. And, of course, they all posed for thousands and thousands of pictures.

As with M.J., these bulls were only too happy to let the girls kneeling under them have full, easy access to their wares without complaint. The girls stretched their jaws and throats as wide as they could to accommodate them. If there was a ‘race’ it was to see which could stuff the most bull down her throat. Everyone knew that Jo would win… and she did… but, thanks to the endless pounding Claire had endured from Diablo, day in and day out all week, she had learned to largely ignore her gag reflex and proudly stuffed 15 inches of bull meat down her throat and held it there for all tons of pictures. I had my cell phone with me and called Claire’s Mom to say… “You’ll never guess what your daughter is doing.”

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Okay first of all, theres a lot of sex but theres more STORY to it. If your expecting a sexcumfuckfest in the first couple of paragraphs, don't get involved...