Total Submission 11
*** Part 2
They arrived home both quiet now and thoughtful having put their names to the contract that would both fill her only son's coffers and also end her life so painfully.
Simon silently placed the contract and script on the sideboard, took her into his arms and kissed her gently. He whispered in her ear that “she could always back out,” and that he would ask her the question every day as he wanted her to remain with him as his wife, he said he would respect her decision and help if he must but he would ask just the same.
She kissed him again and said “I won't change my mind but if I did you'd be the man I would spend the rest of my life with Simon, in fact that's what I am literally going to do.”
“Tomorrow together we shall look at the script, but I don’t want to see the snuffing methods till next week when I am ready, just take me to bed please and don’t be gentle, it's been a long enough day and I want to be distracted”
He swept her up in his arms and took her to their bedroom. Within seconds her knickers were round her ankles, he threw her onto the big soft bed and her dress up over her head. Without any foreplay he fell onto her body his stiffness released from his fly with one hand as the other arm held her down. In one savage stroke his angry looking rod thrust into her sex, she gasped then moaned yes as he began his urgent dance on her pinned down body.
The meeting had had its effect on him; they had discussed items that his imagination had found ultra exciting, they had had a long conversation as to whether she should wear a hood, or not. The clothes she should start in, if the pain should begin in the first few moments, should she be in bondage before her clothing was removed, did she want a gag, when could they draw blood, where they should allow the camera man to have her sexually, and did she wish her executioner to make love to her before the pain or before the final act or during it, the minutia of the film industry`s world, treating her as a commodity, an item on the script regardless of the final grisly outcome.
Within seconds he began to spray seed deep into her body, each thrust urgently filling her like some demented grease gun forcing the hot seed deeper into her dry womb.
The second tryst was slower, much more controlled, steadily raising her to the top a sexual mountain the urgency gone from his loins. The climax that followed was huge, like a wave breaking over a pier, a release. They clung to one another arms entwined as if he never wanted her to move again. It was a moment that told her he was in love with her, and it was a moment of shear bliss.
Nature being nature broke the spell demanding she went to urinate; he rolled off and helped her to her feet and she tottered away to their on-suite bathroom leaking his seed down her leg as she went despite a strategically placed hand. He smiled sadly realising that this would all soon be just a memory, he would be on his own again and she would be just an image on an illegal film.
She returned to him, lay beside him, saw his gloomy face and realized what he was thinking of, knowing the next few days would be critical for both of them, she decided to raise the subject herself.
“I don’t have an alternative Simon, not one that would ensure Peter`s life
will be comfortable from now on. These folk pay for what they want and pay well
if it means I must suffer so be it, the pain can only last an hour or two and it
will all be over.”
He went to speak but she put a finger to his lips.
“We`ve all got to die sometime and at least this way it will be of some use, my life so far has been a waste of space!” she kissed him and then in a quieter voice she continued “your someone special to me, without you I could not be sure of the money going to where it`s needed, without your support and strength I would not get through the next few days so just love me, distract me, do whatever you need but just be there for me.
Somewhat taken aback he kissed her and affirmed he would do all he could to smooth the next few days and would ensure it was all not in vain.
She seemed to want to talk, to explain perhaps where the idea had sprung from, so he let her chat, she said that she had had a `punter who is a sadist’ it was his joy of giving her pain that was the spark that set the idea in motion. “I also knew you loved that sort of thing Simon and that you would do unspeakable things to me if I let you!”
She laughed at his open mouthed expression, “how did you know?” he asked “I
have always tried to hide that side of me from you, I've never given the
slightest hint of that, at least I didn’t think so!” She replied that “you can`t
sell your body without learning to read folk, it wouldn’t be safe, little things
over the year we have been together told me you would love to enjoy someone
else's pain, well you can now, though I'm not doing it for you, your just
lucky!” and she laughed breaking the heavy moment before kissing him to stop him
They made love again, slowly tenderly and very intensely this time, collapsing
into sleep after the huge climax.
It was after eight when they awoke, the evening traffic making its usual clatter outside as they dressed, they were hungry, and she said she needed to dance, so that is just what they did, they ate at their favourite restaurant, then on to the night club returning in the small hours tired but elated, and distracted enough to sleep.
He being on a holiday break those next few days flew past, abjectly keeping her occupied with no mention of the horrors to come, like young lovers in their first months; they slept when they were tired, ate when they were hungry, drank a lot and made love frequently. They laughed at the rain like children, they danced till dawn, they ignored the mail, and the telephone they made love with the curtains open in full view of the neighbors, in fact they did just whatever they wanted when they wanted.
It was a fine time but reality lurked in the backs of their minds, the ever present contract and other papers untouched the spectre at the feast, on the sideboard gathering dust, a reminder to them of the film set, booked for the coming Saturday.
Reality struck as she passed to the kitchen and brushed that terrible contract to the floor. Like a neon sign it instantly stopped her in mid stride. Suddenly the carnival was over, this was her last Thursday on earth; she knew her life could be measured in hours now, a terrifying reality cold and hard.
