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Category: Gay Stories

Author: Cinnamon Seaside

lights and sights of the city, I was enamored. He was tall, wild, and seized life with a hungry passion that I had not seen in many of the other humans I had met there. I stayed in the city that time longer than I expected. I let Him take me to His apartment where He made love to me for the first time. I was gone for a week total– six days longer than I intended– and never even realized it until the seventh day.

My visits to the city became more and more frequent, until I decided to bring Him to the bunnypeople village I lived in to meet my family. I introduced Him to my family and community as a human, what I thought to be true at the time, and was totally and fully rejected and ousted from my community for my unorthodox relationship. I knew the risk, but I wasn't prepared for how much exile would actually hurt.

Immediately, I moved in with Him. It seemed like the thing to do. I knew few others in the city and was recovering from the complete rejection of my community. I loved Him, and I wanted to stay with Him.

Almost immediately, I started noticing mannerisms that I had not noticed among other bunnyfolk or among other humans. At times, when He laughs He seems almost to howl. He frequently goes out to the forest at night to hunt... I hear Him return late in the night and go into the kitchen to hungrily devour whatever He brought back. When He drinks water from His glass, He drinks less like a human and more like a canine.

One day, within the first month of moving in, He took my hands and told me that He is a werewolf. At first, I was unsure how to respond. I've known werewolves, as there is a werewolf village not too far from the bunnypeople village. My community would be even more shocked for me to be with a werewolf, due to the tensions present between our people... but I found myself becoming aroused thinking about the forbidden partnership, and the danger it presented for me.

"The full moon is tonight" He explained. "I want you to let me hunt you."

"Hunt me?" I asked, with nervous excitement.

"Yes, hunt you. You know that it is the natural way of our people. Werewolves hunt bunnyboys. I know it may seem frightening, but we can both feel in our soul that this is how it is meant to be. I want to go back to the forest. I want you to run and hide and try to escape as best you can. And then I want you to fail, and I want to catch you and devour you, marking you as my own little bunnyboy, filled up with my cum. How does that sound?"

"It sounds... so hot. You can hunt me. I feel it too. I am meant to be your prey. I think you've even already caught me. I would love to let you catch me more."

He smiled widely at me and told me "good boy."

After that, He went to the kitchen and came back a bit later with a cup of tea in one of my little pink teacups. He handed it to me. "Drink this. When you wake up, you will be my prey."

I nodded eagerly and did as I was told.


Now I am here under the full moon, about to be hunted.

In the city, I wear a hat to hide my ears and do my best to blend in with the humans, but out here, my hat is gone, my ears are visible, and I am placed back into my natural habitat and role as a bunnyboy.

The bunnypeople and the werewolves have been fighting for as long as anyone can remember because of the werewolves' appetite for bunnypeople... both actual and sexual. While some bunnypeople elope with werewolves and willingly help sate their appetites, most of the bunnypeople in the village find this to be both shameful and shocking. Truthfully, so did I. I never understood until now that I am meant to be prey.

I hear a growl in the distance. I begin to move, trying to be both as quick and quiet as possible. I have no plan. I was never much of a survivalist, and spent much of my life within the relative safety of our village. I am embarrassed by my lack of clothing, and begin to feel anxiety about stumbling upon someone else in this forest. I realize that the anxiety about this is distracting me and slowing me down, and I do my best to put the anxiety out of my mind and focus on the task at hand: being prey. I move faster, unsure of my next steps, but wanting to keep going. I do not know what He looks like in His werewolf form. I do not know what exactly will happen when He catches me.

Suddenly, I hear a low growl from nearby. I start running, taking off through the trees. I hear behind me the sounds of pursuit: snarls, growls, heavy running, twigs breaking underfoot. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, both from the running and the excitement.

However, before not too long, I grow very tired, and slower. I see a cave up ahead and blindly run into it, hoping that I can find somewhere to hide and regain my energy. However, it's a dead end. The cave is empty aside from some rocks and dirt.

