21st birthday gang bang

(Part 1 from 1)

"I won't do it," said Carina Tam. "No way. She angrily recrossed her legs in the tight skirt, face glowering as she faced Gary Leung. "You'll do as you're told," replied the boss of the Hongkong film world. Leung exercised total control over a large stable of chinese actresses and singers who were dependent on him to keep their careers afloat. He could make sure they didn't work again. The women were all high-class but had to whore when told to do so. Leung charged HK$100,000 a night for their services to his rich friends and business acquaintances.

Carina had a great reputation for giving one of the best blow jobs in town. She had a great body, with long legs, a magnificent ass and small but very tasty breasts. Her sultry face was enough to make any man hard. For 20 years she'd made films and discreetly fucked for Leung. Now, having just passed 40, she was on the way down. Still very attractive, she was beginning to lose her freshness as she aged.

She was getting less parts in movies and the ones she did get were smaller. A week earlier, Leung had been approached by one of Hong Kong's richest men. His son was having his 21st birthday party and had asked for Carina as a present. "He wants her for a gang bang after he's finished with her,' said the father. "There'll be 12 guests. She's getting on but these boys have grown up tossing themselves off over her photos. Can it be arranged?"

Leung assured him it could, knowing Carina would be mad. In recent months she'd been required to take on more men than in the past when at the height of her fame it had been very selective. The men she now got were of a lower class and she was not happy that her status was slipping. Carina spent more time worriedly gazing in the mirror and attending beauty parlours in a bid to keep the march of time at bay. But she knew her days at the top were coming to an end.

When Leung told her what he wanted her to do she was dumb struck, then angry. "A gang bang. You must be mad. This is crazy," she said. Angry and dazed she stared at the movie mogul. "There will be a fee of HK$500,000. I have agreed to this and want no tantrums." Carina argued but he was firm.

She couldn't believe that this was happening. "I'm not a whore" she cried. "They wouldn't be paying HK$500,000 if you were. Now be sensible and stop this play acting."

Carina was handed over to Mandy Tse, a tough middle aged women who was a madame employed by Leung for such events. She was an expert in organising gang bangs and would stand no nonsense. A very surly Carina soon got the sharp end of her tongue. "You been big star but that don't make any difference to me. Don't act the arrogant bitch with me. You'll behave and show me respect. When you're on the floor surrounded by a lot of fired up guys you'll need my help."

Carina had to submit. In the days running up to the gang bang, she was prepared at a beauty parlour, had her hair and nails done and given a run down on what the programme would be. The actress could not sleep because of the stress. She worried what her future would be after the gang bang. Unknown to her, Leung had plans for her to do similar events. There would be a great demand.

In a white skin tight mini-dress and red high heels, Carina was driven to the luxury yacht where the party was to take place. Behind the thick lipstick, rouge and mascara her face was a mask as she sat silently beside Mandy. Inside, she was churning and feeling awful.

As Carina arrived, the yacht's crew were waiting at the gang rail as she got out of the car, the hem of her dress rearing up to show a lot of thigh as she got out. "It is her," said one. "Yeah, what a piece of cunt. Shit, I've always wanted to fuck her." "Well, you'll get your chance soon boy," said another. "Boss says we'll have our turn after the guests finish with her." "You sure he's not joking. We get to fuck Carina Tam?" asked his friend. " Wants to put on a show for his friends." "Give 'em that alright when I'm up her ass"

The sailors were grinning and making crude comments. All of them had bulging trousers as they watched Carina walk on board, her buttocks moving against the tight skirt as she balanced on the six inch stilettos. There were whistles and Carina looked up the line of leering men angrily before being ushered inside the ship. "Won't be so high and mighty when we finish with her," said a sailor to murmers of assent. "She'll have a very sore pussy when she leaves this ship."

To be continued...

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