She had contracted to arrive totally sober, dressed and made up as an office
worker for her body to be killed to order in just forty eight hours from those
papers reaching the floor. She scooped up the littered document, her blood
turned to ice, and she was instantly sober.
She sat down clutching some of the crumpled papers the rest now strewn across
the table in front of her, tears filling her eyes as Simon arrived in the room.
He instantly understood but made no attempt to comfort her, simply passing into
the kitchen to make coffee, take a deep breath and collect his jumbled thoughts.
The beverage made and realising it was not the moment to talk, he simply
returned to her, and then silently began resorting the papers into three neat
pile's, to him they were the contract, the pain and the end game; to her they
were the end of a poor life.
They sat for a while sipping the scalding coffee and collecting themselves, till
silently she picked up the middle pile of papers she needed to know what she as
to endure, her end could wait.
The papers were out of sequence, so it took a moment or two to collate them
They started at the house with time of collection giving details of her mode of dress, the hairstyle, her makeup, even the car she would arrive in and reminding her not to be under the effects of drink or drugs of any kind. Then the car park, for the camera man the exact time of arrival and her escort [Simon] again dress etc.
Her next instructions were about her entrance, there was a note that the cameraman would assist her at this stage, Simon operating the camera. Then there would be a strip to her underwear, including the removal of her knickers. The cameraman having the use of her body semi dressed, (his pay for the work) replacing the knickers before handing her back to Simon to walk her to the set.
There would be the final chance to walk away. If she was still agreeable
still there would be a handover of payment while she was witness to it and Simon
would see it irrevocably paid into the appropriate accounts. When she was
satisfied and only then, would he secure her into handcuffs (strangely she
thought) in front of her body, before passing her to the executioner.
From this point for one hour naked and secure she will be enduring pain to a
high level. To include; Penetration with varying objects including the insertion
of peeled ginger root into the anus Flogging, Caning, and Whipping,
On the hour there will be a break of few minutes to allow rehydration during
which the method of her demise will be announced.
Pain will then restart for the following hour, at a higher level this time to include; salting any wounds, Nailing breasts, Electric shocks, pussy whipping, and branding.
At the end of that hour Mike and Simon followed by the executioner will take
their own sexual enjoyment thus allowing the victim time to get her-self ready
for the final scene. The break is not to exceed 10 minutes. The executioner will
from now be responsible as always
On completion of this scene, the remains will be disposed of by the staff.
It was not signed
Her face now a mask, each page passed to Simon in silence, no comment being made
except for the indrawn breath as each hours pain was described.
Her lips had vanished now her mouth a thin line.
She hissed to him that “they may as well see the options of her passing.” he
passed to her the “end game” sheet and she took a deep breath before turning it
over to reveal the six options.
She read aloud, each option being pronounced in a flat uninterested tone as if
about some everyday shopping list, it was as if the method was not of interest
to her she was only interested in the outcome.
One, impalement,
Two, ridden by the executioner during Dismemberment by winches,
Three Split on a Spanish blade donkey,
Four, heated while encased in an iron maiden whilst impaled,
Five, injections and immersion from the feet in sulphuric acid,
Six, to allow a final bleeding by Phallic-splitting and breast severing,
Her only remark being that “these bastards know what sadism is about, I can
only hope its quick”
They both knew in their hearts it was a forlorn hope.
Unsurprisingly for the next few hours she asked to be alone. Happy to fight his hangover and just regain his mental strength which he knew he would need, Simon, discretely slipped away to his bed.
The schedule said collection 10 a.m. on Saturday and she suddenly hated that
clock on the mantle shelf. It had come down through the family, the last thing
she had of her mothers, it was old and the tick of time passing served to remind
her of how her life was slipping away.
She had written a will, letters to the local authority, the landlord, and the
few souls who mattered, she had visited her loving son even though she was not
strictly allowed access; she had drunk, eaten and fucked herself to a
standstill. She could think of little more she could usefully do to pass the
Tears welled as time passed, she remembered her past life, the loss of her
parents, rejection by her few relatives, the pregnancy and the birth of her
lovely son, even that marred by his disability and the cruel way he had been
removed by the authorities.
For the next few hours she sat occasionally a fleeting smile or a silent tears
falling as she recalled one mental picture after another.
She Hated the whole world at that moment, Even the clock ticking away her time on the shelf, or the men who had paid to use her body over the years, her regulars, old Steven, always freshly scrubbed, who had saved his money just to use her once a month, or Jim from the pub who's breath would peal paint and reeked of BO, Alan the man from the rock shop who was so lonely he just wanted to silently hold her, they would be the ones to miss her.
Closer to home Simon, her partner and her rock, accepted her prostitution with a smile, even finding some sort of joy in it when she returned each night to recount the details of her adventures. She knew he would in some perverse way enjoy her pain, but if it was her wish she believed he would have risked prison or walked over hot coals for her time and again.
