Jennifers boyfriend

(Part 1 from 1)

She stood before the judge, head down, and remorseful hearing his words, his question. “Ms. Starkey, would you like to explain why you did it? Why did you let it happen?” She collected her thoughts. She wanted to explain herself, but how do you do that with your dad, your mom, and your bigoted brothers in the courtroom with you? “Ms. Starkey why did you do what you did?” the judge asked again. His tone was more forceful.

Her dad, a judge also, probably didn’t want to hear her explanation. She knew her mother wouldn’t. “No daughter of mine interacts with white trash, much less a man of another race” she could hear her mother saying. She knew that’s what her elitist mother was thinking. No white trash, trailer trash, and definitely not blacks, not in her lifetime.

Then there were her brothers, Jeremy, James, and her ignorant brother Jason. “Fucking niggers… what the hell are they good for? Working the fields, fucking some fat chick just because they love fat chicks… like my sister. Well that’s what my sister is. She’s a typical blond, fat, and has big ass and boobs, so the black dude’s attracted to her and wants her fat ass in his sling so he can put his fat ass cock inside her cunt.”

Jennifer Starkey knew exactly what each one of her family was thinking. They wanted to know why Jennifer was attracted to the nicely built tall black man, 12 years older then her, and who never said a word to any of them. Secretly, one of Jeremy’s friends was black and that guy was good friends with the guy who was hurt in the accident. Why Jennifer was being tried for it was unclear. Still she was being blamed and for insurance purposes he had to take her to court. She understood, but she still liked him. She still liked him a lot.

It could cost her. Seeing as it was a black guy she was involved with somehow it could cost her a job and her status in society, but when it was all said and done she’d be back, or better yet, he’d be back… back on hers fucking her from behind and afterward snuggling, touching, and intimately talking to one another.

They loved each other, loved each other since she was 17, but each knew she was too young to date a man 18 years older and less then a year he’d ask her out. He’d ask her out privately and go somewhere, anywhere away from it all so they could be with each other. Alone, without pressure of any kind societal or whatever, and they could talk privately and hold hands, and even kiss and enjoy one another the way he wanted to enjoy her.

“I like you Jarrell. I like you because you’re sweet and caring. You listen to me and you want what’s best for me. You like me for me. You like me for who I am and not what I look like.”

“Yep, you’re right about that Jen-Jen” he replied. “But I like you for lots of things. I like how pretty you are, how emotional you get, and how you love talking about anything… anything at all. I love how you look at me and hold me and how you feel when we hold each other. Jen-Jen I wanna marry you some day. I wanna have lots and lots of babies with ya. Do you want lots and lots of babies Jen-Jen?”

She nodded and smiled. She held his hand, he held her close, and he pressed her chubby frame firmly against his sturdy body. He told her he couldn’t wait to make love with her. She asked if that actually meant having naked sex with her. He looked at her and didn’t understand. She asked him if that meant taking off all their clothes and seeing one another without clothes on.

“Hell yes what else would it mean. I love you and I love all the rolls all over that sexy body of yours.” She laughed and snorted. “And I think that snort is sexy too.” She laughed and snored again. She ran her hand quickly over his crotch, but he pulled it away. “You ain’t 18 yet, girl. When ya 18 then I’ll let ya do that.” He winked, she giggled, she laughed and, then she snorted that sexy snort he always enjoyed.

It was her eighteenth birthday. She got a new car. She and friends went for a drive. Jarrell was there, but he watched. He didn’t interrupt her while she was with them. God, she looked sexy that night. Low cut top, tight against her chubby figure, and rolls flowing out around her tummy like Charmin. She wore jeans that night and he gazed at her shapely big ass and her slightly thicker thighs. He smiled as he watched her along with her cherubic cheeks. She looked more adorable then he ever imagined.

He sent her a text message. “Happy Birthday Pumpkin Pie… now that you’re legal… I’m waiting for your hand to rub my crotch. When, how soon?” he said.

“Tonight… and I’m gonna rub it till it gets hard and I mean really hard too.” Then she sent another one. “Will I get to feel it or taste it even?”

He laughed. He sent a text message. “Maybe… how good were you today?”

It went back and forth, but both of them were hungry. Both were hungry in a horny sense of the word. She was ready to call it quits with her friends. They knew. They didn’t approve, but they knew. She drove off and he followed her. She drove off to a half vacant parking lot. He had his van. It was big. It was empty. But they could lay out in it. And what was possible in it was as incredible as ever. She saw it, parked next to it, and as soon as she climbed in all hell was about to break loose.