I turn around just in time to see a hulking werewolf barrel into the cage. He grabs me by the shoulders and brings my body to the ground. There is nothing I can do to resist His incredible strength. His massive cock is already erect... it looks almost as big as my forearm in His current state, and has a large knot near the base. I am frozen in awe and fear, full of lust, ready to be completely submissive to His desires.

I spread my legs for Him and He starts grinding His cock on the entrance to my pussy, not quite entering me. I am thankful for the slow start, but find my hips involuntarily moving back and forth, yearning for Him to enter my pussy and use my body until I am a wreck.

After what feels like an eternity of teasing, I am a sopping wet mess, and His massive cock begins its entrance into my pussy. I give a small cry of pain and pleasure as His cock stretches open the entrance of my pussy. He begins gently thrusting, gradually forcing His cock further into my pussy. Feelings of ecstasy wash over me as I am stretched and filled by His huge cock. His enormous clawed hands grip my wrists and pin me to the ground and I hear Him snarling and growling in my ear as He penetrates me further.

When His entire cock up to the knot enters my pussy, He begins thrusting in and out of me, building up speed quickly until He is roughly using my cunt. I am happy to be used however He needs to sate His appetite. He caught me, and now I am His to do what He wants with. I can do nothing but hold on for dear life as I am filled with the most intense sexual stimulation I have ever experienced.

After being roughly fucked for so long I am an incoherent mess, I feel the entrance to my pussy being stretched even further. I cry out as He forces His knot into my pussy, locking His cock in place while He fills me with cum.

I hear His low growling voice in my ear. "Good boy. You were easy prey, but you will get better. Or maybe you just wanted to be fucked by a werewolf that badly?" He chuckles a bit. "Do you want to be prey for more werewolves? Would you like to further fulfill your role as a bunnyboy and sate more appetites?"

I can only manage a nod, still recovering from the intense fucking I took, but eager for more. Eager to be fucked until I break. He picks me up and holds me in His arms. I can feel His cum leaking out of my pussy as He carries me naked to the werewolf village.

When we arrive, the werewolves in the village square seem ready. They look at me hungrily, like I am a meal. Excited fear wells up inside of me as He brings me to the center of the square. There is a chain bolted to the ground attached to a metal shackle which is promptly clamped and locked around my neck.

He announces loudly to the other werewolves "This is our prey for this full moon. He has offered himself willingly to be used by us. Please enjoy him, but make sure he is returned to me in one piece. He is my toy afterall, I am just sharing him."

Immediately, several werewolves start eagerly heading over to me. The first one to arrive does not waste his time with pleasantries, but rather grabs my legs, spreads them apart, and roughly shoves his cock into my pussy, fucking me roughly. Luckily, He warmed me up by fucking me first, so while the experience with this other werewolf is intense and painful, it is easier than it likely would have been otherwise.

Each of the werewolves have huge cocks, much bigger than any I'd seen on a human or bunnyperson. They also all fuck me roughly, leaving me feeling beautifully sore and raw. Occasionally, one of them will put my throat or shoulder or arm between their teeth and I fear the worst... but while some bite me hard enough to leave marks, it never goes far enough to threaten my life. One after another, each werewolf fills me with their cum while I obediently let them breed me.

The next day, after the village has finally finished using my pussy and I can barely move, I finally see Him again. I am laying on my back on the ground and see Him come into view above me.

"Did you enjoy being used and bred by the whole werewolf village?" He asks me.

I manage a nod.

"Good boy," He says. "How would you feel about moving back here with me and serving the village more? It will be better for you to give birth here, and this way you can be freely used by the village. Everyone has already marked you."

I manage another nod.

He smiles and crouches down to me. He unlocks my chain, and lifts me into his arms. He carries me into a small wooden hut. There is a sign on the door that says "open at all times– cum on in!". Inside, there is a cage full of soft bedding and some of my personal items. Across from this cage is a mattress. He gives me a tender kiss on the forehead, places me into the cage, locks the door, and places the key on a hook above my cage.

"This way we can all access you whenever we want. You are such a good boy for letting us have you. I am so happy that you have embraced your purpose," He tells me through the bars. "I love you."

"I love you too," I tell him. "Thank you for owning me."

He smiles at me and leaves me alone in the cage, awaiting my next user.

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