Suddenly she realized it was dark, she was hungry, she knew she would need her strength soon. She called Simon, who had slept only fitfully, images in his mind churning like a kaleidoscope; together automatically like silent puppets they dressed there were few words they could use. They walked to their favorite chippy, then to the seafront pub but found no joy in the noisy brightly lit place.
They returned home hardly a word spoken, he suggested sleeping pills, she said they were addictive, and then realizing it just didn’t matter laughing in a near hysterical way she took two.
They made gentle soft love, nonsexual and deep, until the pills took effect and they drifted off glad of the passing of time and the mental peace. It was fully light when he woke, he looked at his watch it was after two, surprised he sat up, shocked at the hour, he left her to sleep and cooked breakfast for both of them.
They sat up in bed and ate. She said she wanted to say goodbye to someone today and would be back before teatime, she dressed without knickers then set off leaving him to his own thoughts.
Her first call, to the rock shop, here she asked for Alan, took him into the storeroom and gave him a blow job, the first sexual thing they had ever done together, she kissed him a tearful goodbye telling him she was leaving and would never be back, then watched sadly as his face crumpled. She hugged him one last time then walked out of his sugar filled world. Next she found Steven, her widower, at his immaculate terraced house, this time bending over his living room table fully dressed; her skirt lifted over her naked backside for him, her body reacting to the little mans attempts at sex as if he was a porn star though in reality she never ever felt a thing. Again telling the same tale, she left him in tears
Finally she sought out Jim he being less fragrant she allowed him to use of her in the same way, this time over the crates in the yard in the open, at the back of the pub, telling him it was a freebie as she was leaving town forever then walking away without a backward glance. In three short hours she had said her goodbyes, to her life and her pathetic regulars. She returned home and recounted the afternoon's events to Simon. It had the effect she expected; he took her to their bedroom still dressed as she had been all afternoon, then he slipped her skirt up and spent a long time cleaning her used body with his tongue. She climaxed heavily, before they lay together in that afterglow that hopefully we all know so well.
“Simon “ she asked “is there anything at all that sexually you wish we had
done together, if there is and if it can be done without marking me, now is the
time, the only chance we will ever have again.”
Haltingly in a red faced way, he began to tell her that he had just one and
always had felt it just too dirty to mention, “Even to a hardened prostitute
like you who had seen it all, it had been just beyond what he could bring
himself to ask.”
She laughed her first real laugh since she had read the script, then she said
“look, I won’t take the piss you know that and I`m going to die tomorrow, so it
can never come back to embarrass you so let`s hear it!”
He blushed briefly then said “that`s it exactly, I want to take the piss, your
She had had no idea; his long felt desire had been hidden so well all this
time, she knew some would call it perverted, but in her trade she had learnt it
takes all sorts, and this, though not for some, was a harmless perversion.
She asked if he wanted to drink it, wallow in it, or wash in it.
He became serious, saying “he wanted to taste some and then to fuck her as
she did it, if she had no objections.”
In reply she took his hand and led him to the kitchen, throwing down a towel she
said “it would be easier to clean up here, and did he want her still dressed as
she was?”
She was mentally, quickly in working mode, he as keen as a puppy, stripping
as he stood waiting for her to lay out the towel. “As you are please, it`s been
my dream for months and I couldn’t bring myself to ask” her smiling reply of
“dipstick!” said it all.
He sat on the towel and she stood astride his legs, to save his blushes she
threw the skirt over his head, pulling the now covered head to her pussy, his
tongue instantly in use on her clit aided her flow and she let a spurt go. His
tongue went into overdrive, she again allowing small spurts of her golden water
to grace his tongue.
She unveiled his head slowly lowering her sex from his mouth to his erect
penis, their tongues clashed, and the taste of her water was shared by them both
as he penetrated her.
He began the usual hip dance, suddenly the heat of her water blessed his root
and dripped from his balls, the effect was amazing and he instantly began to
spurt deep into her womb. They clung to each other for a long while, kissing as
he sat and she knelt in a cooling wet pool of her piss.
They slowly returned to this world, disengaging and mopping the wet tiles,
she asked him if that had been all he dreamt it would be and he in turn
explained it had been everything he ever wanted, and that he should have asked
months ago.
The moment past, she looked up at the kitchen clock, a plain electric one,
sweeping its hand through time silently marking off the remaining hours; a
shudder ran through her as she briefly remembered the ordeal to come. Would she
be able to cope with the pain, she wondered, and then she remembered the dungeon
scene she had done a year ago, how she had for some perverse reason actually
enjoyed the pain. She knew she was to be restrained and in some way was glad as
she would have no choice, she would not be able to run away, once started the
process could not be stopped.
He fetched her back to reality, did she want something to eat. Mike had said that she should have a full bladder in the first hour, they loved to see the victim piss herself with pain, but they hated scat so to have a clean bowel. So she decided that she would eat a last meal now then only drink in the morning.
She does it for her husband... |
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