She saw his pants undone. She undid hers. He saw the pale pink panties underneath. He wanted her bush, her horny swollen cunt. He wanted to feel her silky bush with his fingers. She knew it. She wanted him to do it too. He wanted to feel those glossy pubes in his fingertips. He wanted to feel the moisture permeating at the edge of her pussy lips hiding under her pale pink panties. It was her flesh he wanted. He thought about its softness. Her flesh and its rolling gentle nature, and how warm it probably was; that’s what he wanted. He was sure of it and she was too.

He wanted to run his hands the other way, up across her warm flabby skin underneath her soft tight top. He wanted to feel those soft undulating layers that her belly contained. He told her all these things he wanted, but at first she grew scared.

It was her first time and she wasn’t sure she wanted the older man feeling her like that? He wasn’t that old, but she was inexperienced. Did she want the gentle older guy caressing her rolls like that already?

It was a rush for her, but she did feel his gentle presence. Jennifer closed her eyes and let him do as he pleased. “Ohhhhhhh his hands… his hands are mighty, but they are tender and so gentle. Ooooohh his fingers they move so slowly, mmmmm and easily through my pubes…. mmmmm” she told herself. It was soothing, exciting too.

He looked up and told her how sweet, how sexy she was. His words excited her. She did want to pull her jeans down more. She wondered if she should. But he touched her so carefully, so delicately too. She could feel his calmness. He watched her watch him. They smiled. She wanted to pull her loose thick legs farther apart for him. “Feel my thighs Jarrell” she wanted to say. “Would you feel my thighs if I pull my jeans down?” she said, but she held out.

He asked her if she enjoyed it. He told her she turned him on. He had a bulge in his underwear. He wanted her to look. He asked her to look at it. He told her if she wanted she could rub it. She let out a shriek of excitement upon rubbing it. She was ecstatic. His black penis as hard as it was, was amazingly large. Even though she’d never seen it she imagined what it looked like.

“Is it real big Jarrell?” she asked knowing she wanted to peek. He told her it was. “Ohhh Jarrell, Jarrell I want to see it. May I… may I please see it?” she said.

He hesitated. He looked into her eyes. He smiled. “On one condition?” he asked. She said okay. “I get to feel… no finger your pussy? If you let me finger inside your pussy then I’ll let ya look at my cock.” She had to think. She wasn’t sure she was ready. “Would you like to hold it too? Maybe even put your mouth on it?” he said.

That set fireworks off inside her. “Hold his cock, taste it too? Oh god oh shit… oh man, wow… Jesus that would be so fucking cool” she told herself. She was horny, he was horny. “I want to have sex some day with you, Jarrell. I really do. I’d even let you feel my boobs if you let me feel your cock.”

She pushed her jeans down. He stuck his large fingers inside her pussy. She squealed. She giggled, but she moved nervously while he felt around inside of her. She moaned, but enjoyed every second of it. He looked at her. She looked at him. For the very first time the two of them were half naked and touching each other. He had felt her pubes, he had felt her flabby tummy, and she even let him feel her inside her pussy. He did things that she never imagined she’d ever feel.

Jennifer felt his cock. She held its massiveness in her hands. She imagined going down on it, but she was afraid of doing it. He wanted her to put her tongue on it. He wanted her to put her lips on it. He even wanted her to swallow it and suck it off, but she wouldn’t. He was disappointed. He was upset.

“Get out you fat bitch. I don’t care if we love each other.”

She stormed out. She backed her car up. Half dressed, she put it in drive. She sped forward into his van. She hit it so hard he slammed against the other side. She knocked it on its side, putting him in the hospital. But as soon as she did it, they made up, they kissed, and as soon as he was better she was going to suck his dick. He was going to suck it hard and she promised him she’d swallow all of his cum. She promised him she’d gulp every last drop of it down her loving throat. He apologized and they kissed again.

“And that’s what happened?” the judge asked. He was floored. Her family was shocked, stunned. But the courtroom was amazed. The bailiffs were amused. “I don’t know young lady. These types of things lead to… they lead to things you may not want.”

Her family couldn’t get over the fact she was having a relationship with a black guy. And the idea she was having a sexual relationship was killing her mother. Her brothers were stewing that their sister liked, no loved, a black guy.

“Mother” and she looked at her brothers “Go fuck yourselves. I love him and if we want sex with one another… then we’re going to have sex. And there isn’t one damn thing you can do about that so go fuck yourselves” and she walked out, found Jarrell, and they left to his place.

All weekend long she let him sex her up and she sucked on his sexy, fat, and wonderful black piece of meat. “God ohhh wow Jarrell… where did you learn to make love?”

“Comes naturally I suppose” he said between kissing her fat pinkish nipples “and making love with you Jen-Jen makes it better too.” He continued kissing her big white boobs and her flabby tummy and as he did it, Jennifer rubbed his back and shoulders.

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