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Category: Gay Stories

Author: Cinnamon Seaside

I open my eyes to complete darkness. As I adjust to being awake, I become aware of the coldness of the room through the feel of the smooth metal shackles on my wrists, and the numbness of my bare ass on the cold stone floor. I realize I am naked.

The last thing I remember was her sword against my throat. I thought that would be the last thing I ever experienced: her cruel, joyous, fiery amber eyes holding the blade to my throat and staring directly into my eyes, unflinching and unwavering. I was not afraid of death, though I expected to be. Somehow I trusted my soul to her blade. I was ready to die.

"I'm not through with you yet," she told me with a snarl. She sheathed her sword and grasped my neck in her hand. "I have a fate worse than death for you... and more fun than killing for me." And then she started squeezing...

And now I am here, sitting naked on the floor of her dungeon. I think. I still can only see darkness. I feel a large hand grip my thigh and start rubbing my skin. I feel, over the next few minutes, the hand joined by another, and then I feel the pair's exploration of my whole body.

"Who are you?" I whisper quietly.

"I am the man who is here to make you pregnant." I hear in a low gravelly voice from the darkness.

"What if I don't want to be pregnant?" I ask.

"You knew the risks of joining the Catboy Liberation Army. You knew what going against the Queen could get you. You, who have spent your life among the wild catboys of the forest... dear one, you are in the heart of the kingdom now. You are breeding stock." He chuckles a bit and thrusts his fingers into my pussy.

He's right, of course. I knew what the risks were. I knew that if I was caught then this may be my fate. I don't think I fully considered what this meant: The rest of my life spent confined in one of the breeding brothels, to be used and bred over and over again. I think back to my life in the forest. While many people think of us as living happy and carefree lives, we live in constant fear of the catboy hunters, who capture catboys for the catboy brothels. Catboys do not have the same rights as others in the kingdom, and are not recognized as being capable of agency or decision making. All I wanted was to fight for a better future for the rest of the catboys... now this is my fate. A fate worse than death. But wouldn't that be true regardless with our place in society?

The man gently wraps his fingers around my frightened neck, squeezing slowly, harder, harder, harder still until I think he might just kill me. He doesn't. Instead, he relaxes his grip and spits in my face. I begin to cry.

"Just fucking get it over with why don't you? Why don't you just destroy me like I know you will? I couldn't help my people, I couldn't help myself. I couldn't avoid the danger of being captured. I am no use to my comrades anymore," I sob.

"Luckily, you will never see them again to face their disappointment or their loss of respect for you. The only thing you will ever have to worry about anymore is doing as you're told. I know all of that revolutionary stuff was probably so taxing for your poor little mind. Rest now, with the knowledge that your body will be enjoyed by all who desire it. Welcome home."

"Fuck you," I hiss. "This dungeon will never be my home. My home is with my comrades."

"Whom we've already established you'll never see again. Enough small talk, I'm ready to breed you. I want to present you to the Queen covered in cum." He grabs my hips, pulling them forward until I am laying on my back on the cold stone ground. I cannot see how long the chains on my shackles are, but they seem to be long enough to where my position can be adjusted.

The man lays on top of me, pressing his unfamiliar body against mine, pressing me to the cold ground, his hands pinning down my shackled wrists. I realize for the first time that I am shivering so strongly that my muscles are becoming sore. He brings his lips to my ear and whispers "I'm going to have fun with this."
I feel his hard cock pressing against me. I feel him take his cock and tease the entrance to my pussy, making me wet involuntarily. Eventually he gets tired of teasing me, and slams his cock hard into me as I cry out in surprise and indignation.

"Aww is the poor little catboy not enjoying being fucked? Should I fuck you harder, will that help?" He asks me this, but starts pounding his cock into me even harder before I can say anything. I feel the resistance leave my body. I am unable to move, unable to do anything else but be his fuck toy, his whore to breed. I know there is no use in arguing or fighting. I am not as strong as this man, and I am away from my familiar places. I don't know exactly where I am, how to escape, or how I would even find my way home without being caught by one of the catboy hunters.

Suddenly he stops thrusting, but keeps his cock inside of me. "I am going to give you some herbs to increase your fertility. I am going to give them to you now, before I cum inside you. I intend to make you pregnant."

I don't say anything. "Open your mouth" he tells me, and I obey. Like the slut I guess I was meant to be. He presses several different herbs on my tongue, including cinnamon, my namesake. With his right hand, he feeds me the herbs and then clamps my mouth shut. He holds his left hand lightly on my throat, presumably to feel that I am swallowing. He does not uncover my mouth until he feels that I have swallowed. "Good boy" he tells me. "We'll make an obedient whore out of you soon."

I know he is satisfied with my consumption of the herbs when he starts roughly thrusting his cock into me again, pounding me repeatedly. It's almost too much to handle when he thrusts into me particularly hard, then less hard, then slower and slower until he pulls out. I can tell by his reaction that he came inside of me. Of course he did, why wouldn't he? He was trying to get me pregnant... the fate I had long tried to avoid. I don't want to bring another catboy into this world.

Before I have time to process what has just happened to me, I feel another cock take its place.

"Who are you?" I manage to squeak out.

"I am the man who is here to make you pregnant." I hear, in a different voice from the darkness.

What has my life become?

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