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Category: Erotic Poetry

Author: Nude Story Teller

I wake up in the morning. Drowsy. The bright sun in the morning. I need water. I feel The heat on my forehead. I tolerate the pounding headache. The bills are due. I get up and I make my way to the bathroom. I wash my face. With a green bar of soap. I look in the mirror. "Good morning!" I say to myself. "It is so hot!" "Oh it's exhausting!". I step out the small bathroom of my Sheet metal trailer home. Dizzy and frightened. I take two steps into my room. I grab a towel, new underwear, and clothes for the day. I undress, I turn on the shower, I think about women and my need to impress an employer. I shower. I take pleasure in completing my task. I continue to prepare myself. I prepare my Footwear. I use boots. It's a new day in out in our territory. I speak to myself and I say. "Oh goodness another day." In Arizona The scene is always busy. With efforts of migrants, aliens and Labor workers eager and excited to continue the work of men past and present. The door leading to the outside is nothing special. It has a knob and a lock. I keep a key on a lanyard to carry with me. I am thankful again. I am thankful to have shelter, running water, and a small electric allowance. On foot. I unlock the door. I turn the knob. I pull. The door opens. The sun shines. I step outside. Off the platform onto the old paydirt. It brings back memories. Long ago. The new view. Clearings. Formations, roads, trade paths. I think. Looking around. I focus my attention on my new Objectives for the day. I look for a way to make my dollar. I begin to walk forward to the end of the park. Out onto the geometric concrete path. It takes a few minutes. Finally in my excitement . I feel nuclear. "Any new tasks?" I ask myself aloud. "What is there to do today?" I always look around and make sure I don't have an audience. Moving in a west path. I come to a intesection. With the flags of victories and riches. Decoarting the paths before me. I am a pawn in a chess board. I take a right turn. I move northward. The burning sun is in the sky. The air is thinner than usual and it takes the water off my throat. Walking without a water bottle could be an embarassing mistake. I turn around and run down the short path and into the park. Up the stairs I unlock my door. Hurried. I grab my backpack of the clothes hanger in my closet. I fill it with three water bottles. I close it. Use the door. Lock it. I step back out side. I am excited and ready for a new episode. "I'm excited!" I know it. "It is a battle." I think to myself. "In our time." I hurry I run to where I stood. Carfull not to fall on any rocks, wood, or cement obstalcle. I am now ready to continue. "This is Desolation!"' King Mosaih's exile. The new steel works are always changing. To my left is a structure known as a bus stop. It is available for use. Down the Central road over the Salt river. Is a passanger train. I check my pocket for the coins I keep. Left over from my previous employment. Thinking to my self. "What does this the moon bring to the table?" I must work. To be prepared. The sun shines. I make the decision to sit on the new steel work structure. I wait 30 minutes to board the next Propane community bus. Looking left. Looking right. Looking up at the sky. Grateful. It is not long. I see the new mechanics, carbon, and sheet metal rolling around. "Could it be a problem for us?" I think to my self. "The mischief in our visible efforts to continue." I say aloud. "This is commonplace." I feel intimidated. Although I must continue. I close my eyes. I open them. The transportation has arrived. I step up. Make my way to the front. Into the passenger platform. "Good day to you!" I say to the driver. "Pay the fare." he says to me. I take my hand into my pocket. I reach. I pull the fare out. Into the automatic. Note bank. I have paid! "Thank you!" I say. "No worries." The driver responds. I look left. I see the aisle. I see a couple faces on he bus. I can recognize out of the local content. I look around. look to the left. I look to the right. I take a couple of breaths, inhale the mix of activity. I find a seat that suits my ride. Im only going down the street and over the bridge, to board the new passenger train available for the down town sector. I'm on my way. Its pulling forward. I look out the window. It's dark and I don't pay too much attention. I'd rather pay attention to my fingernails. It is a couple minutes, I have arrived at the stop. I pull the cord. It's time for me to get up and I thank the driver aloud. I step off the platform onto the concrete landing. The scene is impressive. The sun is in the sky. The train station is across my landing. The blue sky fading. look to the left. I look to the right. There is no traffic. Again. I look to the left. I look to the right. This time to avoid a train. . I preffer to run across a short distance and I land onto the preffered seat of my choice. It is usually 15 minutes before a train arrives in a eastward dirrection or a noth west dirrection. I wait. Thinking. 'Oh 'm going to need water.' 'This is nice.' 'I'm really liking this steel work.' Outside. The sun in the sky 'Bright!' There is not much sense in making a total observation of it's tone. It's only around '11 A.M. My attention is on the scene. The work in our time is impressive. Tall structures and Low Buildings. I make my self snooze on the steel public seat of my choice. Thinking to myself not to observe too much. I get excited often day dreaming of rocks, metal, sand, and debris. The Center square. -It is one of many clearings In the area. It is a desolate land scape. The land marks of the perimeter. Is a simple construction of tall buildings, hotels, homes for wealthy individuals, new time share rentals, and the sale of clearings within the limits of the made city. I snooze. The train has a bell and it rings down a mile. My eyes are closed. Now I am sure the train is close. I am up now. Eyes open. The train pulls forward. It makes a stop. I take the eastward tour.
This morning the sun is baking. I look around. I search for food. "You eat meat." I think to myself. "As a source of protein." "Could it be a problem for us?" I have exited the train I stand atop the platform in my boots and outfit; I use green bottoms to distinguish my person apart of the brown color used to confuse theifs' or prospectors. I turn right and I can see my objective. The local airport where I will look for any employers. "I spend time thinking about it." and "What else is there to do?" Exactly what I got up to do. "Church is for children." "The Temple is for men." I decide to step forward up the new electrical - staicase at the end of the day I can think to myself. "Oh, I tried!" I look down at my boots moving across the colored bricks and onto the steel surface. I move upward at a pace. Looking forward. Thinking to myself. "Phonetica." and the day is. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" I Reach the top of the stair case. To my left is a Elecrical entrance into a sound structure. " Eventually, I'm hoping, it's going to look really nice." In the future. I walk across the ticket kiosk inside. I observe. " it's all geometric." and " I'm looking for work." Inside the passage into the actual sructure leads to a chamber with a lobby to wait for a sky train. "Oh that's a good service!" I say. There is a view an open window where I can observe the constant clamor; the depletion of Gold and Silver. I can see the barricades, the clock, the violence and politics. "It's awful!" and "I have a terrible headache" I think to myself. "I don't feel it's correct to participate." although. "I can forget." and "I am tired." I say. I wait for the new addition to the structure the sky train.
To be Continued...
Jonathan Olvera

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